Chapter |8|

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K N O X ‘ S P. O. V “Holy s**t, you look like crap.” I can barely muster the strength to flash Tristan the middle finger. My head feels like it’s been hit by a truck, pounding as I lay back against the headboard. It’s only been a few days since I decided to extend my stay in Nevada and I've already drunk my body weight in scotch and whiskey, complementary of Geneva of course. How the bastard found my rental I have no f*****g clue. “He’s not used to being a civil gentleman, I’m sure it’s taking its toll on him.” Aaron remarks, wincing when he gets a good look at my face; the epitome of pure exhaustion. In the tiny corner of my phone, I can see my eyes dragged down by heavy bags, frown lines marring my forehead as I struggle to keep awake. “How much did you drink?” “I think it was the alcohol mixed with about twenty lollipops and a shitty Chinese.” “You craving, again?” Usually my cravings come and go but when I’m particularly stressed they become intense and prolonged. So far, it hasn’t let up yet and I know there’s a shop just across the street that could help suppress it. “Hey, don’t make me bring Demetri in here. That kid will throw a tantrum that will make your headache feel a whole lot worse if he catches wind of you grabbing a kill stick again.” “Bastard,” I mutter, my accent coming out thick. He just grins, “Maybe I’m just stronger willed than you.” “Probably.” Aaron used to smoke but never a chain smoker like me. Tristan on occasion but I know he hates the s**t, it was more for appearance. “Enough about my sorry arse, let’s finish this up so I can go back to bed.” “It’s one in the afternoon dipshit.” “So? Life and business here doesn’t start until at least five.” Aaron nods, all business now. “When are you meeting him again?” “Tonight. I’m not exactly looking forward to it.” “We’re never getting involved in p**********n, especially not forced. He can f**k himself if he thinks that.” “He does. He’s real confident that it’s our only choice.” They laugh, and I get this sick feeling inside my stomach, knowing the both of them would race down here in a heartbeat if they knew the truth. But I made a promise to her for f**k’s sake, and I don’t go back on my word. “Maybe just play nice for a bit, I’ll find some loophole to get the bastard arrested. Involve the Feds, perhaps. Let them know that we’re here to help.” I almost smile but it aggravates the dull pain even more. “Jesus man, take some painkillers and call it a night.” “I will, don’t worry. Just be careful, this guy is smarter than he sounds, and he won’t just roll over and let us take it.” “Then we’ll show him what it means to piss off the mafia. Small time gangster has no idea who he’s messing with.” I roll my eyes, fighting the urge to comment on his god complex. I’ll let Tristan take that one. “Give my love to the family boys, night.” My body thumps back onto the bed, popping a few pills and washing them down with cheap beer. I notice a text pinging up on my phone. It’s Caitlin, but her name is marked with a star instead. Anonymity and all that. Caitlin: Truth? I picked up a baby name book and opened a random page. I guess I wanted to leave it up to fate this time and not my shitty ass mother. Smiling, I text back, knowing she’s probably sleeping and won’t see it until tonight. I got her number and made her promise to text me if anything bad happened. Then I found out her bus journey home is almost an hour long. I offer to give her a ride but of course she refused, so instead she texts me to fill the time. Apparently she shares the phone with her friend which aggravated me further. Geneva is raking in cash and yet Caitlin is barely surviving on what she earns. I asked her why she chose Lilliana as a cover name. Definitely didn’t expect that answer but I guess it really was fate if it sounds like a good stripper name too. Switching my phone off, I shove it under my pillow and attempt to fall asleep, hoping that the same dream concerning a certain blonde in tight lingerie won’t cause me to wake up with another stiffy. *** My routine has been the same these past few days; wake up around five, shower and change, before heading to the club. Geneva hasn’t been in lately, but I know he’s due around tonight. He probably thinks I’m sold on his whole business plan but really I’m sating my need to protect Caitlin. To keep watch over her, like some sort of twisted guardian angel. I try to keep my thoughts professional, dutiful, forcing my mind to see her as my best friend’s sister and nothing more but, holy f**k, no wonder she’s his main star. She hates seeing me at the shows, ignoring me as she offers free lap dances to the suckers with their wallets practically open for her to take as she pleases. I