Chapter Fourteen

406 Words
Chapter Four teen  woke up the next morning in an empty bed. At first, I wondered if the whole thing had just been a dream... but then I could hear Rory and Adam's voices as they came up the stairs.  'Will mummy like it daddy?' I heard Rory ask.  'I'm sure she will love it'. Seconds later, The pair came in to the bed room, carrying a tray. 'Good morning baby'. He greeted me. Smiling, I sat up and Adam placed a tray down on my lap.  Breakfast in bed, consisting of Toast, bacon, beans, sausage, a glass of orange juice and a cute little flower.  'Awww, it is perfect'. I looked over at my smiling little girl. 'Was this your idea?' She shook her head.  'No mummy, it was daddy's idea! But I helped'. I gasped over dramatically.  'You did? Well, aren't you such a sweet girl!'. She started smiling uncontrollably. It was the cutest thing.  'I thought you could have a nice relaxing breakfast and then we could all go out'. I smiled sadly at him. 'Whats wrong?' Looking between him and Rory, I turned my attention to her for a minute.  'Sweetie, why don't you go and play with your toys for a bit and daddy will be in in a minute'.  'OK!'. Running off, She left the room. I looked back up at Adam. 'Seriously, What?!'  'When do you have to leave again Adam?' I wasn't going to p***y foot around the subject. He's saying all these things about going out as a family or making me breakfast in bed with Rory, but sooner or later he will leave again and I'll be left to pick up the pieces of Rory's emotions.  'I don't'. I rolled my eyes.  'Right, so you're never going back?' That was complete and utter bull.  'No, I'm not. I was going to leave it as a surprise, but since you asked so nicely, I've been transferred back to the office in town'.  'W-what?'  'I don't have to travel for work anymore. I'll be home from now on'.  'For real?' He nodded. 'Oh, Adam that's great! that will be amazing for Rory!'.  'And you?'  'Yes, of course!'.  'Good.' Leaning over, He kissed my forehead quickily. 'I suppose I should go and play with Rory while you eat and get ready for our day out, huh?' I smiled and nodded and off he went, leaving me to my food. 
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