Chapter 6

984 Words
"You've got a voice that makes me breathless." - Unknown Grace Roberts' PoV: The distant ringing of a phone pulled me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes slightly and found my phone ringing. Groaning I checked the time and jumped out of bed. It was half-past 10 and I had overslept. While rushing to get up, I almost forgot my ringing phone. "F**k." I cursed running back towards the side table only to get my foot collided with the corner of the bed. Suppressing a scream of pain, I grabbed my phone off the table. "Hello?" I had picked the call without checking who it was. "Is that how you greet a person who woke up early just to tell you about the VIP passes they got for-" "Let me guess, a club?" I asked all the while rubbing my foot where it just got injured. It was even beginning to bleed now, just what I wanted to start a new day with. Remi squealed on the other side, "that hot guy I am hooking up with, is gonna be there too. You can't ditch this one!" It'll be horrible. I would just be a third wheel while they both would be making out. "I can't-" this time she was the one to cut me off. "You owe me this one and come on you haven't hooked up in so long!" My cheeks flushed a bit. "How do you know? I may have hooked up." I said trying to defend myself but we both knew she was right, my cold live life hadn't sparked up in a long time. Except for a few hookups I had, a few years back. After all, a cupid will itself wait for the right one. "I bet you don't even remember what s*x is." Remi taunted and I groaned. "It isn't just sex." "Yeah yeah, but a little bit here and there isn't bad either. Anyway, I'll pick you around 10." She stated rather than asking. Typical Remi. "I can't back out now, can I?" I grimaced, thinking of how hungover would I be tomorrow. "Stop crying and wear something sexy, see ya." She said before cutting the call. I was looking for today's outfit to wear when a knock came from the door. I opened the door to find Penny, my housekeeper standing there with her usual polite smile. "Good Morning, Miss Grace. Hope you slept well dear." She spoke in her gentle tone, which made me smile. "Not very much, slept late and woke up late," I said opening the door to my room wider as I went back to the closet. Many dresses hung, ready to wear but I had always been the choosy one. "Oh. Rowan told me you went home last night, was it because of that?" Penny was a close person in my life. She was a woman in her early forties and she had been working here for 2 years now and was one of the most reliable persons in my life. Let's just say we were close enough for her to know about what sets me off. "Yeah, Mom wasn't exactly happy about seeing me," I said shrugging and finally finding an outfit to wear for the day. "She'll forget all about it soon, don't you worry." She said while cleaning a few things on my bed. I didn't reply to her because of not being sure if what she said would even happen. "Your breakfast is ready, should I serve it?" She asked and at this point, her patience was annoying me a bit. "Yeah, if you get it ready in time. I'll be out for breakfast in 10." I said and quickly went for a shower before changing into a black, knee-length pencil skirt and a white button-up shirt. I got ready and went outside. Tucking the hem of my shirt inside the skirt I inhaled the delicious smell of scrambled eggs. After munching a plate full of scrambled eggs I rushed out of my house. Despite being the owner of a successful company, my house wasn't a lavish or a huge one. I had bought it only a year ago when my previous condo was no longer safe for keeping my work and identity and real one, hidden. A 15 minutes drive later, I was walking through the parking lot of the huge 3 storeys building of the Cupid & Co. As I passed through my secret passage, a sense of deja vu hit me instantly and scenes from last night popped into my head. That man, his strong built and that dangerously perfect man bun of his. Who was he? I still didn't believe the fact that his fiancée left him. I shook my head clear of his thoughts, as I took my black coat off and left the mask on that I wore on the way inside. It was past 11 and I hadn't started the day yet, something told me it would be a long day. I dialled my receptionist's desk, "Good Morning Cupid." Came his enthusiastic voice. "Morning, sent the first one in and tell Finn to fetch me an espresso asap," I said hastily going through some papers on my desk. "Okay. The details are on your desk, I am sending them in." He said and the line went dead. That was when I realised that I had shuffled the stacked papers already. F**k, how will I find the first client's name? Adjusting my appearance and the mask, I quickly made my way to the meeting chamber. I heard shuffling from outside the room, and moments later the door opened. My breath hitched in my throat, watching the man from my thought walking inside. Am I dreaming of him there or- "Ah, we meet again Cupid." His husky voice almost made me weak in the knees as my body shuddered.
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