know she’s probably wondering why no requests come through for private dances in the room after…I may have a part to play in that too. Four weeks. I can protect her from sleazy guys for that long and then after that she’ll never have to do this again. One of the strippers…Candy, I think her name is, trails by my booth again, filling up my empty glass with vodka. Usually, I prefer something a little harsher but who am I to turn down free alcohol. “Sure, I can’t get you anything else with that?” Bending down, her cleavage practically spills out of her bra, the words c*m on me, tattooed across the middle. I almost choke on my vodka as I read it, burying down a laugh. “I’m okay, honey. What time does Lilliana come on stage?” Rolling her eyes, she suggestively pokes her cheek with her tongue. “Everyday I ask you the same thing, and every day you reject me in favour of a show? I can give you so much more for less.” “I’m more of a watcher.” “Well, how about you watch me and Lilliana together? The three of us could have some fun.” Her polished nails trail up my thigh, about to graze my d**k. I pull away, smiling uncomfortably because rejection isn’t exactly a common part of her job, and I don’t want to upset the lass. “No thanks, I think I’m good here.” She flattens her lips into a thin smile and nods. “Offer still stands if you want it.” Leaving, she takes my glass with her, forcing me to face this night semi sober. My bank account can’t take another hit from the expensive drinks the bar is selling. No wonder Geneva is so rich. I glance over at the bar anyways, noticing a middle aged bartender pulling the drinks. Maybe I could flirt and get another free one? I contemplate it and then start to move when the lights dim down. Shit. She’s coming on stage. My desires are drawn between the bar and staying here. The crowd starts to grow bigger, more drunks piling in. If I leave now, I’ll probably lose my seat. I settle into the booth, scowling as two beefy guys sit on the other end. “Have you heard that Lilliana’s on the market now?” My ears perk up, digesting her name despite the blaring music. The smaller one leans in, “Wasn’t she always? Hey, maybe we can spilt it and get a private dance after?” “Not just a dance, I mean you can buy her for the night, make her do anything. She becomes your puppet.” What the f**k? I knew she had recently become an escort, but I thought it meant sleeping with a guy once a month and it’s done. By the time we left, it would only have happened once. Fuck, is that why she thought she was ruined? Damaged? I instinctively look up at Geneva’s office, the lights are on and I notice the soft shadow of a woman inside. Biting my tongue, I squash the urge to kill him, listening on. “s**t, sounds like a f*****g dream. The things I want her to do…shit, you think Marcus would give me an advance on my next pay?” “It’s like a grand per night or some crazy s**t like that. Let’s just pool our money together and then pay for one. What is she gonna do if there’s two of us there?” “We can tag team her, get our money’s worth. I want the p***y first though, before your c**k gets shoved in there.” The assholes laugh, drunkenly spilling their drinks down their shirts as their glasses clink together. Caitlin comes onto stage, enrapturing the entire club with her tiny two piece that barely covers her n*****s. It’s a shimmering blue that under the light, projects her as a rare rough cut diamond you can’t look away from. I know every guy in this club wants her for his, even just for a night. I can’t stop them all, can’t fight them off, so maybe now it’s time to get creative instead. Her eyes meet mine for a brief second. She knows exactly where I am, but frowns as I leave her to the neanderthals, heading upstairs towards Geneva’s office. I can feel her eyes pinned to my back, wondering if I’ll expose her secret. I wouldn’t. That would just force her into further danger and may aim is to protect her as much as I can. Even if I’m damning myself. “Geneva,” I don’t blink an eye at the poor girl that lets his flaccid c**k slip from her mouth. Flushed, she grabs her bag and rushes out, slamming the door shut behind her. “Knox, I’d appreciate it if you would let her finish next time.” “You didn’t even look half way done and this is a time sensitive issue.” I take a seat, averting my eyes as he tucks himself away. “Have you spoken to Aaron? Has he accepted the offer?” I shake my head, taking the drink he offers me. “He’s still thinking it over, needs to discuss it with his partner.” “Ah yes, his wife, correct? Mrs Romano. Strange thing for a husband and wife to be equal partners in such a huge business venture.” My eyes narrow, hating the way he’s talking about Kiara right now. I know exactly what he’s insinuating and the