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Axton I had the best dream last night about Bellamy after that kiss. I can’t believe we did that and she responded to me the way she did. Maybe I should confess how I feel to her. If I may die anyway, it’s not the worst idea I’ve had. In the dream, we were in a huge old stone castle and we were having some kind of dedication ceremony. She was my mate and there were so many guests there. All our families were there and happy for once. It had ended a little abruptly when something hit my window. Probably a bird but with what happened in the forest, I had gotten up and made sure there was nothing I could see or sense out there. In this timeline, as Phoenix and I have decided to call it, Dad hasn’t come to visit since he’s been home. I wonder when he’ll be by because he wasn’t happy about us moving. I am working on breakfast when I hear the knock. Evan frowns as he tilts his head my way before going to answer it. Think of the devil and he usually shows up. I turn to plate breakfast adding a third plate as I watch Dad step in and meet my eyes. “Want to eat with us?” I offer and he nods. He seems nervous and I wonder if it has anything to do with what Bellamy overheard. “I uh brought coffee. Your favorite, the hazelnut blend.” He sets the three travel mugs down. I walk over with the plates and we eat in silence. After we are done, he holds his coffee mug. I’ve never seen my dad so tongue tied. “I miss you two at home. It wasn’t the same yesterday and this morning.” We don’t respond. “I don’t suppose you’d consider coming back home.” “Dad listen, we want to give you and Reyanne some privacy. I mean she walked into a ready made family and also we are getting older. It’s time for us to spread our wings a little.” I say quietly wondering how this will go this time. He sits for a minute before nodding slowly. “I get that. And you’ll find your mates soon so you’d be gone anyway. I just…I feel like my family ran away while I was gone. It…it hurts Axton.” “I figured you’d be happy to be rid of me at least. You never have been my biggest fan.” I cross my arms as I lean back in the chair curious if bringing the elephant in the room up is the best idea. But what do I have to lose? He gazes down into his plate sadly. “I know. I…I should have been a better father to you Axton. I’ve been a shitty role model.” Evan snorts a little. “Only to him Dad. The difference between how you treated us has become more glaring with every year that passes. Why?” When his head raises, I see tears in his eyes. I have never seen Xavier Stone cry before. “Losing your mother was the hardest thing I’ve ever faced. I felt like my heart would stop beating. When your mate dies, you soul is ripped into two and you feel it. Nothing can ever prepare you for that kind of pain. I had you two to carry on for and to remind me of how special she was. But there was a void. And I never dealt with it well. Over time, that void filled with bitterness and grief. I never got over her. I loved her so much.” He sniffs back the tears as Evan and I exchange glances. This is not something we’d have chosen for our bingo card today. “Axton, do you know how hard it is to look at you? You remind me so much of her. And it doesn’t help that she died trying to save you.” I stare at him in shock. He never told us that. “You never mentioned that.” He nods slowly. “I didn’t want you to feel bad or be burdened with that knowledge growing up.” Evan leans over and touches his arm. “Dad what happened to Mom?” “Our pack was under attack from rogues. They swarmed in, hundreds of them. Apparently our Alpha upset them by trapping some of their mates when they trespassed into the pack. We were overwhelmed as many of our warriors were not there at the time. They knew exactly when to attack, had been observing us for days. I told her to take you two and run. But you got separated from her Axton. You wanted your bear. That big black one that’s still in your room. You took off for home because you got scared. She figured it out and was chasing after you. I was trying to reach her when she said you ran off. But a rogue had you cornered and she decided to take him on by herself to save you. I was too far away….” He breaks down sobbing now. “She held her own but then two more showed up and she couldn’t defend herself. I got there too late for her. Luckily I was in time to save you and Evan. Alpha Jacob found us while I was burying our dead and mourning. He offered us a place here as he needed a Beta. The rest of our pack was slaughtered or they never came back once they heard what happened. There were only five or six that weren’t home that day. I know it was wrong but in so many ways I have blamed you for her death. I’m sorry Axton. I should have never even thought that way but….she was my soulmate. Reyanne might be my second mate but your mother was…..was the one I will always love.” Evan and I sit stunned by this. Dad has never told us what happened to our original pack nor all of that about Mom. He always said she died in a rogue attack but not that she was protecting me. “So you’ve hated me for Mom’s death even though I was only four?” He nods looking ashamed. “When Reyanne said you moved out, I got angry again. Furious with you. But then I sat down and realized that you had no reason to stay Axton. I haven’t been supportive of you in….such a long time. Last night, I sat in your room and looked at that damn bear of yours, thinking what if I lost you too back then. What if all I had left of you was that bear? And I realized that I’ve blamed you for something I should be ashamed of. I’m sorry son.” Evan waits a minute but when I don’t respond he asks. “Is that why we don’t have pictures of Mom or us as a family?” He nods slowly. “They burned the houses as they cleared them. The one in the living room is the only one that survived.” “You should have told us Dad. Not hidden this away. I thought you hated me.” He reaches over and squeezes my arm shaking his head. “No Axton. I don’t hate you. I am not the most expressive individual which has always lead to challenges but I want to fix this. I want to change our relationship. I hope it isn’t too late.” “We can try Dad but if nothing changes, then I won’t work at it. It wasn’t my fault and to know you’ve basically been punishing me for that is pretty damn painful. I need some time to process this.” He looks remorseful. “I understand. I was hoping that maybe I could come to breakfast some mornings and at least see you two that way. I’ll bring coffee. Or better I’ll bring a bag of it for you to brew here.” I meet Evan’s eyes and I already know it’s my decision this time. “We can try that Dad.” I finally say softly. He smiles. “Thank you, Axton.” He stands to hug Evan and when he sees I’m not moving, he nods pursing his lips. “We need to get there over time.” He holds his hand out for me to shake and I do that. He sees himself out and we sit staring at each other for probably ten minutes. “Ax you ok?” “Not really. I always wondered why he seemed to hate me. It makes sense now, but I’m still pissed at him. I was a defenseless child. I don’t even remember any of that.” Evan comes to embrace me. “And you don’t have to forgive him…ever. Nor do you need to forget how he acted. But I’m glad we know the truth now.” “It’s something at least to have the answer.” My phone goes off and I see the text from Bellamy making my heart race. “Mimi is here and she wants to talk to you.” Good maybe we can get an answer about that fire vision we had. Or memory whatever that was. I almost asked Dad but I could only handle so much from him in one day.
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