A Little Talk

1519 Words
Bellamy We all stare in some form of horror at the screen. Corbin begins to talk finally. “That’s definitely fishy. He’s shorter, not as muscular and look at the eyes. They are not the right color. It’s a good imitation but only takes about two seconds to see that it’s not you.” “Who is trying to frame me?” Axton mutters. “Let’s go! We can probably catch them.” Evan urges and I watch Axton agree with him. Corbin shakes his head though. “No not you Ax. You stay here with Bells. Evan and I will go.” They take off and I see Axton raking his fingers through his hair. He looks extremely upset. “Hey they’ll be ok. Corbin is tough, almost as strong as you. I’m still surprised he’s not a Beta or a Gamma born honestly.” “I know he is but not going with them feels wrong. Especially since it’s to clear my name.” I grab his arm to stop him from raking his hands through his hair. “Axton you will go bald. Stop.” “Sorry, it’s my nervous worried habit.” I chuckle. “I hadn’t noticed.” He stares at me for a minute. “Bells…have you thought about your birthday? Like what if you find your mate but he’s terrible. Or he’s already got someone he’s with.” I take a deep breath and nod. “I have. And I figure if he’s that awful I will reject him.” And if my Mimi says he is going to get me killed…. “But what if he won’t accept it? I mean you can always reject someone and then they refuse to accept it.” He stares intently at me, and I fidget a bit. “I really don’t know. What can you do then? I guess Dad might be able to help. Or Uncle Jacob could appeal to the council and maybe even all the way up to the Hanton family. And if that fails I suppose I move on and find a chosen mate. When we mark each other it will sever the bond no matter what Mr. Awful Mate does.” Axton smiles a little. “You’ve thought about this a lot.” Kinda have to. I wish I could tell him my secret. Axton is honorable and I know he would keep it. “I have my reasons. You hear things and it makes you think. Plus losing my mom, and my dad not finding another mate made me wonder a lot.” He nods and looks away. I ask though it hurts. “And what about you? Are you hoping to find your mate soon?” He sighs looking down at the laptop. “Not really. It will happen when it happens. Honestly I hope I don’t find her for a while.” “Why? You have some skeletons in your closet I don’t know about?” I joke trying to keep my heart from aching as I think about it. He snorts. “You think I want to bring anyone into the mess that is my family? Hopefully Evan is of age and finds his first. Then I can find mine. Will make my life a lot easier if it went in that order.” He looks so vulnerable right now which Axton never does. “Axton….” His eyes meet mine. “I’m terrified to find my mate. I have this recurring dream that he’s a nightmare.” “Oh Bells don’t say that.” His voice is a little pained and I wonder why. “Things happen for a reason they say. The Goddess does what she needs to do to bring us to a certain point.” “I suppose you’re right. Would be nice sometimes to get a vote maybe.” He nods ruefully. “Definitely agree with you there. So what makes the mate in your dream a nightmare?” “He’s arrogant and a man whore.” I mutter. Axton looks thoughtful. “Lots of Alphas are that way.” “You think I’ll be mated to an Alpha?” He makes a face. “Well you’re an Alpha too Bells so it stands to reason. Kinda sucks it works that way.” “I’ve never even been on a date.” I say softly and he nods too. “Me either.” “Or been kissed. We’re oddballs right?” I can’t help but bring this up. I want to know about Axton. “Not oddballs. Corbin’s been kissed but he kinda got trapped into it. And he was pissed. But no dates for him. Evan is the same. He and his friend Sandi made a pact to be each other’s first kiss. That way they would never regret it.” A crazy idea takes hold and Adira encourages it. “Now that’s an idea. We should do that.” His head jerks up in shock. “What do you mean?” His voice is hoarse. “We’re best friends. We should be each other’s first kiss.” Adira chuckles. “So eager Bellamy.” He looks a little scared but I don’t take it back. I want the guy I’m in love with to be my first kiss. Screw the mate bond. “Bells…are you sure?” Do I detect the hope in his voice or is that merely me projecting my feelings? “Yes I’m sure. It’s a great idea. Then we know we won’t regret it. Because you know, I might be terrible at it having no experience.” “True. You could be awful.” His lips twitch and I playfully push his shoulder. “So what do you say?” I ask trying to sound casual. He pauses. “Ok.” He said yes! I lean in a little and he backs up. “Right now?” He whispers and I nod slowly. We both awkwardly lean in toward each other and he tilts my chin up. I stare into his silver eyes until I feel his soft lips touch mine. My eyes flutter shut as his mouth moves gently over mine. His hand cups my cheek as his mouth opens and I do the same. His tongue slides across my bottom lip slowly before entering my mouth to brush against mine. Every nerve ending in my body is on fire. My toes curl but as he deepens the kiss more, I smell smoke. It makes my nostrils sting. I hear the crackling of fire and open my eyes. Axton is gone. I am standing inside a wooden cabin. I don’t see any flames but I hear them nearby. A faint touch of heat brushes past me. Soft whimpers come from another room and I walk that way. I find a small boy about five or six tied to a wooden column. Smoke fills my lungs and he’s crying. He struggles against the ropes holding him. I crouch down and gaze into his face. Black shaggy hair and silver eyes…..”Axton.” I murmur shocked. His eyes meet mine and I reach down to untie him. But my fingers will not work. He cries. I groan in frustration but then I hear a woman’s voice. “How could you Ivan?! That is a child.” A woman with dark brown hair runs in, her mouth covered with a wet cloth. The flames are closer. I can feel that heat. She tries to free him but cannot. “I’ll go get a knife.” She runs out and as that happens, the roof begins to give way. I am jolted from the memory to Axton pulling away from me. His eyes are half closed and he still holds my cheek. “Bells…” he whispers. “Axton.” I manage to say. “I think I liked that.” He says staring at me. “But I saw a strange vision.” “I liked it too.” I admit shyly. “Was it a boy in a burning cabin?” He nods slowly. “Yes. And Bells, I think that was me. How did we both see it?” I lie to him. “I don’t know. Maybe we need to talk to Mimi and Uncle Jacob tomorrow.” He nods slowly staring at my lips. The door opening suddenly has us springing apart. “Find anything?” Axton calls out. “No we chased him but fucker is fast.” Corbin snarls. Evan looks angry. “I should uh. Get back to the packhouse.” Axton stands too. Corbin nods. “Come on I’ll walk you back.” Axton stares at me hard but all I can do is wave. All I can think once I make it to my room, as my heart races is that I kissed Axton Stone and it was one of the most marvelous moments of my life so far. I’ll worry about the vision we had tomorrow. Mimi has a lot of questions to hopefully answer.
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