5 Is it useful to say sorry?

1654 Words
Alex educates Selene of a few bits and pieces while they walk. Alex gives her the run down on the layout of the club. It seems like they've been walking for a while, Selene looks around the place in interest. She learns that Charles is the general manager of this club and a comrade-in-arms who once served with Denny. The top floor is Exclusively for Denny no one else is allowed to come here without his permission. 'He was a soldier,' she thought to herself. 'That would explain those scars on his body.' She shuddered at the thought of how gruesome war could be, Denny did give off this silent but deadly vibe. Every move looked calculated as well. Charles didn't give off the whole soldier feeling though, if anything Charles looked like a pampered playboy. Classy yet dangerous type of thing. Just behind her Charles sneezes. She quickly said 'Bless you.' While Charles looks at Selene with one eyebrow arched, as if to say what is going on in that head of yours. Selene looked towards Alex as he continued briefing her. Charles ran the club and the shareholders in the club are all Comrade-In-Arms. Denny usually came here to stay a while if he needed a break from the hustle and bustle of office life. Alex led her to the elevator, entered and pressed the 6th button. Her brain was swimming with information as they went down. Below them were rooms that could be rented out on about 5 of the floors. The Gym and Swimming pools were on the 5th & 6th floor. The Club was situated on the ground floor aka the first floor. Most of the city's famous restaurants were on the 3rd & 4th floor. There were separate entrances for the building. You could enter through the front, the front was a classy looking hotel entrance. Second entrance was through the Club when it was open and only people with the codes could use the elevator and the back entrance for people who only wanted access to the gym and or the swimming pool. Those who enter and leave Nova are basically aristocrats in N city, and even those who enter bars are registered with real names, so they can't afford to spend without some net worth. The pent house was on the 10th floor. The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. She stepped out and was about to follow Alex when a phone rang. She looked around and saw that the phone was hers. Wait, she had her phone all the time? Confusion set in, her dress also had pockets. Alex looked at her and she looked at the caller ID on the screen. A familiar name appeared, Selene's face changed. It was James. She ended the call and continued to follow Alex but with every call end it rang just as fast. She had to give it to him. He was very persistent. Selene clenches the phone as if almost ready to break it wishing that it would disappear. She finally spots a rest room and looks at Alex apologetically as she walks towards the bathroom and enters. Once inside she finally answers her phone and without saying a word, her ears were bombarded with James's worried voice "Selene, where have you been?" "I looked for you all night last night." James's tone was very anxious. Selene looked at her cell phone and indeed several missed calls, James's, Anna's, and her father and Caleb's. She let out a deep breath and said "Aren't you happy with your Anna?" “Does she know that you're calling me?” “I saw you.” There was silence on the other side of the phone. The images played through her mind and tears began to fall again. The reason for her being in this predicament right now was because of him. Yesterday they had an appointment to register for their marriage and they were to meet at the building entrance at noon. However on her way there, in her excitement she wanted to see the house they had bought for their wedding gift. She wanted to savour the feeling of a new house and a new feeling of a great start to life. She took her time enjoying the views of the garden as she took her time admiring their great choice in a new home. She opened the door to the house and stopped short as she heard the voice coming from the master bedroom. At first she thought it was an intruder and turned to go, she did not want to end up on the news before her wedding day. A chill ran up her spine when she heard a man's suppressed growl and a woman's unabashed moan. The sounds they were making was in confidence that no one was there, Selene's scalp prickled with pins and needles. She didn't want to but she had to know. She would be stupid not to confirm for herself. The sinking feeling filled her with every step until she made it to the Master Bedroom door. Through the unfastened door, she saw James and her stepsister Anna naked in their wedding bed. Her heart stopped and she couldn't breathe. That was their bed, they hadn't even slept in it yet but he was currently bedding her step sister in the house that should have belonged to her and her husband. "Selene, I'm sorry..." James began his sorry excuse for an apology. “I just lost my mind for a moment...” Selene knew that James had always wanted to do that with her, but she always thought that this kind of thing should be done on her wedding night, so she refused him again and again. She wanted her first time to be special, to be marked as an important day in her life. In this case he chose Anna, she had something that Selene didn't have that's why James chose Anna over her. What was it, was she prettier than her, what did she have that made James want to ruin their years together. Selene hardened her heart and glared at the phone in disgust. "Is saying sorry useful?" "Can your 'sorry', turn back time and make you be faithful again?" "Or are you just sorry because you know that I know." There was a pause and Selene could hear clearly through the phone that James was harshly whispering to Anna about what they did. It sounded like it wasn't the first time they did this, it was just the first time they got caught. While she was caught up in her longing for the sweet life after marriage. While she prepared for the future with joy and excitement. While she pictured happiness and looked forward to being the wife of the love of her life. 5 years, they were together, engaged for 2 of those 5 years. Her entire life felt like it had been washed down the drain by that simple information. Her Fiance had been sleeping with her sister for God knows how long and she would've never known if she hadn't accidentally caught them in the act. Her heart caught in her throat as her Step sister's voice caught across the line. "Sister, I am so sorry!" Anna on the other end of the phone cried, "Don't blame James, I seduced him. You can rest assured that I will give you an explanation." Rage filled her head at the proclamation. Did they think she was that stupid? What was she going to explain, did they slip and fall and land in s*x? "Anna, what are you doing?" shouted a very angry James. There was a loud smack, it sounded like a slap followed by some smaller knocking noises. It seemed like James had smacked the phone out of Anna's hands and it had landed elsewhere. "I need to talk to my sister, I don't want her to hate me," there was sob in the background. "I'd rather die than have her hate me." It sounded like a real mess over there. "Caleb, help us Anna, she's your daughter too!" Stepmother Andrea shouted in the background. So her whole family was there and she was all alone over here, Selene put down her phone and squatted feebly against the wall. Yesterday, she took the "evidence" to her father, as she was in shock and didn't know what to do but her Step mother was there. She accused her of trying to ruin her sister's reputation because James seduced Anna first and asked James to be responsible for Anna. She was the victim here but somehow, she was pushed out of the way and the focus was on setting up the happy couple. Her grandparents were alarmed at this information, knowing that Selene and James had been together for a very long time, but in the end, in order to suppress this scandal, they decided to change people temporarily before the wedding. Selene, the original victim, not only failed to get justice, but also was completely kicked out of the picture. She had lost her future husband, not that she wanted him any more the bastard. She lost her wedding plans, everything that she had worked so hard to create was gone in the blink of an eye. She ended the call and walked out of the bathroom trying to maintain her composure. "Miss Dayson." Alex said in concern. All the time she was in there Alex stayed at the door waiting for her. He didn't ask much when he saw Selene come out with red eyes. Hearing Alex' voice, Selene remembered that she had another problem to deal with. Maybe it was for the best honestly. In all that drama she had forgotten where she was and was honestly surprised to see Alex until everything registered back into her head. "Let's go." She forced a smile.
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