Chapter 7

1119 Words
"I want you to feel something when I whisper your name." - Mark-Paul Teunissen   Hunter Dominic Valdez's PoV: "Ah, we meet again Cupid." With that I let my gaze wander to her pear-shaped figure and her gorgeous plump lips that were the only thing visible through the mask along with her icy blue eyes. Shock flashed in her eyes as she stood stunned. I wonder how her face was looking like?  Slowly her mouth opened to form words, "You?!" That sounded more dreaded than amused. I must admit, I was amazed and surprised that she recognised me still. "You remember me," I smirked to which she rolled her eyes. "With that attitude, yeah sure." She scoffed and turned her back to me while searching for something on the desks stacked in a corner. Even without seeing her face or knowing her, I could tell she was hot. Her black hair complemented her blue eyes in many ways, and her figure was just perfect. It was a pity, that she had to hide her face. I should really get laid tonight, it's not normal to have these thoughts about your rival. My legs moved on their own accord and I found myself walking closer to her. With each step, I could see her tensing up. Is she nervous? Am I making The Cupid nervous? Only a few inches away I stopped and she turned around hastily, her eyes looking troubled to realize I had cornered her between myself and a desk. A smirk formed on my lips, as her gaze anxiously travelled around. I inhaled a deep breath, taking in the mixture of sweet and savoury scent coming from her.  For a moment, her eyes stopped wandering as I found her staring back at me. For the first time, I found someone's scent seductively attractive. It was hers, and this time I doubted if it was just my s****l frustration or something else. No, it's probably because I haven't been near any other girl in days except my that stinky secretary of mine. Once again my gaze flickered to her lips as I rested a hand on her waist, a wicked plan forming in my mind. Sexually frustrated or not, I am not gonna fall into this cupid's trap. I lowered my lips until they were a few inches away from her lips, and for a moment I almost wanted to kiss her but I shook the thought off the moment it crossed my mind. "Cupid, shall we start the session?" I whispered ever so slowly and immediately she stilled. I suppressed a laugh, I never thought this would be fun.  Pulling back I walked over to a chair by the table, ever so casually. My expressions back to calm and composed ones while the rival stood still clearing her throat. Her angry voice made me more amused when she said, "don't dare to do that again." "Do what?" I asked raising a brow and seating myself on a chair. Her lips pursed in a thin line, "who do you think you are?" I could sense the anger fuming off her and for a moment I thought about telling her who she was talking to until, "Stop acting like you are the one in control here, behave like a client please or leave." No, not yet. I still don't know who that girl is behind her mask. I raised a brow at her but remain silent. She walked and sat across me on a chair. "How may I help you, Mr?" She said and at that moment I knew she hadn't recognized me at all. Finally, luck was in my favour. Can this day get any better? When I thought I was late for the appointment, I came in to find that she hadn't even arrived yet. A dangerous plan clicked in my mind, a plan that will ruin her, the cupid. "Valdez, Dominic Valdez." She nodded and I looked at her almost amused that even my last name didn't ring a bell. That must be because of the lack of fame I got while being the son of a billionaire. Like the goody two shoes he was, Kyle always got the most fame under Valdez's name meanwhile I was the one that not many knew. So it made sense why she hadn't recognized me yet. "So Mr Valdez, you mentioned something about your fiancée leaving you?" Oh, F**k no. Not this s**t, what was I even thinking while saying this. Seriously? That's what I came up with? My fiancee left me? if that didn't make me look like a naive man desperately wanting his finacée back. If father hadn't left that stupid will maybe I wouldn't have to go through this torture. I cleared my throat, trying to make something up. I had no idea how good or bad I was at this, guess we would find out now. "Yes, she ran away with another man." Seriously? That's the best I can do? I don't know about it before but this time I totally look like a fool whose finacée left him for another man. If only she knew what a girl desires after spending just a night with me. She wouldn't then imagine a girl leaving me, let alone a fiancée but then she would also know that I wasn't the one to settle down. "May I ask why?" She asked cautiously as if one wrong question and I'd break into pieces. "I can't bring myself to talk about it," I said harshly and for a moment her eyes flinched. I felt a quiet sting in my heart and my tone softened a bit. "Listen, it's just hard for me. You know, w-when someone leaves you and it gets-" I caused thinking if the right word, but then my eyes travelled to her luscious-looking lips and down to her neck, all the way to her cleavage. Oh God, what the f**k am I doing?  "uh, traumatizing. Yeah, that!" Clearing my throat, I tore my gaze away. "Oh, I get it. It's totally fine, but we can take one step at a time right?" A smile appeared on her lips and her eyes lit up. Is she for real? I literally just talked s**t to her and she's smiling at me already? Well then, it's time to burst the bubble. "You know what, this is bullshit. I am leaving." I got up hastily so did she, and without another word, I stormed out. Before the door closed behind me, I heard her faint voice calling out to me "Dominic!" Call me mad or what but I almost wanted to go back instead, I left without looking back.
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