Chapter Fifteen

528 Words
Chapter fifteenI  was just going about my morning, Watching Rory and Adam play games together when it suddenly hit me. I could have ruined everything by telling Eddie about all that s**t that happened in the past. I needed to make this right. If he told anyone... I'd lose everything.. most importantly, I'd lose Adam.  I sat down on the chair and thought back to the last time where that nearly happened...  My wedding day. Johnny had a complete melt down and went AWOL from the reception. I was terrified about what he was going to do... I was even more terrified when the police turned up. Luckily, it was for something unrelated that was happening in the hotel.  When we finally managed to find him, I sat down with him and we talked it out. Granted, Johnny speak to any of the guys for years afterwards. He couldn't find it in his heart to forgive them for what they did, or me for lying to him.  Then, on Rory's first birthday, She was rushed to the hospital, she had an allergic reaction to some of the food. Obviously Danni and Anna-Lin were there, and as soon as they told Johnny what had happened, he turned up at the hospital, with the sudden out look that life was to short and all was forgiven (sort of).  ..and now, I might have f****d it all up again, but not being able to keep my big mouth shut.  FUCK SAKE!!  Grabbing my phone off the side, I dialled Eddie's number quickily and waited for him to answer.  Every ring seemed to last forever, until finally, he answered;  'Hello?'  'Eddie, hello, it is me'. As if he had bat hearing, Adam looked up at me. Not wanting him to hear what I was about to say, I stood up and left the room.  'Oh.. Hey. What's up?'  'Look... About what I told you last night, That was a mistake, I shouldn't have said anything. it was stupid and reckless and if anyone found out, it would ruin my life and family. Please-'  'I'm not going to tell a soul'. He cut me off. I wasn't sure I heard him right, to begin with...  'You're not going to tell anyone?'  'No. it is not my place to say anything. If you have moved past it together then who am I to say anything'. A massive sense of relief washed over me.  'Oh f*****g hell, I'm so thankful to hear that. Thank you so much'.  'No problem'.  'Is everything ok?'  'Yes. I have to go, bye'. He hung up before I could say any more. That was weird.. Shaking my head, I turned around to head back inside, but when I did, Adam was stood there, looking far from pleased.  'What the f**k was that?' I smiled at him.  'Nothing honey'. I walked past him and headed into the kitchen, but he followed.  'So what did you mean when you said it could ruin our family? Oh, fuck...  How was i going to explain this, he's going to kill me if he finds out I told someone our biggest secret! f**k! f**k! f**k!!
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