A Friend

1489 Words
Bellamy What a crazy day! Mimi comes to hug me as I make it back into the packhouse. Reyanne Stone was not a good wolf or human and I don’t really mourn her but I did feel sad that Xavier had lost both his mates. That had to be painful. “Mimi what did you talk to Axton about?” She arches an eyebrow. “That is between us. But I believe he will share most of it with you….eventually. Even in a different day. You should be aware of this though. When you touch him it will ignite memories for him. Things he has buried somehow. I am not sure why he has buried memories unless his mother’s death caused trauma to him. Not just a touch of your hand though little sparkle. Something with more emotion like the kiss.” I nod slowly. My phone goes off and I see Axton’s name. “Hey Axton.” Mimi smiles as she watches me. “Bells, I just checked on my dad and reported what little I found out to Alpha. Would you…would you like to go have dinner with me?” He sounds nervous and instantly I am too. Does he mean like we always do with Evan and Corbin? Maybe Lane too. Or something different? “Sure, I’d love to.” My heart pounds as I answer. “I thought we could go have a picnic. I’ll grab the food and then come by there to get you.” “Ok. Is it…is it just us?” He clears his throat. “Yes, is that alright?” I rush out “yes” before facepalming. So chill Bellamy. “Great. I’ll see you in thirty minutes.” I try not to get too excited thinking that maybe he wants to talk more about Reyanne’s attack. He ends the call and I stand there staring in shock. Mimi laughs. “Go get changed young lady. Sounds like you have a date!” I grin and race out to go change. I don’t want to go crazy but I can look nice without going overboard. I grab some dark blue pants and an embroidered top that matches them. When Axton knocks on my door, my stomach is fluttering like crazy. I take a deep breath and open it. He’s standing with his hands in his pockets and I can tell he’s been running his hands through his hair. Does that mean this is a date since he’s nervous? “Hey you look pretty.” A compliment is not normal….damn I just need to ask but not here in my open doorway. “Thank you.” I step out and follow him down to his truck. “I thought we’d go by our treehouse and eat there. There’s lanterns that work so it won’t be dark.” I nod. “Umm Axton, what is…what is this?” I hurry to ask before my courage gives out. He glances at me for a second but doesn’t answer. He parks the truck and turns to me. “I guess I should have clarified that before I drove us here. I was hoping….Bells I was hoping it could be like a date.” I can’t fight the slow smile and see him copy it. “I hope that smile means this is ok and I didn’t just destroy our friendship.” I whisper “No it’s more than ok.” “Great. Wait there. I’ll come help you out and grab the food.” When he takes my hand those butterflies explode again. We walk and I see he has it all set up with blankets and the lanterns are already lit. “I had high hopes you can tell. I’m sure you are wondering why I decided to do this. With what happened today and that kiss, I realized you never know what can happen and you need to try for what you want.” “Sounds like good reasoning.” “Hungry?” “Yes starving. It’s been a long day. How’s your dad?” “I checked on him before I called you. He’s grieving. They gave him a sleeping pill and he was out when I left. He should sleep all night. Evan is going to stay with him and I will relieve him early in the morning.” “He’s lost two mates. Do you think his wolf will survive that?” “Not sure. Dugal was out completely. Phoenix tried to talk to him but got a mere whimper.” He changes the subject and I welcome it. We can dwell on death another time. We’ve finished eating and are sitting watching the fireflies flit through the trees. He put big pillows along the back and we lean against them. It’s a comfortable silence. He reaches over and takes my hand. “I have always wanted to ask you on a date Bellamy. I wish I hadn’t been stupid and waited so long.” “It’s not stupid Ax, we are taught to wait for our mates. And I confess I am worried about this with my birthday tomorrow.” He looks down for a minute at our hands. “I know but I still wanted to ask. And maybe…maybe things will work out in some way.” Axton I can sense both her worry and her excitement. I couldn’t stop myself from asking her on a date. That kiss, Reyanne dying, my own possible impending death…might as well seize the moment. “That would be so nice.” She says softly. I lean forward and cup her cheek. My heart is going to jump out of my chest it’s pounding so hard. She tilts her chin up and I take that as ok to kiss her again. The minute my lips touch hers, I feel nothing but absolute peace and desire. She responds immediately. As we continue to kiss, I hear voices. That little boy flashes before my eyes. I try to ignore it wanting to kiss her instead. It continues to play in my mind. We were playing in a pack. Not this one, but it was the boy’s home. My dad’s voice from far away. “Let’s go this way Axton.” “Wait for me Trent.” We are laughing and chasing through the forest. He runs behind a tree and I chase him. When I step around, a man is holding his hand over his mouth. Trent looks terrified. I step back but the man pulls out a knife and holds it by his cheek. “Come over here or I will cut his face.” I swallow wanting to run and cry but I need to help my friend. He grabs me and a sudden prick on my arm makes me whimper. Then darkness. The memory swirls and another begins. I’m still kissing Bellamy I realize as she shifts closer to me wrapping her arms around my neck. “Axton wake up!” His terrified whisper reaches my ears as I open my eyes. We are in some kind of cabin our wrists and ankles bound with zip ties. No one else is in the cabin. We sit there for a bit and I listen. After no noises, I remember someone teaching me how to break zip ties. I break mine and then help Trent remove his. We creep toward the door and cautiously open it to escape. I hold my finger to my lips and we get ready to run. As we are about ten feet from the cabin, I hear a shout. Oh no! He’s found us. I grab his hand for us to keep running. Suddenly a sharp pain hits us both and we fall forward. The man comes to stand over us and it feels like he’s pulling on my scalp. I turn and see the whip in his hand. It’s dotted with silver spurs at one inch intervals. “Run again and I’ll wrap it all over your bodies.” I look at Trent’s terrified face. I whisper to him. “Run Trent.” Before I jump up and launch myself at the man’s face. He scrambles to his feet and takes off. “You little s**t! You are going to die for that.” He snarls and lifts me up hauling me back to the cabin. The memory ends with him tying me to a beam and spilling liquid all over the cabin. He lights a match standing at the front door. With a sinister grin, he calls out “Goodbye little Axton. It was only supposed to be you anyway.” I back away from Bellamy slowly. “Did you see that too?” “Yes who was that guy?” “I think that was Trent Yarrow. The assassin the council has been searching for. It looks like he was my friend.”
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