Chapter Seventeen

376 Words
Chapter Seven teen  The whole way home, Rory kept asking questions.  Why am I mad at daddy?  Was daddy going away again like before?  And about a million other things. I just kept distracting her so I didn't have to answer them.  'So what did you get up to today with daddy?'  'He took me to the fair to go on all the rides and he got me lots and lots of cotton candy! But then his friend came.' it took me a minute to realise she meant that Darcey b***h.  'I see, so… what's daddys friend like?' I know I shouldn't be asking my four year old daughter questions so I could get information on my husband and some random girl, but she would tell me the truth… she was to young and innocent to lie.  'Shes ok. she talks to daddy a lot. They talked while I was on the horses!'  'Horses?'  'Yeah the horses round a bout'. Ohhh, she meant the merry go round.  'Did she and daddy hug?' she 'hmm'ed for a moment.  'I don't remember'. Probably for the best that she didn't remember. If she said they did, it would annoy me more and if she said they didn't then I guess I'd have to apologize to him.  Arriving home, Rory went straight to the front room to play with her toys. I tossed my keys on the side by the front door and followed her in to the room.  I turned the TV on and out on her favourite program before crashing out on the sofa and pulling my phone out my pocket.  I had three missed calls off Adam and two text messages. Only one was off my husband the other was off Eddie.  Eddie: Hey, can we meet up and talk? Me: Hey, yeah sure, when and where?  Eddie: Well, Sammy is dying to see Rory again so maybe we can pop over and the girls can play while we talk?  I smiled as I replied.  Me: Sounds good, just come over when ever you want :)  Eddie: Ok, Cool, See you soon.  Knowing Eddie and Sammy were coming over made me happy. At least it was something to take my mind off Adam and today. 
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