Another Birthday

2061 Words
Bellamy I wake this morning worried about Axton. It’s my birthday and that hasn’t even been an issue. He texted me that he met with Trent Yarrow in his house last night. He’s watching over his dad at the moment but wants to tell me all about it after he leaves. My heart was pounding knowing that he met with a contract killer. I head down to breakfast laughing as I see the balloons in the private family dining room. I convinced them to skip the party with the fact Reyanne was killed and those rogues haven’t been caught. Adira doesn’t feel agitated nor do I have any strange flutters from my fairy soul. Meaning my mate is not here in this pack thankfully. After my date with Axton, I am considering if we could become chosen mates one day. I love him and can’t imagine that with anyone else. I would wait a while and make sure I’m not going to meet my mate and regret it but honestly Adira and I feel peace even considering it. Axton texts asking me to meet him at their cabin in thirty minutes and I agree. When I get there, he’s waiting judging by how quickly he opens the door. “Where’s Evan?” “With Dad. He’s awake and pretty downtrodden. He cried and hugged me this morning. Told me he loved me and really hopes we can rebuild our bond.” “I can tell you weren’t prepared for that.” He shakes his head. “It’s very different and I’m still coming to terms with his change of heart.” “I hope you two can maybe move forward. It would be nice for you to have a real bond.” He gestures to the couch and I see a small wrapped box there. I sit and he hands me the box. “Happy Birthday Bells.” “Axton you already gave me my present the other day.” “This is another.” He smiles brightly. I hurry to open it and find the dainty gold bracelet with the crystal and gold blue butterfly charm. “Axton it’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” I hurry to fasten it over my wrist and jump up to hug him. He leans his chin on my shoulder as he returns the embrace. When I pull back, I stretch up and kiss him. This time there’s no memory that flashes in our minds. Instead I feel my fingers tingling. It’s new and different. When I look down they are glowing gold. Mimi’s do that when she becomes overwhelmed. She says it’s your fairy soul trying to release some of the pent up emotions. Axton catches it before I can hide them. “Bells…why are your fingers glowing?” There’s no distrust there. More like concern and it’s for me. I swallow hard as Adira urges me. “Tell him Bellamy. We know we can trust Axton. Let’s go with our instincts and tell him the truth.” “Axton, I need to tell you a secret. You have to promise to never tell another soul though. If you do, my life will be in danger.” He cups my face. “Bells are you in danger?” “No at least I don’t think so. Please sit with me.” I turn to face him. “Axton, I’m not just a wolf. I’m a hybrid.” He stares at me surprised. “Half witch?” I smile and shake my head. “Half fairy.” His mouth opens slightly and whole demeanor becomes alarmed. “But Bells, that’s forbidden. Your mother…your mother was a fairy.” “Yes. She was Dad’s mate though and neither of them wanted to reject the other. So they accepted each other and she disguised herself as a wolf. Until hunters found her somehow and they killed her. My identity was hidden. Adira can shadow that part of my soul enough since she is an Alpha wolf. But with my birthday it means my abilities will begin to manifest and they could discover me. Why Dad wanted me here for my birthday in case the hunters have been watching me at home.” “My poor Bells. You’ve had to keep that a secret for too long. Do you have your abilities yet?” He cradles my head to his chest and runs his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes savoring his comfort. It’s like a ton of bricks have been lifted off my chest by telling him. “Only one. That memory you saw. Touching you, I can help you see your hidden memories.” Understanding dawns in his face. “That makes perfect sense. Mimi said it was tied to my emotions.” I nod slowly. “Yes. Axton I’m so afraid to find my mate. Adira says she is afraid too. If they aren’t a good mate, they could turn me over if they ever find out. The reward is high for reporting that to the Council of Tizzies.” “Then make sure you don’t tell him. Are you only going to have one mate? Since your soul is two parts joined.” “Yes. Mimi did some kind of spell and she says only one mate. I hoped…I had hoped it would be you.” I confess. He runs his fingers over my cheek. “Me too Bells. I love you.” I stare at him a moment shocked by what he said. “Sorry I probably shouldn’t have made that awkward. You would never…” “I love you too Axton.” His face takes on the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. “Bellamy that is the most wonderful thing I’ve heard. I need to tell you something else too. Bellamy, you are going to find your mate today. Don’t ask me to explain how I know it. But he’s a horrible person. He’s going to hurt you if you go home with him. If you accept him, you cannot ever tell him you are a fairy.” “Axton, how…” Before I can say more, Adira sits up in my head and howls loud