Chapter Eighteen

501 Words
Chapter Eight Teen It was only about half an hour later when there was a knock at the door, I didn't bother telling Rory that Sammy and Eddie were coming over. I decided to leave it as a surprise for her. When she heard the knocking, she looked at me. I smiled at her.  'Whos at the door mummy?' I held my hands up in confusion, pretending that I didn't have a clue.  'I don't know sweetie, why don't we go and have a look?' she nodded excitedly and jumped up to her feet. Not even waiting for me, she ran at full speed out of the front room and towards the front door. I poked my head out of the door way and smiled to her. 'Go on then, Open it'.  Reaching up, she opened the door and screamed when she stood Sammy stood there. They jumped in to each others arms and started bouncing up and down.  'Mummy it's Sammy!!' Rory kept screaming over and over. It made me happy to see her so excited to see her little friend.  'I know baby girl. Why don't you step a side and let Sammy and her daddy in'.  'Ok mummy!'  As soon as she stepped to the side, Eddie and Sammy came in and Rory closed the door again. He looked around quickly before his eyes landed on me.  'Hey!' I smiled at him and he smiled back.  'Hey!' walking towards him, we had a quick hug before the girls ran off to play again. 'Do you want a cup of tea?' he nodded.  'Yeah please'. We made our way to the kitchen, hearing the girls scream and giggle and play in the other room. It was honestly so adorable and sweet.  'So, What have you guys got planned for today then?' I asked casually, trying to start the conversation rolling, although the silence between the two of us wasn’t an awkward one.  'No plans for us, hense why I figured we'd come over. How's Adam?' I looked up at him but when i saw he was staring at me, I looked away again, 'Oh, that good huh?'  'Meh, we just had a fight... another fight'. I corrected myself.  'Oh?'  'Yeah, he said he was taking Rory out and then I saw him with some random bimbo'. He c****d his head to the side. 'Ok, She wasn't a bimbo, but she was a bit of a b***h'. He nodded understandingly.  'You guys been fighting a lot recently?' I nodded. 'That happens, Its the massive down side of being married and one of you working away'.  'Yeah, I guess I just thought that once he was home, every thing would be fine and good again, but its not'.  'Maybe you need to talk to him about this stuff'.  'Yeah, Maybe'.  We carried on talking for a little while longer, but all too soon, I heard Adam's car pull up. Oh, great, This is just what I need, more drama... 
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