Chapter Sixteen

601 Words
Chapter Six Teen  Shit, what do I say? What do I do?  Would playing dumb work? judging by the look on Adam's face, I'm guessing... no.  'Well? I'm waiting for an answer. What have you done?' Folding his arms, I could tell he was getting angrier and angrier... I'm going to have to tell the truth.  Oh god.  'I-I told Eddie..' I stopped, I couldn't even bring myself to say it.  'What?!' I jumped slightly at the anger in his voice.  'I told Eddie about our past!'. I just blurted it out. Kinda like the ''ripping the band-aid off'' technique He just looked at me as if I had three heads. 'Babe? Babe talk to me...' He stayed quiet, just blinking. 'Are you for real?' I nodded. 'FOR f*****g REAL!?' I flinched when he screamed. Rory came running over to us. As soon as he saw her, he tried to calm down.  'Daddy, why are you shouting?'  'Mummy has been bad, thats all baby.' I just looked at him. I can't believe he just said that! TO RORY! 'How about we go out and get some ice cream?' She nodded happily and ran off back into the house to get her self sorted.  'Ad, Please-'  'No. You stupid, stupid b***h'. I looked down, ashamed of what I've done. He didn't say anything else, Instead, he just headed back into the house. I waited outside in the garden until I heard them both leave out the front door.  I just roamed around the house for a few hours, Waiting for Rory and Adam to get, but they after about hour 4, I decided to go out and head to the shops. Maybe I can make Adam his favourite for dinner, Steak, and we can talk about what I did.  Arriving at the shop, I got all the bits I needed and left again. As I was heading to the car again, I heard a very familiar voice. Looking around, trying to see the source, I froze when I did; Adam, Rory and some random blonde...  WHAT THE f**k!?  Dumping the shopping in the car, I slammed the door and stormed over to them. Adam didn't even see me approaching, and Rory was to busy eatting her cotton candy to notice me.  'What the hell is going on?!' I demanded to know.  'Mummy!' Rory yelled and hugged my legs. Adam looked like a deer in the headlights, but no one spoke.  'What is going on?!' I repeated.  'Megz, This is my friend Darcy'. I looked at her. She didn't smile, She didn't speak, she just looked at me.  'Right. i thought you were taking Rory for Ice cream?'  'Daddy took me and Darcy to the fair mummy'. That made my blood boil. I have never even heard of this girl before and now he's taking her on days out with MY daughter? 'Did he?' I looked back at this Darcy girl, My annoyance clear on my face.  'I'll talk to you later Ads'. She smiled at him, completely ignored me and left. I took a deep breath in before I looked at him.  'What the f**k?! You took our daughter on a date?'  'Dont be stupid. she's just a friend'.  'I've never heard you mention her before'.  'She's a new friend'. Bending down, I picked Rory up.  'The f**k off with your 'friend'. I don't want you coming home!' I snapped and walked off, ignoring him calling my name. Honestly, what the hell was that about?  Was he cheating on me? and if he was, how dare he take Rory on a date!
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