
1869 Words
Axton “So you are telling me you have died and woken up alive the next morning, having gone back in time to the week before your death THREE times now? This is life number FOUR?” Corbin’s face looks like one would expect after he listened to my tale. “Dude, you think you have nine lives like a cat? Been meowing or anything lately?” He grins at his joke and I smack his arm. “Be serious. I have six days maybe before I die again and I will have to explain this to your pea brain all over.” “Alright, alright sorry. Maybe next life you go visit a mental hospital, just sleep for the week and relax. I’ll come with you when you explain that I believed you in your fourth life. Damn I know what this reminds me of, like Zelda going on a quest when we would play video games.” Corbin chuckles again. Either he really is taking this with pure amusement or he’s the one who needs the mental hospital for his cracked head. “Except I don’t know what this quest entails or what I am even remotely looking for as the end goal.” I rake my hands through my hair frustrated. I haven’t told him he’s died in the timelines. “Exactly like Zelda then…..The Moon Goddess really gave you no hints?” “Not really. The first time, she didn’t reveal to me it was her giving me a second chance and saying those words about deserving the truth.” “The first time? You only mentioned that one. When else did she visit you?” Corbin is right. I only told him she spoke to me right before I died four weeks ago. “I had a dream, but I know it was real. When I woke this morning, I felt different.” I sigh wishing she could have given me more. Though being able to confide in Corbin has helped tremendously already. The mental load is lighter. I repeat the details of the dream and he sits stunned. “You’ve had Phoenix that long? That’s unheard of Axton. I mean only special wolves and beings get their wolves early or shift early. You….you actually are something special.” I shake my head “I can’t be or I wouldn’t keep dying.” “No that makes you even more special. Who else gets to keep living after they die with visits from the Moon Goddess personally?! What does Phoenix say you should be doing since you are supposed to trust him?” “He’s snarling and angrier than normal. I’m not getting much out of him. Evan’s in the same boat, Griffin is like him.” Corbin looks thoughtful. “You think your dad was giving him herbs too? Because s**t if both of you go feral, this pack won’t survive.” “Phoenix says he was without a doubt. I don’t know what to do. I was hoping Bellamy would stay home this time, but she called; her and Mimi will be here in a few hours.” I close my eyes torn between desperate to see her and wanting to hide her in some remote mountain cabin. “Axton, you need to talk to her. Especially if she helps you unlock memories. See if she can hit you full blast this time unless you enjoy tangling with Alpha Dipshit.” Yeah, I told him everything except his death. There are some things I won’t burden my best friend with. “You’re right. Maybe she can help give Phoenix and I a starting point.” “Have you thought about letting Phoenix and Griffin confront your dad? I mean they are both angry and restless probably because they know exactly what he’s been doing.” Corbin leans back as he says that. “I’m worried Phoenix might kill him.” And I truly am at this point. “I don’t see the problem here….” Corbin says dryly. “Seriously Axton, Phoenix deserves to vent. Or should be go out and shift tonight? Let the both of you run. Mort will join you know that and help keep them in check. Maybe Adira could come too.” I nod. “Let’s do that. Can’t hurt.” Phoenix rumbles sounding a bit happier at that. Corbin sits and takes a deep breath. “You know Axton, you think all of this is related to Bellamy and her mate. But what if it isn’t? What if you are the heart and crux of the matter. Not her, not him but you and Phoenix. Since you are the one avenging things and righting wrongs, you are the focus. I think you need to stop reacting to Bellamy’s plight and instead turn this around and examine yourself very carefully. What do we know about your old pack? Why does your father have a very young chosen mate that he doesn’t even seem to like half the time? Your mother, we need to dig into her family. See if there’s anything special there. And we need more about Xavier Stone and his family too. These are the questions we should be answering. Not anything to do with Bellamy until after we find all that. And while I agree that the fact Tylen Dickhead is related to the evil vein of the Storm bloodline is vitally important, we need to focus on how that translates back to you.” I look