fact he’s a misogynistic on top of pimp further adds to the long list of reasons why I’m gonna kill this bastard once I have the green light. “Actually I was here to discuss something more personal. I want to…purchase Lilliana for the duration of my visit.” I f*****g hate that word but I know that’s how he views her, them, as business commodities. “I could do with the company and I enjoyed spending time with her last time.” “Normally, I just rent the girls out for one night, especially Lilliana, she’s in very high demand. Two plus weeks is a lot of potential business I would be discarding.” Jesus, what more does this guy want? “Look, you’ll be fairly compensated. I’ll play 10% more than the usual rate.” He smiles, probably hearing the sound of money falling into his pockets. “For you friend, 5%. Have the money in the bank by tomorrow.” I nod, even shaking his hand for effect whilst simultaneously wondering how the f**k I’m going to pay it all. Maybe Tristan could help me out, but f**k, I hate asking for money. “Take her home after this, but I’ll need her back for dances when she’s due” Clenching my jaw, I try to ignore how suddenly I feel like one of those slimy bastards down there. “Sure.” I step out, finding that same girl waiting outside. “You can go in now, luv.” “Thanks,” Her dejected voice rings out, springing to life as she enters. I f*****g hate not being able to help any of them. Hopefully, Aaron can do better than me. I settle at the back of the club, finding a narrow space of wall until she’s finished the dance. Jesus, her n*****s are almost out, peaked through the sheer lace fabric, and that smile…damn it, I’m supposed to wait until she’s done and then take her back to that shitty apartment I’m staying in. It can’t be much longer, f**k Knox, show a bit of resilience. I almost punch the wall as she straddles a guy, letting him bury his face into her breasts, whilst her eyes meet mine. She’s like a siren calling me under, the hypnotic gaze trapping me that I can’t look anywhere but at her. Slowly she lets the straps slink down her shoulders, barely grazing her shimmering skin. Her bottom teeth pull on her lip as a soft moan slips from her, grinding to the beat. The rest of the world is blocked out for a moment. Their screams and cheers for her to pull it off fade into the background, forcing us into our own private world. I think she prefers this way. Pretending the show is just for me, pretending there’s something more intimate about the dance. The problem is she doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Not when I can protect her from it. Kicking off from the wall, I make her beeline towards her. The crowd falls into a stunned silence as I grip her on the waist, dragging her off the flushed asshole. “What the hell are you doing?” She screeches, revolting against me. “Screwing us both over.” I murmur, sinking my hand into her hair as I lower my lips to hers. I’m intent on devouring her as quickly as possible, but the moment I touch those velvety lips I’m gone. I taste cherries as I kiss her, just like the lollipops I’m now dependent on. I suck hard on her bottom lip, forcing her to part them in a moan and let my tongue graze hers. Clinging to me, she sighs beautifully, falling into the kiss just like I am. Then the music switches, becoming something more erratic and violent in tempo. I come back down from the high, remembering where I am, who I’m currently kissing and pull back. Her dark brows furrow, lost to the world as she leans in for more. “We can’t.” I’m almost apologetic, guilt festering into something ugly. I sling her over my shoulder whilst she’s still dazed, remembering the performance isn’t over yet. These bastards need to know she’s mine now. I slap her ass hard, riling the crowd up again just as another girl rushes onto stage. Her tiny fists beat at my back, heels almost socking me in the face. The bodyguard steps in front of the door, glancing up at Geneva who’s standing at his office, nodding in approval. “Lenny, don't this bastard is crazy, don’t…” He steps aside, sparing her an apologetic look as I carry her out. “Knox, you’re f*****g dead. What the hell are you doing?” I open the car door, trying my best to put her in the back seat without hurting her. “Stop! Look I’ll tell you everything just please stop screaming.” Caitlin grips the collar of my jacket, forcing my face down to hers. “You better have a f*****g good explanation for this Carter, or I swear to God I will murder you myself.” Letting me go, she lets her sharp nails scratch at the side of my neck. I almost smile, slamming the door shut. The scent of her cherry flavoured lipstick still clings to me, and I realise how I haven’t craved a cig since I saw her.
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