Chapter 9

1330 Words
"You reek of love and lust, I can no longer smell the difference." -MSR   Hunter Dominic Valdez's PoV: "We're losing customers, not that we ever gained either but this needs serious attention, Mr Valdez," Aubree said and her voice annoyed me for the hundredth time. "Tell Liam to look into it, and bring some new strategies in the next meeting," I said trying to dismiss it for now. My mind was spiraling on the scene that took place in that Cupid's office. She must think that I am a coward now, after the way I ran away. That woman was distracting, and it was a stupid idea to go to her in the first place. If only that pathetic will of my father wasn't a pain in a** then I wouldn't have to go through that shitty pretentious scenario. "But Mr. Valdez, this matter requires immediate attention, and the meeting is already delayed till next week." That's it. Like a click, my anger burst out and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control it. I slammed my hand and a loud thud sounded in the room. "Did I not make myself clear? Leave now." My teeth gritted and without another word, Aubree left. That girl should stop annoying or I would be hiring a new one soon. Today was one of those frustrating days when the whole ordeal of the will and every bad thing would throw me off the edge. Annoyed and frustrated, I pulled my phone out and dialed Sean. "Up for another drinking night?" I asked just as he picked up. I couldn't wait to get wasted again. That Cupid was getting on my head, especially with that breathtaking figure and those big blue eyes. "Sorry man, I am booked for tonight." "By whom? That new girlfriend of yours?" I teased him. "What? No! Jesus man, she is just a friend with benefits kinda one." Sure yeah, as if I was believing him. "A**hole, you made her a friend already. Going weak for a girl eh?" It was fun torturing him until he accepts. "Fu*k off, at least I've got a girl." Argh, he was right. "You should tag along tonight and get hooked up man." He suggested and I began to consider it. He wasn't wrong, after all, it wasn't a want to get laid but a need at this point. I need to get her out of my head, this isn't working. She is my rival and I would treat her as one, instead of getting affected by her looks. "Bring it on, but you know I don't do a one-night stand and a hangover together," I said trying to change his mind about going to a club. "You get a girl and leave, besides I already have a girl for the night. See? No drinking involved!" He said as if it was that simple. "Fine a**hole, I'll see you there and grab me a VIP," I said and began to stack some files that I was to take home, not that I would be able to work tonight. I barely looked into a few files, but then decided against taking them home. Grabbing them, I head outside to Aubree's desk. "Complete reviewing this by tomorrow," I said tossing the files to her as she scrambled to get a hold of them. "I am calling it a day, good night." Her face was aghast for some reason I wasn't interested to know, why would I be? That girl couldn't manage a single thing without annoying me. I drove quite fast to home, that's mostly how I would take my frustration out, through driving, that too really fast. As I focused on the road, my thoughts kept reflecting on today morning. That skirt she wore and the way it showed her long, pale legs. She was a package that had everything, from good looks to a sexy figure but unfortunately, she was my rival, and desiring her was a stupid idea that I would never let happen. I decided to take the longest way home just to buy myself more time to think. I wasn't always a thinker, then why am I being one now? A good long drive later, my car came to halt outside the condo. A few moments later, I was cautiously walking towards my condo, desperate to avoid my over-enthusiastic neighbor. I was almost inside my house when I heard a creak of another door opening. Without thinking twice, I sprinted inside and slammed the door behind me. Standing behind the door, I was about to move away when a knock resounded. I cursed out loud, "f*ck." I opened the door and there stood my irritating neighbor. What does he want from me? Can't he just mind his own f*****g business? "What?" I asked. He had his usual smile on his way, which was disturbing and annoying both at the same time. "Oh hi! You dropped this." He extended his hand that held a wallet. My wallet, to be precise. "Right." I snatched it from his hand and slammed the door on his face. -------------------------------------------------------- "Where the f**k are you Sean? I am already here and without the pass." I groaned while facing outside the club. Sean would really get on my nerves sometimes, like now when I stood outside the club where he was to meet me with the VIP pass. So here I was, looking dumb as hell walking outside a club. A shuffling sound came from my phone's speaker. "A few minutes more." He said and cut the call. He can be late all he wants, I already had a plan to pass my time. My eyes began to scan the huge crowd outside. Many girls dressed in short, right dresses stood swaying their hips. My gaze stopped at a blonde one, with a slim figure and good features. My plans were suddenly destroyed as Sean's red Ferrari came to a stop behind me. "Hey man, told ya I was here." I rolled my eyes then narrowed them at him. He seemed unusually...happy. "Your grin's making me sick," I said following Sean inside the club as he handed the guards our passes. He didn't reply instead, his grin grew bigger. What the f*ck is wrong with him? Did he hit his head somewhere? For the next half an hour, Sean didn't get any less happy. It was beginning to get scary and disturbing, "Would you stop it?!" I shouted at him. He looked at me confusingly, "what?" "Is it because of that girl?" I asked disgustedly. He can't possibly like a girl, the thought scared me enough. That's our rule, just to f**k and never to fall. Ever since college, we've successfully followed it but I am starting to doubt if he'll still be following it. He didn't answer again, instead, his eyes went a bit wide and I followed his gaze to find a girl making their way towards us. Sean immediately got up as the girl drew closer, she must be it. My attention was diverted when they fell on someone who stood beside her. She was breathtaking, and as if on cue I felt my breath hitch for a moment. Her eyes, the blue ones why do they look oddly familiar? She wasn't looking at me but at Sean as he introduced himself. The smile that crossed her attractive feature made me even more stunned. She had the perfect body, curves at all the right places with a slim waist. My eyes never left her and soon, she directed hers at me too. "That's Dominic, my best friend," Sean turned to me. That was the name I went with all the time, my middle name. Probably the reason why not many people knew about me being Dean Valdez's son. I swear I saw her eyes widen for a moment but it vanished just as it appeared. Who is she? Have I seen her before?
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