at him feeling like everything just shifted on its axis. Corbin isn’t wrong but all I’ve worried about has been making Bellamy’s mate issue the focal point. “Yeah there you go, there’s my battle planning genius. Time to make your strike plans General.” Bellamy My heart is still pounding from seeing Alpha Draynor. The fire abated not long after he said his piece and he disappeared fading away into a gray mist. I stare almost waiting to see if someone else will appear. Mimi grabs my arm and ushers me back to the car quickly. “We should not linger here. There is something more sinister at work and we need to make it to Axton.” She’s barely made it a few miles though when I hear screaming. I clutch my head as I gaze around for the source. “Mimi!” She stops the car immediately. “Bellamy what do you see?” “Nothing. But I hear screaming. So many voices and a woman in agony.” “Close your eyes Bellamy. Listen to them. Let yourself fall. I am here and will bring you back.” I let my mind drift and Adira says to relax. As I fall under, I can’t see anything, but I hear them. “Crossing the border…” “Too many.” “Get to the safe room!” “Find the Alpha! Make sure he is protected!” “The pack is lost Luna. We are sorry.” “Where is my pup? Give him to me.” That voice. It’s the broken one. She tries to sound strong but she is dying inside. I can feel her grief flowing over me. “You cannot have him. He is mine. I would rather die than let you harm him.” And then the absolute hatred and anger that rolls over me has me flinching. “He will be nothing special. He is nothing like his father was! I will show you. You will see.” Blinding pain then, as if I was struck with something burning hot. I wake up shaking and Mimi watches me carefully. I tell her what I heard. “Did you recognize any of their voices?” I shake my head. “I could feel their pain though. Their terror. Why didn’t I see them?” “Because their emotions were so strong it overpowered everything else. Let’s get going. I don’t want to linger on this road.” She says glancing around. “Mimi why are you so worried?” “Because I know things I shouldn’t. I need to start explaining some things to you now Bellamy so your head doesn’t explode. I retain memories. Things that seem to not have happened but they did. We are trapped in a repeating time loop. This is the third or fourth time we have lived this week. That is why your abilities are fully manifested. You’ve had your birthday several times over.” “Wait what?!” She nods slowly. “We need to ask Axton. But it’s related to him. He restarts the loop. He’s died Bellamy. I don’t know how many times and different ways. We have to get to him and find out. I have a message for him too from the Fairy King.” I turn wide eyes to her. “You saw the Fairy King? And what do you mean Axton died?!” “Yes as did you. You won’t remember but you might relive it as a dream or memory. Let that sink in little sparkle. The pain you have every week, that is when he dies.” I gaze into her eyes shocked. “Why would I feel that pain?” “You are connected. The Moon Goddess is playing games with your mate but it will all right itself I am confident.” As we drive, she tells me the rest. “We need to tell Axton about your glimmering ability.” Mimi drives straight to Axton and Evan’s new cabin when we arrive. She is intent to see him first. “Your uncle can wait. This is important.” He comes racing out. Corbin is here with him. I stare up at him as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. “I missed you.” He whispers and I understand it means so much more. “Axton how many times have you had to be glad to see me alive again?” “This is the fourth.” Mimi breathes in sharply. “Inside, this is not the place for these types of talks.” She ushers us all in and then I watch her muttering. A blue dome flickers briefly and she squares her shoulders. “Talk freely now.” Axton tells us everything he’s experienced. Mimi motions for me to do the same. I pass along all I can remember. She adds things that shock me though. Like I’ve seen Axton’s death the first time and how Tylen used fairy dust on us to subdue us in the last timeline. “I have a warning for you from the Fairy King Axton.” She repeats his words and I admit they are vaguely familiar to me. “Home? What does he mean for me to go home?” Axton looks confused. “Ask Phoenix.” She suggests. Phoenix pushes forward his voice deep and angry. “He means it’s time to find out where we belong. This is not our home. It never was. Corbin was right earlier. We need the answers to those questions. And we will start with questioning our so called father tomorrow.”

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