Same Day, Different Problems

1495 Words
Axton I jolt awake feeling my heart galloping in my chest. As I cover it with my hand, I’m grateful it’s there. Unbidden in the back of my mind was the thought that I was wrong and didn’t die last time but truly dreamt the entire event, 4am same day I woke last time. “Phoenix, we died two days earlier.” “Yes and we’ve been resurrected to the same day as before. I don’t know Axton. I’m as lost as you are here.” “You sound different Phoenix. Stronger.” “I know. Something has changed in us again. I wonder if we become stronger with each death.” “That’s not it. I can’t put my finger on it yet. Too many other issues we need to talk about.” He snorts rolling his eyes. “You think? We need another sounding board. Who wouldn’t think we’re crazy? Scratch that, I think we’re crazy at this point.” “Tylen knows Bellamy is a hybrid. How?” I focus on the most dangerous point we learned. “Corbin said their pack is awful. Could they have hunters in it? They may have told him. Or we have a bigger problem and his wolf sensed it. That motherfucker is twisted let me tell you.” “You talked to him?” He paws at his ear a minute. “I might have been insulting him. Taunting him because you were kicking his sloppy ass before the drugs kicked in.” I chuckle ruefully at that. Phoenix is a trash talker. “What did he say?” “He was talking about how Adira will be so special he might not cheat on her for a bit. “We need to watch him this time. He cheats too well. I’m going to dig into his pack a lot more. I will do that after I go retrieve that bag and those books from the house. I want to get a better look at Reyanne’s side piece too. And then there’s Yarrow. I want to contact him earlier maybe. See if we can meet before he kills Reyanne.” “Don’t tell me you want to save that piece of s**t?” He growls. “No but do we want to see Dad collapse like that again?” “Maybe not. He’s been acting like a father. But I didn’t mourn that sick pedophile. Can we compromise? Let him maim her and we still talk to him. I mean we aren’t supposed to know he killed her.” “Phoenix.” I say warningly. He rolls his eyes. “Fine Axton.” He changes the subject. “Are we going to talk about the fact that Bellamy and Adira love us and wish we were their mate?” “We’ll talk to her again and see if she tells us the same thing. I want to see if she can help us remember more too. Like that memory of the woman, I think was our mother. And how we escaped that kidnapper.” “Looks like we should get up soon and get to work. Why do we keep waking up at 4am when we get back? Couldn’t we sleep in the day after we die?” “We can go back to sleep. But the 4am is really weird. If and I really want to stress this if, if there is a next time then if it’s 4am we’ll need to add that to our list of mysteries.” I try to lay down but cannot go back to sleep. Instead, I decide to get to work looking up any info about the Opulence Pack. The current Alpha’s name is Ward. I read what I can about him and his father on the council’s official biography. Nothing spectacular. He had a rogue problem and apparently an issue with witches. Could have used hunters to solve that. I’ll ask Corbin what he might have learned about enemies while there. They will be my best source of information. I check the time at the smell of bacon. Evan is making breakfast. I need to run back to the house to catch Reyanne. I hurry to dress and rush out to the kitchen explaining to Evan where I’m headed. I race there hiding out hoping everything is the same this time. I don’t detect any differences. Dad isn’t here, his scent is too faint. But I smell him near the back porch. That piney scent. I hurry up through my window and grab what I need. They are downstairs. I move onto the landing next to Evan’s bedroom. I crack his door slightly so I can dart in there to hide but this will give me a view of him hopefully. The bedroom door opens and they step out talking. “Come on cupcake. Let’s eat and then one more round before I have to leave.” “No Xavier is on his way back and by his text we have maybe two hours tops before he gets here. I have to cover up your scent. You have to leave.” I can’t see his face. His footsteps are moving toward the back door meaning I’ll not see him at all. I am going to follow this guy and see who he is and where he goes. I go grab my things and hurry off the roof. Stowing the bag and books under some thick bushes, I hide behind some large trees and wait. The sound of the back door opening has me turning all my senses on alert. A tall guy in a dark grey hoodie begins walking away from the house. I can’t see his face because he keeps his head down. “i***t!” Phoenix mutters. “He’s completely vulnerable.” I agree as I watch him. I follow behind keeping a good distance. Luckily, we have a headwind this morning so my scent won’t blow his way. He’s headed for the west border, the closest way to leave from their house. His hands are in his pockets, and he moves along knowing exactly where he’s going. A scent blows over both of us and Phoenix stands up every fiber of him on alert. “Oh boy, this should be good. How fast does he die?” My eyes widen as I crouch down quickly hoping he hasn’t already spotted me. Dad. He walks toward this guy who I see finally lift his head. He halts in his tracks, and I see Dad stare at him expectantly. His eyes are narrowed. I watch figuring this guy might be dead especially if Dad picks up Reyanne’s scent on him. I watch the hood lower. Brown hair is all I can make out. “Beta Xavier.” “Whoa they know each other…” Phoenix mumbles. “Hello Oliver. Did you drop off my delivery?” “I did sir. I left it with your mate.” “I’ll say…” Phoenix deadpans. “Seriously I don’t need those images, Phoenix!” “Thank you. Did your mother double it this time per my instructions?” “Yes, Beta she did. Would like you to let her know if it’s effective.” “Perfect. I will be in touch then. See you in a few weeks.” “Yes sir.” He skirts around Dad and continues on his way out of the pack. Dad stares after him for a minute but then carries on toward his house. I stay hidden wondering what just transpired. “Phoenix what the hell?” “He had to smell her all over him. I do from here.” What delivery? I need to find this Oliver. I turn back to see if Dad is still walking and stealthily make my way to follow Oliver. I am running to catch up when I finally spot him. “Phoenix we are going to confront him. Act like we are patrolling and get his name.” I hurry to move in from the side. “Stop right there!” I unleash my Beta aura his way and he freezes. He turns slightly and I realize he must be ranked to fight my aura at all. “Yes Beta?” He asks simply. “Lower your hood and state your business. You are not from this pack.” He lowers it and I see the resemblance. The blue eyes and facial features. He is older but it’s unmistakable. I don’t need to ask but I do wanting to hear it. He speaks before I can say a word. “I am here with permission from Beta Xavier Stone to deliver a package from my mother, Anna.” “What is your name?” His blue eyes meet mine as he smirks. “I doubt I need to answer but I will. Gamma Oliver Yarrow. Nice to see you again Beta Axton.”
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