enough that Axton can hear her. He stares at me worried. The next thing I know, I hear loud growling and snarling outside the door. Suddenly it flies open and Axton jumps to his feet moving in front of me in a protective stance. I peek around as our intruder fiercely snarls. "Back away now!" He growls Axton stands his ground. I don't even detect an increase in his heart rate. "Back away from my mate!" I gasp as Adira confirms it in my head. I put my hand on Axton's arm and hear the low growl at that. "Axton it's alright. You don't have to protect me." "Bellamy please...." His eyes plead with me and I smile softly at him. "It's ok. I promise. Trust me." I step around him not missing the pain in his face. I take in the tall Alpha though he's not nearly the size of Axton. His blonde hair falls over his forehead as his chest heaves from the exertion he used to break in the door and probably at his rage toward an unmated male near me. His cold blue eyes rake down my form and I suppress the urge to shudder in disgust. Axton was right. There is something majorly off about this guy. "Hello my mate. I'm Alpha Tylen Dilberg." I hear pounding feet and see my father, along with Uncle Jacob and Corbin standing behind Tylen. "What is your name pretty mate?" "Bellamy." I respond eyeing my father. He is looking over my mate frowning. "Adira, he's not good right?" "No Bellamy. He smells of another female and his wolf is being very forward and demanding already." "Get ready then." She nods her wolfy head. "I, Bellamy Cortland reject you Alpha Tylen Dilberg as my mate and Alpha. I do not wish to be mated to you." He clutches his chest stepping back. He roars as the others look at me with shock. Except for Corbin who nods his head at me. That's right. He just came from visiting this guy's pack. He would know if he was bad. I hear his deep chuckle. "Nice try little mate but I will not be accepting that. Especially as delicious looking as you are. And the power I feel coming from you and your wolf. I'm not giving that up." My heart sinks. No one can force him to accept a rejection. "Then try this asshole. I, Beta Axton Stone, hereby challenge you, Alpha Tylen Dilberg, for your mate and pack." Axton moves me behind him. I stare at him in wonder. He challenged an Alpha to the death for me. Axton I don't take my eyes off this guy. He cheated last time. I put nothing past him now. But I decided it will be safer to challenge him here in my pack where Alpha Jacob can help make sure he isn't able to cheat this time. He eyes me with contempt and I return it. "Very well Beta. I hope you know what you've done. I'll be leaving. The challenge takes place in two hours. Alpha Jacob, I expect you to comply with that timeframe." Tylen turns around stalking out. He's no sooner gone than we are surrounded. “Axton are you crazy? He’s an Alpha!” “Axton why would you do that?” Then Corbin’s voice rings out. “I for one thoroughly believe you can take him.” I hold up my hands. “I wasn’t going to sit here and watch him refuse Bellamy’s rejection.” I only care about the look on her face. Love and hope staring back at me. They continue to chatter for the next two hours almost. My father even shows up looking extremely concerned. “Axton you shouldn’t have done this! It’s to the death! I know you are strong but I do not want to bury my son too.” “Dad I can beat him.” I reassure him. “You had better. I do not want to watch you die.” He hugs me and I return it. I start for the packhouse exit but a warm hand grabs my arm tugging me into a small room. Bellamy wraps her arms around me. “Thank you. I wish you didn’t have to do this.” “I’d do it over and over for you Bells.” I tell her honestly. “I love you.” “I love you too. I have faith you’ll be the victor.” She kisses me and I have a flash of a memory. Trees with golden leaves fluttering above me as I crouch next to a woman with dark hair. Her face a little blurry but I think it’s my mother. It’s gone as Bellamy pulls away. We leave reluctantly and I walk to the field entrance of the training arena. As I am about to step out, something stings my neck. I swat at it but don’t feel anything there. I begin walking hearing the buzzing of a bed of wasp and write it off. In the arena, Alpha Jacob sets the rules. We nod and each take our stances. He attacks first each time with snarls and obvious rage. It makes him sloppy. He manages to evade my claws each time but not by much. Thirty minutes into the fight, I feel my limbs weakening. Phoenix is trying to talk to me but his words are garbled. I am trying to tell Alpha that I think I was drugged but my tongue is too big for my mouth. Tylen rushes at me and I barely dodge him. But my reaction time is off and he spins quickly grabbing my throat. I struggle to push him off as I listen to Bellamy scream. My father shouting my name in anguish. Tylen leans in to whisper in my ear. “Did you like my poison dart? Even makes a buzzing sound like a bee. You think you’ll have my little hybrid mate? Guess again. Goodbye Beta Axton.” His claws slice through me and darkness calls. I wonder when I’ll wake up this time.
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