Mimi's Thoughts

1330 Words
Bellamy Mimi sits muttering over a bowl of blue gel that doesn’t smell good at all. I’m hoping I don’t have to eat it or something. I texted Axton and he should be here any minute. Without looking up she says, “something has changed in you. What happened between you and Axton?” I squirm a little. “I kissed him.” “Ah that will do it.” “What?” “Have that fairy soul fluttering the way it is. Can you feel it, Bellamy?” “Yes, it feels as if I’ve had butterflies all over today.” “Nice, isn’t it?” “Yes, but what does it mean?” “It means that you got a kiss from the man you have loved forever. I do feel there is something off in this pack. I can sense it and so could the head of my home tizzy. She says that some sort of evil has taken root. It has bled into things it should have no control over.” “Evil…like a curse or spell?” “No deceit is evil Bellamy, especially if it changes the course of a life. Cheating is evil when it tears families apart. So many forget that evil does not have to be impressive or otherworldly. Murder for instance is one of the worst evils to explain that better.” She stirs the blue goo again and I smell fire this time. “But I will say that I think there is something extra involved in this. Something that compounds the evil and is helping to hide it.” Her head jerks up as she listens. “Is he almost here yet?” Right on cue, someone knocks, and my heart almost does a somersault. “I’m pretty sure that’s him.” Mimi watches me carefully. “Come in Axton.” She says as she opens the door. “Bellamy tells me the two of you had a shared vision or memory.” He coughs a little and I’m sure he remembers exactly how we had that vision. I see his eyes dart to me before he looks at the floor. Mimi smiles a little. He recounts what happened. “Did it seem real?” She asks him suspiciously. “Yes, I could smell the fire like it was real. And the heat from it made me want to run.” “Bellamy, what about you?” “Yes Mimi. Same for me.” “Bellamy I need to speak with Axton alone.” I stare at her puzzled but walk out. Morgarella (Mimi) Axton subtly watches every step Bellamy takes from the room. The door shuts and I say without looking at him. “You can openly stare at the woman you love in front of me Axton.” His mouth drops open as he turns fully to face me. “Is it obvious?” “To me yes. To her, no it sadly isn’t. Come and sit over here.” I watch him move but he seems a bit relieved for someone to know one of his secrets. “Mimi that vision was so real.” “Because it was. I will explain what happened to you if you will answer something for me first.” “What?” “How many times have you died Axton?” I watch his eyes widen and he sucks in a deep breath before blinking and muttering something. “How did you know?” He asks in a shocked whisper. “I can tell. It leaves a mark even when a Goddess allows you to be resurrected. How many?” “Only one. Bellamy’s mate killed me.” Now that shocks me. I turn and go to my bag rummaging until I find the green box. I remove a small dropper bottle and walk back to him. “Let me see your finger please.” He trustingly holds his hand out palm up to me. One single drop hits his index finger. It sizzles like hot butter before beading back up and rising in the shape of a red swirling vortex. Axton watches stupefied. It then changes into falling rain drops and lands on the ground disappearing. "What I thought...." I mutter. "Mimi what is it?" "Tell me what happened before you died. How did her mate kill you?" He tells me everything from when he woke in the hospital. "You challenged him and he cheated. Axton, he will be the one who kills you in each resurrection whether you challenge him or not. But since the challenge was not completed properly it is still incomplete in the Goddess's eyes. Meaning he will be her mate until the challenge is truly ended with no treachery. Otherwise, I believe she could have possibly gotten a different mate each time." He looks aggrieved at my words. “I could be wrong Axton.” I wave my hand in the air making sure no one can hear us still. "Axton the vision you saw last night is a buried memory. When you kissed Bellamy, it allowed memories to shift in your mind and that one is tied to a strong emotional response much like kissing her was. Sharing a deep connection like a kiss with the one who has part of your soul exposes deep feelings. Have you remembered anything else related to it?" He shakes his head. "You will. It has broken a floodgate so to speak. Do you think you could ask your father about it?" "I'm not sure he'd tell me the truth. He revealed something to me today he's hidden for a long time about my mother and why he has treated me coldly.” “Very true.” Xavier Stone is a callous bastard of a father and that mate of his should be turned into an asexual toad. Would serve her right. “If more of that memory returns, come to me. We’ll help you piece it together. I feel it has some importance to this bigger picture.” Bellamy I decided to go for a walk while Mimi speaks with Axton. I wonder what she is telling him. As I walk thinking over all the bits of memories I’ve seen recently, I can’t help but wonder why I got this strange ability. I haven’t made it far when I hear my uncle screaming in my head. “BORDER BREACH! Rogues Bellamy! Get to the safe room!” I spin around ready to run but then I see them charging through the path in front of me. Several of them don’t appear to be rogues from their size. One of them slows in his tracks and I see a woman out of the corner of my vision standing in front of him. She holds a hand out almost like she’ll touch him but I hear her crying, pleading almost. He leaps and claws her chest dropping her to the ground before racing toward the packhouse. I turn back to stare into the forest for a moment making sure I don’t sense any more heading our way. I run over to the woman on the ground and do a double take as I stare into her lifeless eyes. Reyanne Stone I am about to move away from her when I hear an anguished howl behind me. I spin around finding Axton’s father running toward us looking almost feral. I step aside as I hear my uncle call my name urgently. I hurry to him and he asks what happened. I tell him what I saw as we watch Xavier lean down burying his face in her neck. His shoulders shake as I hear him crying. He lifts her into his lap cradling her, stroking her head as he rocks back and forth. Running footsteps draw my attention and I watch Axton and Evan race up. They stop cold when they see their father with Reyanne’s lifeless body.
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