Cannot Be Wrong

1787 Words
Bellamy “Mimi why would the Moon Goddess interfere like that? I mean she chooses my mate. Though I think she’s going to choose badly.” “You’ve seen him then….” I turn at the tone of her voice. She’s seen him too. “You’ve seen Tylen Dilberg as my mate.” “Yes I have. A tall blonde Alpha with a blackened heart.” “Why do I get him?” “I believe that answer will go deeper than either of us can even fathom. His presence is necessary for some reason that only Selene knows. But she usually does what is needed not wanted.” “Then she should explain it too because I saw Axton die as a result of me being mated to him. And when she mates you to an asshole it makes you wonder what she thinks of you. That you deserve that.” “You saw him die?” She gazes at me sharply. “Yes. Tylen cheated and had his Beta help him die during a challenge to the Alpha.” “Now that is something…Bellamy make sure you don’t venture out for the rest of today. Your eyes are a giveaway.” “Mimi we can’t be here on my birthday. That Alpha shows up then.” “So we will go home the day before. Then he cannot scent you buying some time. I will tell your father and Jacob.” “Thanks Mimi.” I leave to go back to my room. I sit down wondering if I can try to go into that vision further. Before I can try, I get a text from Axton. He wants to talk to me. “Can you come to my room? I can’t leave and I’ll explain why when you get here. Maybe I could convince you to bring me breakfast.” “You’re not hurt are you?” “No. I’m fine but I can’t text the reason.” “I’m more than happy to pick up breakfast. Be there in thirty minutes.” I can’t wait to see him. Watching his death was horrific. When he knocks, I open the door and he stares at my eyes. I don’t miss how he hurries inside. “Your eyes..” he whispers. “Yes that’s why I have to stay here. Some of my abilities showed up and this is what happens Mimi said.” “Can you fly now?” He jokes with a smile before setting the food on the small table. “I wish. Axton…”I step next to him, my voice quivering and he turns. Instinctively, he reaches out and pulls me into his arms. “Bells what’s wrong?” I hold him tight attempting to erase what I saw. I take a deep breath inhaling him. “Bad dream last night.” I mumble and he holds me tighter. “Will you tell me what happened?” I shake my head. I can’t talk about it. I will lose it. “You got hurt.” He takes a deep breath and I can tell he’s holding something back. He loosens his hold on me to stare down into my face. My soul flutters and I know Mimi wasn’t wrong. He is part of me somehow. I pull his head down to mine and kiss him. His response is immediate. I kiss him desperately and he answers. When my lungs finally are ready to burst, I pull away but he lowers his head kissing down my neck. I shiver as he hovers over my marking spot. “Axton please…” I mumble not even sure what I am begging for. He stares down at me before picking me up and walking over to my bed. He lays me down before sprawling next to me and kissing me again. “Bells what do you want?” “More.” I whisper afraid this will end. “You need to tell me. I love you too much to screw this up Bells.” “Touch me Axton. Show me.” His eyes close and he takes in a ragged breath. “Even though I’m not your mate?” He asks softly. “I love you too. I don’t give a damn about my f*****g mate.” I growl at him. Especially since I’ve seen the asshole. His lips crash onto mine and he kisses me like he’ll never see me again. I feel like that’s true. I break the kiss tugging on his shirt. I want to touch all the muscles that usually make me drool in training. I trail my fingers over his chest as he watches me. It isn’t long before he reaches over and lifts the hem of my shirt. I help him take it off. He sucks in a breath. “Damn Bells, you’ve haunted my dreams so many times. I never thought I’d see you like this.” My skin heats from his look alone. He looks at me with a question before reaching for the waistband of my shorts. I nod and he slips them off. “So f*****g beautiful. Better than any dream.” He kisses me again and I cling to him. His hand slowly moves from my hip up to cup my breast over my bra. I should have taken it off too. When his mouth starts moving down my throat, I reach behind and unhook it. “Here.” I tell him and he pulls it off throwing it behind him. I watch him smile. “You like me touching you? Are you still sure you want this?” I nod biting my lip. “It feels so good. I'm very sure Axton.” His hand moves back and this time my eyes close as my head drops back to the bed. My skin is on fire everywhere he touches me. He’s gentle and I know he’s never done this before. His hand massages before his thumb finally moves over my n****e making me moan. He doesn’t hesitate at that to close his mouth over it making me tremble and clutch his head at the sensation. His hand slowly glides over my abdomen and hesitates at the waistband of my panties. I lift my hips to let him know he can keep going. He slides under them and I gasp as his fingers touch me. “Shit..” he mutters. He moves slowly exploring and I can’t stop shaking as he touches me. But I want to make him feel the same. I slide my hand between us and slide it under the waistband of his shorts and underwear. His fingers find my center at the same time as I touch him. We both groan loudly. I try not to gasp both from his touch and the size of him. Holy s**t, he’s huge. No wonder why s*x hurts the first time you have it. I have no idea what I’m doing but he’s not objecting as I run my fingers up and down slowly. Remembering the stories I’ve heard, I close my hand around him and begin to slide it up and down. He thrusts his hips and I continue. His lips come back to kiss me hard and I moan as his finger rubs faster circles on my clit. I can hardly breathe for all the pleasure running over me. “Bells…” he says roughly and I know he’s like me. Almost there. He presses down hard and I cry out as everything in me releases at once. He thrusts against my hand one more time and calls my name as his whole body trembles. We lay there holding each other catching our breath. “Are you ok?” He asks caressing my cheek. I smile at him. “I think I’m better than ok. That was incredible.” He smiles softly. “I agree. Are we ok still?” “Axton yes. I love you. I wasn’t lying to you.” He cups my cheek. “I want to make sure. I never want to lose you because I do something stupid.” "You won't." I am going to reject that asshole when I do meet him. We get dressed and he sits with me while I eat telling me about Alpha Draynor and Princess Constance. “Axton there’s more to that story. Listen, I saw her clearly and she spoke to me in my dream. She called me the fairy.” Maybe I should tell him about my glimmering ability. I hate misleading him in any way. “Did he truly die?” He asks me. “Yes I felt her anguish as she called his name. It was weird. I could tell she was a witch too. Felt it so I’m guessing her wolf had already left her. It must have been taking over her entire soul. I don’t understand why I am seeing them though. They don’t have any relevance to us do they?” “Something strange seems to be enveloping us Bells. I don’t know what it is or understand why but I think there’s more going on than just weird coincidences. There must be some connection to those people for you to want to know about them so strongly.” I nod agreeing with him “Maybe I need to go back to that burned pack. See if I feel anything there now that my fairy abilities seem to be fully awakened.” Traveling reminds me of something. “Axton, Mimi and I will leave for home the day before my birthday. She has a bad feeling about staying here.” To my surprise he nods vehemently. “That’s a great idea. I have a bad feeling too.” “Are you part fairy?” I tease to hide my surprise at his agreeing so easily. “No but Phoenix is unnerved by the idea of you staying. Not that I won’t be upset with you gone.” He takes my hand whispering the last part. “Axton, in that dream where you got hurt last night. I saw your mother’s grave. Do you know where she’s buried?” “According to Alpha Jacob, she’s right next to Sylvan Stone and his Luna Freya along with their daughter in our old pack, the Rising Sun Pack.” “The Rising Sun Pack? Not Rising Dawn right?” “No he clearly said Rising Sun. Why?” “Rising Dawn is where Draynor died. An odd similarity.” I am now more determined to go back and visit that old stone ruin we saw. Maybe we can take that route home in two days.
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