6 Haven't Learned to Swim

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As soon as she entered, Selene heard the small sounds of conversations being had from the pools from afar, and the men who were sitting together having a drink and looked towards her and Alex. "Mrs. Armanel" “Alex” Alex nodded towards them. They get up and bow slightly to her as she made her entrance into the pool room. They were two tall men, and as they approached her she instinctively stepped behind Alex. They were strangers and she didn't do well with strangers. Alex sensing her discomfort whispered to her. "Those two are comrades-in-arms of Master Denny and shareholders of Nova." Alex slowly took her hand and removed her from the back of him to allow her to introduce herself. She smiled shyly at this and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Selene. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." They introduced themselves as Denny's best buds whose names were Andy and Dave, and gave her a brief handshake before heading back to where they were previously seated and leaving her with Alex once again. She looked around her and found herself focused on the pool on the next side of the room. Selene glanced at all the women in the next pool staring in a certain direction, and she followed their gaze curiously. In the huge pool, a man swam vigorously in the water, his movements exposed how fit he was as he rose up from the pool. Denny wore only a pair of blue swimming trunks, his legs were very defined and powerful, there was no extra meat on his body, just pure muscle. With every step, you saw his muscles stretch against his skin. He doesn't look bulked, his height made his muscle distribution look perfectly aligned. His face didn't do his body justice, his facial features looked delicate and angelic whereas his body looked like he fought the most brutal wars in the world. No wonder those women couldn't look away from him. She couldn't either, it was mesmerising in its own way. The natural prowess he showed in the water. "Miss Selene." Alex takes Selene to the pool. "Do you need me to get you a bathing suit?"" Would you like to join Master Denny?" Selene shook her head quickly, she couldn't swim. She was never taught. She almost drowned a few years ago in some random freak accident and she never thought about swimming again. While Alex was speaking to Selene, Denny's had gotten back into the water and swam towards her side of the pool. He broke out of the water, wiped the water drops on his face with one hand, and he flipped his hair back causing a spray of water before he slicked his hair back from his face. He smiled at her flirtatiously and c****d his face to the side like a puppy trying to figure out something. Selene's heart skipped a beat and colour flooded her face, as she remembered what he looked like without the swimming trunks on. He had a face that would make a lot of guys envious. She always thought that James was very handsome and he was the most handsome person she had ever seen in her life but now seeing Denny here, in front of her. She had second thoughts, his body screamed masculinity. Her heart skipped a beat, surprising her. "Come here." Denny said, holding out his hand and beckoning her towards him. Selene glanced around self conscious, the women who were previously staring at Denny in the water were now staring at them in curiosity. When Denny approached her with hand outstretched, they stared in envy and jealousy as they whispered to one another. Selene didn't want to cause public gossip anymore than she was currently doing right now, so she took a few steps back. Denny, sensing her reluctance, lunged forward and grabbed onto her and pulled hard towards him. Selene emitted a small scream as she flew forward and fell straight into the pool. Her fear hit her like a brick and she screamed while she thrashed about in the pool. The water went into her mouth and nose and she thought that she was going to die. Tears ran down her face, however, Denny put his hand around her back, fished her out of the water. She let out a huge gasp and coughed her lungs out as he placed her at the edge of the pool. "You don't know how to swim?" Denny said concerned. He placed his arms around her waist hugging her to keep her calm while she gained back her bearings. Selene was in shock and shook her head while removing her hair from her face while she sputtered out the water that she swallowed recently. "Are you crazy?!" she screamed in rage when she finally calmed down from fear. She had seen her life flash before her eyes and she wasn't happy about experiencing that again. Several men over there had heard Selene's voice and laughed heartily. To them Master Denny had a very feisty wife. Denny was not annoyed, but let go of her body and set her fear in again. Seeing that she was about to lose his support and sink, Selene panicked and quickly hooked her arms around his neck, her legs coiled around him like a snake. Her heart was thundering around her ears. "I'm crazy and yet you still hold on to me?" Denny, though concerned, wanted to tease her a bit more. Selene angrily turned her head to one side speaking into his ears. "Put me back up immediately." Denny chuckled softly, “You can hold me this tightly but you can't go back up.” Selene took in how closely they were entwined with each other. Denny stared at her knowingly. After how forward she was last night this was nothing for him to deal with, though there might be a small problem in the bottom part of his anatomy. Selene's body was wet from being in the pool, her warm body was rubbing against him, and the original dress had become transparent and was revealing her figure to him. He held her tighter when he realised that all the guys at this pool can also see everything he could see. Selene slowly took in her surroundings and then looked down at herself and saw that she was basically on display if he let her go. "You... you rascal!" Selene said seething and smacked him heavily on the shoulder, causing a splash. "You better stop moving." Denny growled in her ear, “Otherwise, I don't mind sleeping with you here.” Selene's face turned bright red and she quickly hid her head in the crook of Denny's neck. She hoped with all her heart that noone one here knew her, the rumours would be abysmal. Bless her poor father's heart, what would he do if he found out about this. "You and I both know that if I let you go here, as much as my men respect me and I may want to remove their eyes from seeing what is mine. I don't need your entire body on display under a flimsy dress." He whispered to her. "I apologise for my behaviour earlier, this is my fault as well." He petted her hair as he tried to figure out what was his next point of action. He mouthed to Alex, 'Please get her a towel.' Alex nodded and instantly turned to get a fresh towel for Selene. "Shy?" Denny was amused by her reactions, she made him want to tease her more. “We are now husband and wife, Selene, why are you so embarrassed?” "Ah!" Selene suddenly turned her face toward his. "What is this about us being married that everyone is talking about?" She had forgotten her embarrassment and Denny slowly walked her towards the step area of the pool and placed her down but didn't let her go. "Charles showed me our Marriage Certificate, there is no way that this is legal right?" "Marrying under the influence shouldn't be legal," she pleaded. "This should not be authentic," she whispered more to herself than to anyone. She looked up at him and into his eyes. She looked so serious as she looked at him. “Marriage is a lifelong event that's supposed to be between lovers, not two strangers that know nothing about each other. I want to marry in happiness not in something so similar to arranged.” Denny stared back at her in amusement. "But my beautiful Selene, this was your choice in the long run," he paused for dramatic effect. "Last night, you wanted to get married more than anything, you repeatedly stressed to the staff that you were sober and you were doing this voluntarily." He slowly let her go and let her process her thoughts. “This was a mutual agreement between two consenting adults in the eyes of the law.” Alex stepped back in with a towel on his arm and nodded towards Denny who held his arm out for him to wait.
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