Alpha Draynor

1267 Words
Axton I found him. This Alpha Draynor that Bellamy mentioned. I said something to Evan last night and he ran to grab those books I took from our old house. I watched him excitedly thumb through them before he exclaimed in triumph. “Alpha Draynor Storm, the Alpha of the Rising Dawn Pack.” He begins reading and I listen. “The son of Alpha Nathaniel Storm though not legitimately claimed or acknowledged until he was an adult. His father was jealous of him and everything he received. He thought his fated mate was beneath him having gotten an omega wolf for a mate. He used her and treated her poorly. She bore him a son that he never showed any love for. Didn’t teach him or train him. The boy and his mother were basically sent to live on the outskirts of the pack and only summoned when the father needed to impress other visitors. The young Alpha Draynor grew to be very strong and kindhearted due to his mother’s teachings. He possessed unheard of physical strength and a sharp mind. His father utilized these things to his advantage when they came under attack by the “dark” army, a massive army that was trying to rule all werewolves. It was composed of not only rogue wolves but rogue vampires and warlocks. The young Alpha was only twenty when the war came to them. His father’s pack had joined many other wolf packs with the werewolf king, the vampire lord, and the high warlock’s group to stop the takeover by evil. He devised a battle strategy to lure their enemy in and eliminate them. His plan allows the good side to win the war with very few casualties on their end. His father takes credit for it all but the three Kings know the truth. A year later, he discovers his mate is the beautiful Princess Constance; daughter and successor of the werewolf king. The King is delighted and announces that his daughter’s mate shall succeed him with her. He praises him for his success in the war too. Draynor mates and marks the princess. His father, Nathaniel, is enraged and jealous. He imprisons his son and forces him to watch his mother die at his hands. He kills the werewolf king and then forcibly marks the Princess causing a rejection between her and his son. He is now the King’s successor. To hide all the evidence, he sets fire to his packhouse after locking all his members inside. The young Alpha dies with them saving many ushering them though a tunnel he finds. He dies when his father realizing what he is doing, manages to seal the tunnel. The Moon Goddess blesses his bloodline promising his soul shall one day rise from the ashes to avenge another army of fire that will come. The King’s bloodline then passed over to the Hanton Family, distant cousins of Constance’s. She was half fire witch and half wolf. Draynor is believed to be the originator of the legend of the….” It’s cut off after that. Evan looks up at me in frustration. “Sorry Ax, these are old books. Maybe we can find out more though.” “This is extremely helpful. Can I borrow the book to show Bells?” He nods quickly. “Go for it.” I text her that I have some info on Alpha Draynor. We agree to meet in ten minutes by the treehouse again. Hopefully this helps her. She waits in our usual spot and seeing her has me wishing and praying that I can save her this time. I show her what Evan remembered and she reads with interest. “Shame it’s cut off but that makes sense for the dream I had. It was on fire.” She looks worried and bites her lip. “Axton I passed by your old house last night and heard something. They said your family is in danger and Reyanne blamed your father. He said he would fix it but you didn’t need to know specifically.” I frown at that. “I have no idea what he means.” She agrees. “It was very vague. I waited but they never said another word.” “Thank you for telling me. Have you been ok after those dreams?” She shrugs. “Sorta. I had another one.” She tells me about the female wolf losing her mate. “Her wolf’s name was Asha.” “Asha….” At that name Phoenix stirs and begins howling. “Phoenix you know that name?” “Yes. I have heard it before. Whispered in darkness and said in reverence…..” “Phoenix what the hell, you are talking in cryptic riddles.” “No Axton, I am remembering something but I cannot put my finger on it. Shadows and screaming, bleakness and fear. Those emotions washed over us when I heard that name in the past I think.” Not helpful I reflect. “I have to get back. Uncle Jacob was going to look through records to see if he could find anything about an Asha as a wolf.” She begins to walk away. I can’t stop myself. “Hey Bells….” She turns. “You want to come eat at our new place tonight? Corbin will probably be there too.” She smiles slowly. “I’d love to.” I nod smiling a little as she leaves. When she shows up for dinner, Corbin and Evan are singing while making macaroni and cheese to go with my steaks. It sounds like dying wolves. I open the door grimacing and she laughs. “Maybe we should go eat somewhere quieter.” I shake my head. “They’d follow us and sing louder.” She steps in hugging Evan and Corbin. As we eat, Corbin talks about his visit to the Opulence Pack which I encourage knowing who her mate is. Maybe with this info, she’ll reject him on the spot once she meets him. The camera alarm begins going off on my laptop. “Ax?” Corbin asks worriedly. He recognizes that sound. “I set up a camera at the northernmost border. One of the patrol noticed some strange scents there outside the fence line. Something is triggering it.” I type in my password and start watching the feed. Corbin comes around and watches with me. We see the glow of the cigarette in the top of the screen. The man is tall and muscular. He wears a dark hood but does pull it down fora bit. From what I saw in the council files, he matches Yarrow’s description. I could race to the border and catch him but instead I want to see who our pack traitor is. I know when this guy and his little attack group will be back. Suddenly a figure appears in the bottom rift of the screen. He wears light gray sweatpants and a black hoodie. His back is to us. I watch them talk for a while before the traitor hands him a large brown envelope. Yarrow pulls a a piece of paper halfway out before nodding and another regular envelope is exchanged. They talk longer before Yarrow melts into the forest. Corbin mutters. “Come on turn and show your damn face.” He turns but keeps his head ducked. When he finally raises his head, I stare at the screen in disbelief. Corbin is speechless and Evan mumbles no f*****g way.” It’s almost a mirror image of me.
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