3 See you soon

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The sun was already out and blazing by the time Selene had woken up. She slowly opened her eyes and gazed around the unfamiliar room before looking at the person next to her. She gasped as her eye caught a glimpse of an enlarged handsome face. The distance between them was so close that she could feel the breath fan her face. She racked her brain trying to remember what happened that night. Selene was blank. Who was he? Why were they sleeping on the same bed? Where were they as well. She tried to push him away from her, only to find his arm around her waist, holding her tightly, as if afraid she might run away. She let out a little huff. "Awake?” said the deep gruff voice as his smokey gray eyes met hers. Feeling the movement of the woman in his arms, Denny was also awakened. "Who are you?" said Selene, her voice slightly trembling with the question. Yesterday, James hurt her so badly that her only thought was to drink her sorrows away. She felt so numb yet everything was hurting inside. The warmth of the vodka going down her throat was the only comfort she felt, which is why she emptied the bottle rather quickly. She remembered a few things like asking the waiter to find her a good looking man. She may or may not have been joking but.. was this the man she was looking for last night? He was quite a catch if she did say so herself but this was neither the time or place to be entertaining these thoughts. Denny interrupted her thoughts and spoke. "When you showed me your membership card and generously offered to pay to sleep with me, you didn't ask me who I was." You even shoved your black card in my face when I tried to leave. “You asked if you weren’t good enough for me, why I rejected you.” She stared back at him in horror then in realisation as she put the two bits of information together. In other words she had made a fool out of herself at the bar last night. She was not going to be able to live with herself. She sighed at her predicament. Denny let her go, moved towards the end of the bed, got up and headed for the closet. She watched him slowly get off the bed so as to not scare her, the sheets falling away from his body as he did so. The scars on his bronzed skin were exposed to Selene, they made him seem primal in some way. The sunlight hit his body causing the scars to stand out more against his skin. Although those marks seemed like they were very old, they did not affect the judgement of the deep bone trauma he may have had to go through to get to where he was now. She wondered if any of the scars there were made by women. Selene subconsciously covered his eyes, but secretly peeked at him through his fingers. He chuckled at her reaction. “Miss Selene, last night you were so bold and adventurous, why are you so suddenly shy?” a small smirk playing across his lips. ‘He probably shouldn’t tease the poor girl like that,’ he thought to himself. Her face slowly turned red as she recounted a few moments where her hands were in places that they weren’t supposed to be. James and her were waiting for marriage, well only her alone. Since he was sleeping with her sister. Her best friend Isabella always showed her pics of her escapades or introduced her to p**n. This was the first time she had truly seen a man's body in person , this man's body in front of her is much better than those male protagonists in any porno she had seen so far. Her stomach grumbled angrily at her as she felt a sharp pain as she tried to move. "That’s." Selene's brain is running low. Last night, she really began to put together the pieces, but she mostly just remembered hanging on him like an octopus. Her head was pounding as she tried to recall information. If what he was saying was true and she really did pay for him, for the night. She would not be able to live with herself. Had she lost her virginity to some random guy at the bar after waiting all those years to get married. She could always pretend to be nonchalant about it. Maybe she could smack his ass, thank him for a good time and leave? This would make her seem like such a crude woman. Would this come to bite her in the future? This was quite an awkward situation to be in. Her hand went to her lips and her body shivered in remembrance of the kiss they shared but the rest of her memory was blank. “You are a very good looking man, Mr?” If anyone were to find out that she did such a thing, her life would be ruined. She might as well just jump into the Atlantic Ocean while she was at it. In TV Series and Movies men would always light a cigarette after they finished what they came to do and praise the woman for pleasuring them. Is that what she should do in this scenario? Denny paused to look at Selene as he dressed. This woman is really cute, he thought to himself. However, remembering her behaviour and appearance last night, he decided not to comment on it. “Denrick but everyone calls me Denny, he paused and thank you for your compliment. “ His eyes sparkling in the sunlight. His eyes reminded her of the sparkles on the waves when the sun hit the water. “You can go first,” she said, waving her hands in the direction of the door. Her face red in embarrassment. Denny raised his eyebrow in amusement, but said nothing. A small smile played about his lips. Boy was she in for a big surprise when she got up. Selene hid herself in the sheets, revealing only a pair of big eyes and a mass of curls. She looked around the room to gauge herself then looked down at the white babydoll dress she had no recollection,- a memory flashed in her head and she remembered something else. “ Look forward to seeing you again Miss Dayson,” Denny chuckled and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. ‘Miss Dayson?’ Selene thought to herself. ‘When did she even tell him her last name?’ She remembered giggling as she showed someone her ID. Was it that time? Everything was just so confusing for her right now. Her clothes were at the V.I.P room, so where was she now? They had driven to another place, this looks like a penthouse. The room was massive, everything was white with light greys and touches of golds here and there. She ran her hand across the pillow, it was incredibly soft as well. She replayed Denny’s face in her mind. He was handsome and had a great body. His lips were soft as well too. He wasn’t a bad choice. She blushed as the image of his naked body flooded through her mind. She needed a glass of water and a very cold shower after this. She needed to cleanse her mind from that image. The room was quiet again. Selene covered the quilt and hid herself completely for a moment letting everything sink in. She momentarily let herself enjoy the softness of the sheets against her skin as the mattress hugged her tiny curves. She felt like a princess, she wouldn’t mind sleeping on a bed like this everyday to be honest. "Ah!" She exclaimed to herself, "Selene! Are you out of your mind?" She pressed her face into the pillow in exasperation. That's just great. She just wanted to get back at James, so she came out to drink to relieve her hurt, but now she was cheated. Was it even cheating? She couldn’t remember anything except kissing. He was naked in the bed, but she was wearing clothes. No, that wouldn’t make sense, there would’ve been blood. Selene vented to herself for a while as she made up many scenarios in her head. After overthinking, she willed herself to get off this bed and get out of this place. She would make heads or tails of this at a proper setting and maybe some hot coffee. She got out of bed and cleaned up her appearance, thinking of the best way to escape from this place. She had no brush or comb so she had best make do with water and her fingers at this point. A quick shower to remove any evidence of whatever last night was on her body. However, as soon as she opened the door, she was startled by a group of bodyguards standing neatly in line outside the bedroom door. The bodyguards bowed before her. "Good morning, Mrs. Armanel!"
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