The Favor

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Axton “Are we sure this is a good idea?” Corbin mutters. “No but it’s all I’ve got. I want to know what he meant by a favor for a favor.” “You obviously saved his life back then and he’s repaying you.” Corbin points out. “But did he decide to kill Reyanne on his own or was he hired to kill someone else and he switched to her?” They don’t know about me seeing him in the first timeline and the $20,000 note Dad had shoved at me. Bellamy “That’s true but Axton really? This guy is a contract killer.” I’d told her last night that I needed to get in touch with him somehow. “I am struggling with that too. There’s something off about that. I need to talk to him is all I can say. Phoenix agrees with me.” Bellamy did some creative questioning of her uncle when he talked about Reyanne’s death with her. Trying to see how one hires a contract killer. She texted me what he said this morning and I started digging. I found the main suspect in the last death he was involved in. He’s maintained his innocence from the beginning. I called him, he’s the Beta of the pack that head warrior was killed in. He’d claimed he had no idea what I was talking about. The head warrior had a daughter who ended up being his son’s mate. I’d called him this morning asking if the council ever had any idea how Yarrow got that warrior as his target. He’d been noncommittal and said he had no idea. There was some edge to his voice though that I picked up on. “Shame it happened. I heard he was a terrific wolf. Treated his daughter and mate well.” “Who did you hear that from?” There’s an undercurrent to his voice, barely noticeable. “Lots of others. Thought his murder was a tragedy.” He clears his throat. “Yes it was. I’m sorry, Beta Axton. I need to attend to some pack matters if that’s all.” “It is. Thank you.” I make three more phone calls about his other victims. Each time it’s the same thing. No one will say much. The daughter of the Beta he killed along with his Alpha hung up on me the minute I asked her why I thought Yarrow would kill her father. Only one person will actually tell me anything beyond what’s in the bare bones reports. The old head warrior who retired ten years ago from that pack spoke with me freely. He wasn’t a fan of either the Alpha or the Beta who died. Said there were always rumors about their integrity. Apparently, they were not adored in their pack but everyone fears speaking ill of them since they were murdered by a hitman. He had mostly worked for the previous Alpha and those two had taken over five years prior to their deaths. When I asked if he could tell me more, he said only one word. “Kayla.” “Kayla? Is that someone they knew, hurt, dated?” “Start digging Beta. You’ll learn more.” I hung up frustrated. I dig through the council records using Dad’s login information that he doesn’t realize I memorized. By the end of the day, I’m tired of reading reports. Corbin and Bellamy both had to leave. I sigh as I look at the clock. I am going to sit with Dad tonight at the hospital since he’s still out. Evan will stay until I grab dinner. I leave my office and head back to our house. I could use a thirty minute nap too. I shut the door behind me my head wrapped up in what all those people had to hide today. I freeze when I detect the other heartbeat followed by the scent of bananas. I spin and he stands leaning against the wall between kitchen and living room. He’s relaxed though I tense up ready for him to spring. “Relax Axton. I would have already attacked though I doubt I can take you on. You’ve gotten big.” His voice is lazy and calm. “What are you doing in my house?” “You’ve been asking a lot of questions about me today. Someone tipped me off that you might be interested in my services. I know you aren’t but wanted to come see you. Did my note make you curious?” He steps forward before sitting in the chair next to him. “Can I smoke in here?” “No my brother will smell it. I had a memory of you. We were pups and had been taken from your pack.” His head tilts to gaze at me sharply. “You’d forgotten?” I nod slowly and move to sit across from him. “Yes but I remembered yesterday. Though the last memory I have is of him lighting the cabin on fire and then a woman screaming.” “You survived. I ran to the nearest pack to get help. We came racing back to find the cabin burned to the ground. The guy who took us was dead lying on the ground thirty feet away from it. Not a trace of you. It wasn’t until five years ago, I discovered you were still alive.” “We were friends. My dad traveled to your pack a lot.” It’s more a question than statement. “Yes we were. He came once a month to see my mother and purchase herbs and spices for this pack. You would stay for two days and we’d play.” “You are highly sought after by the council.” He barks out a short chuckle. “You could say that. If only they got off their asses more they wouldn’t even need to hunt me. And they’d learn things earlier.” “Kayla.” He smiles slowly. “You always were sharp. Who gave you that name?” “The old head warrior in the Dark Moon Pack where you killed the Alpha and Beta.” “Are you sure you want to hear this truth?” “Yes.” I am dreading it though. “Kayla is the name of the Beta’s daughter. She’s no longer there. Moved to another pack which will remain nameless with her sister. She changed her last name. I killed those two assholes for free. Think you can work out why.” I stare at him, disgust causing me to close my eyes. “Your instincts are correct. She was their little toy. That head warrior, Ari, he asked for help. The council guy they sent out, he just couldn’t see it. He’s no longer on the council either.” I digest that wondering what he means. Did he kill him too? “Ask your real question Axton.” “Did you kill her for me?” I ask softly scared of the answer. “Yes and no. I was hired to do a job here in this pack. They had no clue that I knew you well. Instead of the target I was paid to kill, I decided there was a much more worthy one here. Your lovely stepmother. The one who lusts after your brother. It would free you a bit and repay my debt to you for my life.” “Who paid you? I watched the footage of you meeting with them and it looked like…me.” He smiles. “I knew you’d have surveillance around. Always were very smart and thought ahead. Claimed to be your twin brother. Again, I knew better. You don’t have a twin. I told him I knew he was using a mimic spell. He got a bit agitated. See my mother was half witch so I’m quite familiar with those kinds of spells. They have a certain odor to them. Smells like sour fruit. A hint of betrayal you can detect if you know what you are looking for. I have no idea his true identity. Paid me twenty grand to off my target. An expensive job.” “Who was the target they wanted dead?” He stares at me almost sadly. “You, my friend. So you see why I couldn’t carry that out. They wanted you dead at any point in the next month.”
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