Chapter 5

1449 Words
"Poet speaks of hope in ladies smile, but give me a smirk any day, I say." -Lois McMaster Bujold   Grace Roberts' PoV: "What was that man saying?" Rowan asked me as we drove to Remi's house. I was already late, and she wouldn't forgive me for that. That's Remi we're talking about. "He wanted to consult, and have a session but the time was up." And he also followed me like a creep. I decided to skip the last part, not wanting to trouble Rowan with it. He could easily get worried. I could see the furrowed brows of his. Despite his wrinkles, I could still tell when was he worried. "It's okay, Rowan. I'll ask Finn to look into it." I smiled at him reassuringly. He was just like my father, protective and caring. My phone rang, and I grabbed it. It showed a new message from Ella, my younger sister. "Mom has come to visit, hurry!" Her text said and I gaped. Mom's home? After so long? Will she even talk to me? I guess not, but I can't let this opportunity to meet her go just like that. "On my way." I texted back. My mom and I had not been getting along since I persuaded my career as The Cupid. To her, that was a waste of time which people with no talents did. So, for the past 3 years, I had been looking for ways to meet her whenever she'd come to meet my siblings. My parents had divorced a long time ago, after which I and my twin siblings Ella and Ethan began to live with my mother. It wasn't until college that I left her house and began to work on my own. "Change of plans, we'll head to Dad's house and it's a hurry." Rowan nodded and took the route to dad's home. Time to call Remi, of course, it would be horrible but I deserve that. Dialling her number I waited for her to pick up but it took only a ring for her to answer. Here comes her wrath, "Tell me you're here or I'll be on my way to kill you." Her loud voice made me realize how mad she was. "Mom's home, I gotta meet her. Trust me, I'll make it up to you." I said all in one go, no use beating around the bush. "Great timing. Meet her? After how she talked s**t about you last time?" I could imagine her rolling her eyes.  "Nothing new but guess I'll deal with it this time." I sighed remembering how she behaved last time when I showed up, it was awful. "Sorry girl, but I gotta go. Wish me luck." I said as we turned the last corner. Mom wasn't easy to deal with,  and I needed all the luck for that. "As if luck's really gonna favour you." I heard Remi screaming over the phone as I cut the call. Luck would have to favour me now, I want everything to work out between us and that was only possible one way. Getting out of the car I made my way inside the average looking house of my father's. He never liked going over the top, especially with houses. It was his decent taste that we all appreciated, even Ethan and Ella loved him for his decency. The house seemed lively from the outside, indicating that they were having fun. I paused for a moment and thought about everything. They are having fun, what if I mess it up again like the last time? It will be too bad if it turns out like last time, but I am here and it's already too late. It's now or never, and I have to mend things. Taking a deep breath, I began to make my way to the door and stopped to ring the bell. The laughter died, and the gate opened casually to reveal my younger brother Ethan. A grin appeared on his face and his pale features gleamed but it faded as a voice came from inside, "Who is it, Ethan?" Hearing mom's voice he froze and I motioned him to stay quiet. Putting a hand on the door, I pushed it open just as Mom walked out to take a look but instead ended up pausing midway. "Hello Mom," I said sheepishly, but smiling nonetheless. "You." She gritted through her teeth, angrily. She looked a bit worn out than the last time I saw her. Her black hair had streaks of silver in them and her skin looked more wrinkled. "Mom, don't start now please," Ethan said from beside me. Mom threw him a look that immediately shut him up. Ella and Ethan turned 17 a few months ago and I became one of the reasons to spoil their birthday. Although they had forgiven me I still felt bad about coming that day. Mom made a fuss about having me there, she had even said to kick me out of the family. From a family, she no longer was a part of, but still came to visit on some occasions. Ella and Dad came from inside both smiling until they spotted me. Ella nodded with a troubled expression to me, she knew what I was here for and that was why she had texted me. "Mom can we just sit and talk?" I begged her for the 100th time if counted from the past few years. As if my words sat her on fire, she clenched her teeth and slammed the glass in her hand, on the table. This isn't going well, and something tells me it's only going to get worst. "Talk? About what?" She advanced on me, scoffing. "Mom-" I began but she cut me off. "Don't call me that." She shouted harshly and I winced. "You're not my daughter, you're nothing like Ethan and Ella. At least, they consider me their mother and are obedient which is very unlike you." Her words left me dumbfounded. Is she for real? Usually, I am collected and calm even in situations like these but this... "Just because I didn't become an ill-behaved doctor like you doesn't mean you can cut me off from the family." Everyone's mouth gaped open, including dad's. At least I knew, Dad and my siblings were on my side.  They had always known how Mom wanted me to pursue a career I wasn't interested in. Although they had made every attempt to make me and her reconcile, unfortunately, that seemed to go shitty every time. "How dare you?!" She was fuming by now. "Adam, tell her to leave. Now." She eyed Dad, who was glancing between me and Mom hastily. Ethan and Ella were frozen to their spots and I immediately felt bad for making them go through this. "It's either her or me. If she stays then I am out, forever." I stared at Mom, brows furrowed. How could she be so heartless? Deciding not to make matters worst since Mom and Dad were finally getting along after so long, I raised my hand in submission. "It's okay Dad. I am out, you all have a good time." With that, I stormed out and found Rowan waiting outside. I swear, I heard Ella's sweet voice calling out to me but it faded just as the door closed. I missed them, my twin siblings. They were so kind and sweet by heart, just like father. Despite having to spend their childhood with Mom, they were unlike her. Ethan and Ella willingly lived with Dad now, they too didn't appreciate the way Mom was always busy with work. "Is everything okay Miss Roberts?" Rowan asked as I stormed towards the car, pissed. I want to cry my heart out just like the last time but I know that isn't the solution. "Yes, please just drive me home." I turned to Rowan with a smile and he nodded opening the car door for me. It's just a bad day, not a bad life. Besides, another long day tomorrow will probably make me forget about everything. As the car drove through the busy streets of New York, I found myself lost in the thought of a particular stranger. A stranger I met today and couldn't seem to get out of my head. His smile and that sexy smirk he had on that could seduce any girl within seconds. The way his eyes scanned my body, almost making me feel naked under his gaze. I felt Rowan call out to me and I snapped out of my thought eyes wide. What the f**k is happening to me? Why am I suddenly attracted to him?
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