2. You asked for it

1435 Words
On the way back, Selene never stopped for a moment. Seeing Denny sitting there fiddling with his phone, made her feel ignored. When talking didn’t work she decided to poke at him to get his attention. "You are so handsome, you must have many people fighting to have you by their side.” She slowly slid her finger across his jawline, a faint blush spread across her face as her fingers touched his lips. He raised an eyebrow, the alcohol was still evidently in a system. She stared at him with an innocent expression and he decided to humour her. "What do you think?" Denny asked her. She moved closer to him, her boobs basically pressing against his forearm as she stared intently at his face. She tutted softly, patted his thigh and then moved back slightly in the seat. “Must be sad to always have someone who wants something from you, you can hardly trust anyone if your life is like that.” “You are still young.." Selene hiccuped. "But don’t worry, I will protect you in the future, although I have no experience... but I will dote on you!" Said, and she patted her chest proudly. “You would be proud to have me as yours," she said, staring deeply into his eyes. He couldn’t help but think of how adorable she looked at that moment. Thomas glanced at them through the mirror and held back a chuckle. The boss seemed unable to make heads or tales of the young lady who was inches away from being seated in his lap. As if on cue she straddled him with a soft giggle. He let out a soft groan of frustration, this girl would be his undoing, he thought to himself. “Will you not answer?” she said, holding his face in her hands. “ I’m talking to you, it is impolite and unprofessional to ignore someone when they’re speaking to you.” He looked up at the eyes that seemed to be peering into his soul. Denny couldn’t take it anymore. This barely dressed female currently straddling him was wiggling about on his lap and he had to use all of his willpower to not bed her at the back of the vehicle in front of his bodyguard. His eyes met Thomas’s through the mirror and Thomas understood immediately. Thomas pressed the button and the divider went up providing Denny with the privacy he needed to get the young lady and himself under control. “I’m I not pretty enough to catch your attention?” she pouted cutely at him. He stared at her confused as he was caught off guard by the question. He had been trying to convince himself that his first time with the lady would not be at the back of some transport like a p********e. Her playful touches on his body were not helping as she outrightly started groping at his body. She was being quite the Seductress. There was a small thread holding him back and it was almost ready to snap. "Do you know what you are doing?" Denny put his hands around her waist to prevent her from rubbing herself against him. A short gasp escaped her lips at the contact, she felt like she was burning up and she just had to have him. She licked her lips and looked him in the eyes. "Don't be shy, I'm just, just checking the goods." The look on her face said that she was quite serious, her hands making their way to his buttons, her cold fingertips brushing against his warm skin. A small groan asked his mouth as he asked the gods to supply him with more constraint lest he lose his mind to the small temptress refusing to get up off of him. She was very attractive and very unwilling to stop her advances, her hands were already on his pants. “Thomas, drive faster please.” “Yes Boss,” was the reply as the vehicle lurched forward, causing Selene to momentarily lose balance. Denny used the moment to firmly place her back into her seat and make quick work of the seatbelts to keep her in place, breathing a sigh of relief. She sat quietly for a moment before blurting out. “What is it you want, I have money.” “I’ll pay you for your time.” She was reaching back out towards him, stopping only when realising that the seat belt wasn’t allowing her further. The vehicle came to a stop and Denny quickly got out of the vehicle and made his way to her side of the vehicle to get her out. She had already undone the seat belt and was reaching towards the door when he opened the car door. He held out a hand for her and she quickly grabbed it, helping herself out of the vehicle only to stumble slightly. He lifted her up and carried her bridal style towards his home. “Thomas made quick work opening the front door for his occupied boss and shutting the door behind him as they entered. Selene had somehow latched on to one of his n*****s which made him falter in step. A sharp hiss left his lips. Her hands had started roaming again and this time making their way down his pants. “Selene,” he hissed sharply. “I want to make you feel good.” “I know Selene, but if you don’t stop I'm going to end up dropping you.” He sighed in relief at the sight of the door. A small beep was heard as he entered the room. Making quick work of his shoes, he headed straight for his bedroom where he dropped an eagerly impatient Selene onto his bed. Selene grabbed his hands as he turned to leave. He was just going to get her some water, not abandon her. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Turning back around to sit on the bed next to her. “Yes Selene,” his sentence was cut short by a soft pair of lips smashing against his own as she attempted to straddle him. He grabbed her hands and spun her around and onto the bed. She let out a little moan as his hand tightened against her arms. He kissed her fiercely. She wiggled under him trying to free herself from his tightening grip. The pressure brought thrills to her body and she wanted him to feel the same. She tore her mouth away from his and slid her tongue along the side of his ear down to his throat.The grown man shuddered, loosening his grip enough that she could gain the upper hand once again. She grinded against him in reckless abandon. She was gonna get what she wanted. She shivered as she was rewarded with a deep groan from Denny. “Munchkin,” there was a hint of warning in Denny's tone. "You asked for this!" He captured her lips with his and kissed her hard. She suddenly pushed him off and said one word. “Bathroom.” In quick succession Denny grabbed her and pulled her towards the bathroom door. Without a moment's notice, the remaining contents of her stomach was now in his bathroom sink. She was lying against the sink, and her stomach felt like it had been turned upside down. She continued heaving but that was all. Denny returned to the bathroom with a glass of water and offered it to her. She took the glass and took small sips from the glass, first rinsing out her mouth and washing her face before drinking. Selene looked up and felt very dizzy. She looked in the mirror and saw three or four heads staring back at her, so did the man behind her, who was slowly approaching her. He reached out and put his arms around her almost effortlessly. "What are you... what are you doing?" Selene was puzzled. “Picking up where we left off, after all you are paying for me,” he said with a smirk. The last thing she saw before she passed out in his arms. Denny gently carried her to the bed and propped the pillows up behind her head. ‘Wouldn’t want her to drown in her sleep,’ he muttered to himself. He securely covered her with a blanket and went off to have a very long cold shower before heading to bed himself. He sighed as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a very long day.
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