Chapter 8

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"Chemistry is you touching my mind  and it setting my body on fire." -Unknown    Grace Roberts' PoV: "He just...left," I said, the scene from this morning going inside my head. Remi who was busy giving herself a final touch up pouted at my statement. She had come a little earlier than 10 to gossip with me about anything. "So you said he's hot." She capped her lipstick, then turned to me. "What- No! I-i said he was just good-looking. Although he seemed messed up, because-" Remi cut me off. "Because his fiancée left him, that's useless info. What matters is that he was hot and you gotta find him now." She rushed over to me, her voice holding encouragement with a hint of determination probably to get me hooked up. Her brown eyes went round like those of a puppy, asking for food. "No way. He was rude as f**k, the last thing I would do is to find him." I scoffed, my hands rolling the last strand of my hair around the curler. The way he stormed out was still pissing me, people die to get an appointment with me and he just walked out? Although I told Remi all about him, I intentionally missed the part where he cornered me to the mask's desk. My heart had never thumped that fast before as it did then. That man had an unknown effect on me, an effect that made me wanna taste his lips on mine. It was insane, and I would never admit it to my best friend. "Girl, you gotta hook up. I bet it's that s****l need of days, months or probably years catching up to you." I looked at her with a death glare. "Stop making me sound like a virgin Remi." She laughed, "what was our stranger's name again?" Giving myself a last look, I turned my attention to her. "Dominic Valdez." His name rolled smoothly off my tongue, almost magically. Beside me, Remi froze and I glanced at her confusingly. "What?" I asked. She shook her head, "ah nothing. I thought he was the Valdez, funny right?" She said waving her hand as if putting the thought aside. "Valdez, as in Dean Valdez? The billionaire?" I was intrigued. Although I had met many rich people he was one I wished to meet until his death a few months ago. He inspired me with his ways of building a business overnight and I bet that stranger was anything but related to Dean Valdez. "Not anymore, I've heard they've got more of em'." My phone rang on time, and it was Rowan. "The car is ready, Miss Roberts." His voice came through the phone. "We are coming," I said before turning to Remi. "Tell me all about the Valdez in the car." With that, we both took off to the car outside. "It's been days since I last saw you in a dress like this." She motioned to my dress as we walked to the driveway. I wore a short red dress, that hugged my body in all the right places. If it wasn't for Remi, I would have worn my office clothes to the club. Yeah, I was that dumb with clothes. The dress had a deep neckline and was doing a poor job at hiding my cleavage, not that it was supposed to. Thank God, we've got VIP passes and a separate place for ourselves. The last I'd want is to have weird guys at the club ogling me. "So the Valdez?" I turned to her, once we were inside the car. A wicked grin spread on her lips, "there's this one called Kyle Valdez and he is one hot piece. Absolutely charming, and a gentleman." Dominic wasn't any less handsome. His features were mesmerizing, and those toned muscles of his that peaked a bit through the opened collar of his shirt almost made me drool. Wait, why the f**k am I comparing him? This is really getting up to me. "Rem, don't tell me you bribed Elijah for these passes?" I asked changing the topic. Another wicked grin appeared on her lips and wasn't surprised. "This time actually, Elijah lend them since he couldn't go." Poor guy, I thought. Elijah was the third one in our group. Ever since college, the three of us had gotten even closer. Elijah was the naive one in us, the innocent and kind one. Remi was the outgoing one with an extreme preference in everything, while I had always been neutral. Not too much, not too less. "Why? Gosh, I haven't talked to him in days." The workload wasn't any less these days either. "He shifted into a new apartment or a condo something." I snapped my head at her. "What?! He wanted to do that for so long, buy his condo!" I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I know, that doofus was really happy." Remi rolled her eyes, laughing. A few minutes later, we were standing outside the club as Rowan insisted on staying will we were to leave. "It's okay Rowan. I'll call you to pick us up." After a lot of insisting he agreed to leave. Rowan always made sure that is as safe, even when there was no danger. Why would there even be a danger? Nobody knew me outside my office. I could be Grace Roberts anywhere. "Where is your hookup guy?" I shouted at Remi, over the loud music as we entered the club. I had to admit, the club had its class. I glanced around finding the interior flashy and attractive. "He is waiting in the lounge," Remi shouted back to me. Great, I'll be third-wheeling then. We both made our way through the sweaty bodies on the dance floor dancing to the bursting music, to the VIP lounge. How are these people even enjoying this loud music? My ears are already getting tired of it. Upon entering the VIP lounge, Remi ran over to a guy in the corner and they began to kiss. That must be the boy she's hooking up these days, I thought. After they pulled away, that boy glanced at me and I had to admit that he was quite handsome. "Grace this is Sean." She was beaming and it was a different kind of beam. "Sean, this is my best friend Grace." I extended a hand and thought for a moment if it would be too professional. He shook it gently, "it's great to meet you. I am also here with my best friend." I smiled at him, as he pulled back and moved aside. "That's Dominic, my best friend," Sean said, and before I could register what he said my eyes fell on him. My throat dried and my voice died, that man looked sexier than ever.
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