New Dangers

1439 Words
Bellamy After our talk in the forest, I reluctantly left Axton to contact Mimi. I need answers about that dream and the pains. My room is on the Alpha floor so thankfully it’s soundproofed. She appears on the screen quickly. It’s always like she’s waiting for my calls. “Mimi I had that pain again. It was during a dream but I physically experienced it too.” I tell her everything including Axton’s dream and his foreboding about my birthday. “Could it all be real Mimi?” She stares at me lost in thought. I wait patiently familiar with that look. “It is real. At least that pain. Your dream could become true or it may be nothing other than a nightmare. But the fact the pain was physically real has me curious. Axton has passed the age to find his mate correct?” I nod painfully. “He seemed relieved to see you?” “He hugged me tightly for a few minutes which isn’t like Axton. His hugs are brief arm squeezes normally.” She mutters something. “I need to speak with Axton. I am in my home tizzy at the moment doing some research about glimmering abilities. Tomorrow afternoon I shall leave early to come see him. Only then can I answer your question about some sort of bond.” “Alright Mimi. I’ll be waiting for you.” I lay back on my bed and think about that dream. I wish I could remember more about that woman screaming for her mate. I close my eyes as Adira begins to talk. “She said something else too. Another name. ‘You can’t leave us’ and then she called out the second name but it was muffled.” She’s right. I don’t want to dream that again but I will if I can hear the name better. Restless I decide to go for a walk. It’s close to dinner but I’ll be back in time to join Lane and Uncle Jacob. As I walk I find myself passing near Axton and Evan’s old home. They live on the outskirts of the forest. I’m going back over every minute of my dream. Intense arguing breaks me from my memories. “You caused this! Now we are all in danger.” “It’s not only my fault, Xavier. You are part of this family too.” He shouts at her. “A family? That’s hilarious Reyanne.” "You are responsible for this danger. You need to own it. You brought me into this shit." He snarls and I wonder if she's in danger. But she's his mate. "You signed on when you accepted me. And you like being a Beta's mate. Don't even act like you don't. I will fix it. It will take time though and Axton does not need to know." They go silent and I hurry to move away in case they are about to leave. What on earth was that about and what danger are Axton and Evan in? I will have to tell him about this. I begin walking again stepping into the forest a bit in case Xavier or Reyanne do leave the house. As I walk, I hear a woman crying softly. Instantly I go on alert. Turning slowly, I don't sense anyone else here. I walk cautiously toward the sound. It's behind a set of trees and I glance around it. I see a woman kneeling on the ground next to a man who appears to be injured. Another step in and suddenly the forest around me disappears. Instantly I am back in that golden field with the red trees. A fire rages in the distance again. The distinct odor of burning wood overtakes my senses and I make sure the fire isn't too close. Turning my attention back to the woman crying, I assess her for injuries. She appears unharmed though I see blood smeared on her pants. She sobs her face buried in her hands. "You can't go. Don't leave us." She wails. Reaching my hand out, I intend to see if I can interact with these memories physically or if I am merely a bystander. I touch her but she doesn't appear to feel it. Interesting. I stand about to move so I can see more of her face and the man she mourns. Before I can, a snarl sounds out behind me and something flies our way. Fire explodes only ten feet away from us. The rush of heat washes over me, it's intense and this woman needs to move. Her head lifts as I hear more angry growling and snarling. "She is off limits!" A voice growls and the intense fury they are experiencing almost knocks me over. The fire is heading our way. I am about to reach down to grab her myself unsure if I can drag her to safety or if I should. Could I change something significantly and cause some type of serious issue with our present time? Fortunately I don't have to answer that question as someone in a dark hoodie races forward lifting her and backing away. She shrieks and screams for them to put her down. Her grief and agony overtake me sending me to my knees. I collapse as I feel her pain as if it were my own. This man was her mate. Her bond shattered and she is almost feral with the grief of it. I lean forward on my hands, the intense nausea from all these emotions forcing me to take in deep breaths while my head swims. I manage to turn my head seeing her face contorted as she screams and she tries to escape the man holding her. "NOOOOO!! Leave me! I do not want you!!!!" He continues to haul her away and I struggle to my feet as the heat from the fire becomes painful. Mimi's words about possible harm while here give me the impetus to stagger back. Fire engulfs the man's body and the only thing I see as it swarms over him rapidly is his dark hair. He was large too, perhaps an Alpha or Beta. As his body burns, the stench is terrible. His mate shrieks louder until she dissolves into sobs. The man who saved her, sets her down and she suddenly clutches her chest as she is going to rip her own heart out with her fingers. "No Asha please. Don't leave me too!!" She collapses gripping her temples and writhing in absolute agony. The man crouches over her, now screaming too. "Asha NO!!! Stay with her! She needs you, don't leave her defenseless!!!" I realize with horror what is happening. Her wolf....she's leaving her. Too devastated in her grief to stay with her human. Asha has decided to go and join her soulmate beyond the gateway. The female goes completely still, her eyes open but unfocused. At first, I think she has gone too but then I see her chest rising and falling with each slow shallow breath. She is unmoving and silent. I mourn for her. To lose your wolf is a fate tantamount to death. She may not live long without her. Especially with no mate to ground her or give her some hope. The man lifts her from the ground. I cannot see any of his face with the hood. As he turns to walk away, I watch the forest come back view. The burning golden field is gone along with the smell of the fire. My legs are jelly and I find a downed tree to sit on. I am nauseated and my body is covered in a thin layer of sweat. Adira is as exhausted as I am. "Bellamy we must be very careful. Whatever happened in that burned pack was bad. I feel it. The very air was rent with evil. Did you sense that too?" "Yes I did. But that woman and her wolf, I don't think they were. She seemed familiar like I should know her or protect her somehow. We have a name for her wolf at least though that isn't much to go on. Maybe after dinner we can do some research and ask Uncle Jacob about that name. He works for the council a good bit. I bet there are some records he can look through. Also we need to find Axton and talk to him about his father and that danger." I stand and slowly make my way back to the packhouse. My abilities seem to be manifesting faster and that frightens me. Hopefully Mimi finds some answers soon.
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