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Bellamy “Uncle Jacob.” I run and hug him. He embraces me warmly. “There’s my beautiful niece. How was the trip?” “Great. I’m so happy to be here.” He smiles big. “Lane is out right now but Evan and Axton should be done at the training grounds soon. They will help watch you. I informed them this morning.” “Perfect. I think I’ll go unpack.” I tell him excitement taking over. I can’t wait to see Axton. I also need to call Mimi. Once inside the room, I sit on the bed and hurry to call her. “Hello little sparkle. Did something happen?” One day I hope to surprise the woman. She always knows. “Yes it was really strange.” I begin relaying the vision or dream whatever it was I had. She gasps. Oh I surprised her finally. This is not when I was hoping to do it. “It seemed real? As in you felt the breeze, smelled everything? Did you touch anything?” “No I didn’t get the chance. But that woman, she looked right at me.” She begins muttering her eyes darting back and forth. “Mimi I’m a little worried watching you.” She’s never not had a quick answer. Her eyes refocus on me and she gives me a serious look. “Bellamy, you may have the glimmering.” “What is that? And why do you make it sound so bad?” “You can see immerse yourself in memories. Live them almost. And the people in them may be able to see you. I need to research that old pack and see who that woman could be. Not everyone can recognize a fairy. She had some type of magical ability otherwise she wouldn’t know your soul through a glimmer. This is an extremely dangerous ability Bellamy. When you find yourself in that situation, you will need to be on high alert. I am not sure if you can shift in those moments. The best solution might be for you to conceal yourself if you can. Sounds like there would have been no way to do this today but keep that in mind.” I think through that. “Does that mean I can be hurt by the people in the memory?” “Yes it does. No one has had that ability for a long time. The last one was the King Dornas’s daughter, Micella. And we are not descendants of their line so I am not sure why you would have this ability. All will be revealed in its time for why. But tell no one about this. I will start reading and see what I can find. May need to call an old friend from my home tizzy. Look for this in that book you took with you also. It will be in the back section under ‘rare gifts.’” “I will. Thank you Mimi.” “Love you Bellamy.” “Love you back.” I end the call and decide I’ll unpack later. I want to go see all my friends. I walk downstairs and out of the packhouse heading toward the training grounds. I’ve always felt safe in this pack. Axton “Dad seemed pissed in the text I got too.” I look over at Evan as we finish clearing all the extra stuff from the training grounds. “Yeah he’s mad. Sends me one every day about how disappointed in me he is. I tried to be reasonable and told him we’d talk when he got back. But he went off so I am just ignoring him at this point.” “You told him you’ve been checking on Reyanne every morning right?” I nod feeling my frustration rising from talking about this. “Didn’t seem to matter. He wants us to move back home immediately.” Which is not happening. I really wasn’t even going to do that but after she showed up the first morning at the packhouse and then the second one at the cabin we chose; my hand was forced. I don’t want her coming by so I have been getting up early and going there. She brought coffee and breakfast each time. Acting like some weird stepmother figure again toward me. She could be my sister so it creeps me out. The Moon Goddess definitely works in weird ways and has her own agenda is all I can say. This morning she sent me home with a huge bag of coffee and a container of some kind of pasta. The coffee I stuck in the pantry but the pasta went straight to the trash. Acted all tearful and afraid too. Goddess knows what crap she’s been spewing to our father. “Hey guys!” That voice sends shivers down my spine. Evan’s head lifts up and he grins. “Bells!” I force myself to take a deep breath and turn slowly. She is hugging my brother and I push the jealousy down I feel. When he lets her go, I slowly step her way looking her over. She gets more beautiful every time she visits. Her smile growing wider as she turns to me. “Axton!” She squeals before I hug her. I keep myself stiffer than I would like. She smells like the first day of spring, clean and fresh. She backs away tucking a lock of her wavy copper hair behind her ear. “How was training? And I heard you two moved into a cabin by yourselves.” I nod as Evan starts rattling off how awesome it is to be on our own. She glances up at me with some worry. “Was your dad ok with that?” “He’s been gone for a week and no he’s not pleased we left Reyanne on her own.” I tell her tonelessly. “Maybe when he gets back he’ll feel better about it. Uncle Jacob can stand up for you too. You’re of age to be allowed to do that.” I nod knowing none of that will matter to Xavier Stone. We still need to go back to the house when she’s gone and clear out our remaining things. But it’s like she won’t leave the house since we moved. Her eyes unfocus and she says. “I need to go back to the packhouse. But I’ll see you two at dinner right?” “Wouldn’t miss it.” I say lightly. She turns to go and I watch her. Her birthday is coming soon and I’m not sure how I’m going to handle that if she finds her mate here. I sigh feeling that frustration rising again. Evan glances at me sharply. “You alright Axton? You’ve been kinda restless and seem agitated a lot the last few days.” “Sorry Evan. Should have known you would notice. Broody huh?” He nods ruefully. “Don’t mean to be. Phoenix is really restless and I can’t shake this weird frustration I feel.” I reach out to him. “What is going on with us?” He grumbles. “Sorry Axton, lately I feel….strange. Like something is changing. A pack dynamic or something else. I can’t shake it but have no idea what it is.” “I feel that too. Almost like my senses are sharper. I thought perhaps we are coming more into our Beta abilities or something.” “There is that too. A sense of something stronger coming out. We’d have to ask our father if that happens.” He pauses knowing we’ll get no real answers there. “Or maybe Bellamy can ask her Beta at home. He might be more help.” “I’ll ask her at dinner tonight if she will call him. He’s a good wolf.” Beta Jeremy is honorable and he’ll tell us. He’s met my father so he’ll understand why I’m asking him too. Especially through Bellamy. “No clues though?” “It almost feels like a dormant part of our emotions has awakened. Everything is sharper and we are experiencing more frustration and irritation. Also you noticed your reaction to Bellamy was stronger than normal. Heightened. Could just be increased Beta abilities like you proposed.” “Guess we’ll go with that for now. I hope it’s nothing else.” I glance in the direction Bellamy went. I wonder if her coming is what has awakened something. It’s harder and harder to see her each time she visits since my birthday I know that.
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