4 Married?!

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"Mrs. Armanel?" Selene looked back and made sure she was the only one coming out of the bedroom. This must be some sort of sick joke Denny played on her while she was in the bedroom. She got a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realised that all these people were staring straight back at her. "You," she paused. "Wait what?!" She looked at this line of a dozen people in confusion. Did she make a mistake somewhere? There was no way that she was the wife of Thee Armanel Group. This might just be some sick prank. "My name is Charles, and I will take care of Mrs. Armanel's daily life in the future." The leading man came up with a kind smile on his face. "Are you hungry, Mrs. Armanel? I'll take you to breakfast?" Selene looked at the man's appearance, his face was handsome, and he was also a man with eyes that seemed to stare into your soul, his look would make you feel paralyzed yet hypnotised. When he laughed, people let down their guard around him. That thought sort of unsettled her a bit but she let her mind wander. He was very handsome, how could someone this good looking be responsible for her daily life in the future. She must have been in a dream, there was no way that this could be real. She pinched herself to make sure and then looked at Charles. Did she just get assigned a personal butler? "No, no, thank you." Selene said with a dismissive wave. Her head felt light at all the new information popping up left and right. She turned to leave, however, when she walked out of the door, she found that she seemed to be on the top floor of the clubhouse. She had never been there before in her life. Looking around, it was really spacious. There were large amounts of furniture, it seemed to have a state of the art kitchen as well as a large dining room. The television was huge as well sitting snuggly, slightly above the fireplace. Charles walked side by side with her as she took in her surroundings. So did the bodyguards. They walked when she walked, and they stopped when she stopped. This was a bit excessive if she had to think about it. "What are you doing?" Selene turned and said to Charles, staring at the two bodyguards as well. "Mrs. Armanel, the boss, told me to stay with you at all times." Charles answered her very respectfully. Selene crossed his waist and didn't understand. "Who is your boss?" "Will you follow me into the bathroom as well?" "Are you all robots?" Charles raised his eyebrows. He handed out two red notebooks to her that he had in his possession. "The boss said that in case Mrs. Armanel wakes up and doesn't remember the events that took place last night, I must confirm the information for you." Selene snatched it from his hand, read the words, and almost fainted in shock. A Marriage certificate?! She opened it and saw two names written on it. Denrick Armanel and Selene Dayson. In the photo, Denny sat with a small smirk on his face while she sat in his lap looking very happy. She seemed to be laughing at something with flowers in her hand. She looked very much like a happy bride. "It's not possible!" Selene closed it back and threw it back into Charles's hands like she was holding a hot potato. "How could I marry him and not remember a single thing?" "I was intoxicated, how is this legal?" "How would this hold up in court, can a certificate obtained in intoxication still be regarded as legal?" But wait! Denrick, the Denrick (Denny) Armanel? The guy all the guys wanted to be and the ladies would rave about wanting to throw themselves at him... which Denny? It can't be Denny she has heard of! "Your boss, Denrick?" Selene stuttered. "It can't be, she paused. "He has the same surname as the Armanel Group." "There is only one Armanel in the whole city of N." Charles told her. "Our boss is Master Denrick of the Armanel family, the president of the Armanel Group. Nova Club is just one of the industries under his name. There are thousands of industries like this in the whole country and all over the world..." "Stop!" Selene said at a loss. She quickly raised her hand to stop Charles from talking, she didn't want to hear anymore. She doesn't care how much property he has under his name. All the rumours she heard about Denrick, He was ruthless and cold blooded. He hated women. The biggest rumour was that Denrick Armanel was gay, he was only seen with men. He always had men around him and only family was allowed to be in his presence. Selene looked at Charles in confusion, seemingly piecing her thoughts together. But last night, did she really sleep with the rumoured gay man? Was she tricked? She breathed an exasperated sigh. What kind of man was the future head of the famous Armanel family? Did she just make a huge mistake last night? Selene was determined to leave. She started to look around the penthouse for the door, having spotted it she turned towards it to make her escape and bumped into Alex who was coming from the other direction towards her. Alex took one look at her and looked at where she was facing and smirked. "Miss Dayson." She looked at him wide eyed and guilty. He recollected the events of the night and chuckled at this predicament the young lass was in. "Master Denny has requested your presence in his office. He followed Denny's for many years, and it was the first time that he saw a woman who had not been pushed away by Denny. Denny had no interest in women, he only cared about success and getting everything done right. Now basically sober, Selene was not as bold and outgoing as she was that night. She looked small and sheepish as she felt like a sheep entering the lion's den. She was now mortified at actions in the bedroom , and at this moment she really wanted to sink into the corridor floors and run away. She glanced over at the register in Charles' hands. Marriage certificate? She felt helpless remembering the binding document that now tied Denny and her together for life. 'Why didn't anyone stop this, she should've been clearly drunk right?' 'What was said to make them bypass that little hiccup?' 'Then again this was the Armanel Family we were talking about, nobody really dared to oppose them. ' 'Then did she dare do that?' 'Wasn't there some law that stops marriages from happening under intoxication?' She thought to herself. She knew actions had consequences but maybe they could let this slide this once. Maybe it was fake, maybe James set this up to scare her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of soft talking, she looked up and realised that Alex was talking to her. "Master Denny is a retired soldier, who is very strict with himself and has very high standards for himself," Alex said almost to himself but looking directly at Selene. "Please be understanding of him, Miss Selene." He nodded to himself almost like he was agreeing to what he said to himself. She didn't care what he was to them, but right now she was now legally tied to a man that she did not know and quite frankly wanted nothing to do with. "Does your Master Denny always pick on intoxicated girls," she whispered under her breath. Alex cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow at her. Her face turned pink in embarrassment as she averted her eyes away from the almost glaring man.
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