Chapter |7|

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K N O X ‘ S P. O. V Am I drunk? I’ve never known Scotch to incite hallucinations but this has to be that. Right? Because there’s no way my best friend’s little sister is a now blonde escort going under the alias Lilliana, wearing a sexy two piece with her knee pressed against my c**k and holding a sharp piece of glass to my throat. It even sounds ridiculous enough that I laugh out loud. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this drunk.” I murmur, causing her perfectly sculpted brow to furrow. “Jesus, you look so real.” Reaching out, I poke her cheek. Surprised when I touch soft flesh that moulds back into place. She bats my hand away, “I’m real dumbass. Jesus, how much did you drink?” Grabbing a pair of handcuffs with a fluffy inside, she drops the glass on the floor only to pin my arms behind my back. “s*x handcuffs. Now this really must be a dream.” “Still not dreaming i***t. This is very much real.” Stepping back, I notice the sheer panic that filters beneath her stony glare. Emotion that intense is real. This is real. Oh f**k me. Of course this happens the one time I decide to take on a little responsibility. If Aaron had come instead of me…actually maybe it’s a good thing I’m here. He probably would have ended up having a coronary seeing Caitlin up there like that. My c**k painfully strains in my pants as she begins to pace up and down. First of all, that teasing lap dance got me all worked up and now that I know who she is, it should die. Die flaccid and quickly but the way her ass bounces as she walks, her tight hips pushing up into small perky breasts…shit. Knox knock it off. Calm the f**k down because of there was ever a chick that was off limits, it’s her by a mile. I almost scoff. Figures the only girl to give me a proper hard on in a year is the same lass who just happens to be my best friend's little sister. Taught about being unlucky. My hands are nearly through the cuffs I started working on a few minutes ago, but disengaging would probably freak her out even more. To get the truth, I’m gonna have to play by her rules. “Wanna tell me what’s up kiddo?” “Don’t call me that!” She snaps, and I nod, more uncomfortable that I’ve ever been. I used to call her that in passing when she was younger. Then suddenly she wasn’t a kid anymore but calling her that helped to remind me who she was. Now she must be around 22, a woman if I ever saw one, yet it feels so wrong to call her that. To think it. “Sorry, it was a s**t start.” Her hands gesture to her lace clad body. “Ya think? God, how did you catch me of all people? You’re an i***t!” Ouch. “I’m not the smartest tool in the box, but I’m not just muscle. I can handle shit.” “How did you find me?” I think about lying. Pretending this was all part of the plan but I know she’ll never trust me without complete honesty. “Truthfully, I didn’t even know you were in Nevada. I came down here for business with Geneva to convince him to stop selling drugs so we can expand territory. Then I decided to sit downstairs for a bit, enjoy my scotch when I saw you. I didn’t see your face but I saw enough that I needed more. I wasn’t going to make you sleep with me, all I wanted was…fuck, I don’t even know myself. Maybe a private moment?” I sound so f*****g stupid, yet she sits down on the bed, her body relaxing as if I’m no longer a threat. “So Aaron doesn’t know?” “Not yet.” She startles straight, solemn gaze dredging up guilt and hesitation. “He has to know.” I don’t know if I’m convincing her or myself. “He’s a wreck, Caitlin.” “I know he’s better off without me.” “He hasn’t stopped looking for four years, doesn’t that tell you something? They all love you, even Anastasia still mourns your absence.” Tears fall tragically from her eyes, pulling at me to hold her in my arms, to comfort her. “You know why I can’t leave. If you’re doing business with Geneva then you know the truth.” “He’s forcing you into p**********n?” She nods, wiping her eyes with a strong willed resilience. It’s cemented. He’s a dead man. Already I feel the urge to strangle him, taking hold of my body, muscles straining not to run out of that door and kill him now. “Already has. I’m ruined, there’s no point trying to save me Knox, I’m already gone.” I let the handcuffs drop to the floor, almost smiling at the soft laugh that ripples out of her throat. The first remnant of the girl I used to know. Slowly, I take her hand, squeezing tight. “You don’t need saving Caitlin, you just need help. Help that I’m going to give you, your brother is, Kiara…you’re not ruined sweetheart, trust me, I know what that looks like, and you’re nowhere close.” “You can’t tell him. If Geneva finds out…I’ve got a couple months of this left, then I’m free.” “I’ll doubt he’ll ever let you go. I’ve seen his books, you’re bringing in the most cash flow. Any business man knows letting your best source of income go is a huge mistake. If he did, he would suffer almost 30% loss…” “Knox, if he doesn’t let me go, even after I’ve paid my debt, the other girl will take notice and they won’t be so compliant anymore.” “Trust me, I’ve met this guy once and I doubt getting vulnerable girls to stay in line will be a hard feat for him.” I pause for a second, knowing her stubborn pride is something she shares with her brother. “How much is it?” “No,” Standing up, she moves towards the mess on the floor, picking up the glass with her bare hands. “I’m not dragging you into my s**t and it’s a lot, trust me.” I join her, crouching down to grab the large shards.“Humour me,” “It's almost 40k.” f*****g hell. I don’t even want to think about the amount of dope she got for that much. “I was in a bad place okay, I got desperate and then Geneva found me and…I’m nearly done. I swear and then I’m out of here.” “Aaron can pay that off easily.” Me, not so much. I’ve got barely ten thousand in my account, not that I would ever tell Aaron. The bastard would transfer double that into my account without the bat of an eyelid. Okay, maybe I’m stubborn too. My hand reaches up to grab some of the many condom packets, splayed across the table. She slaps them out of my hand. “Seriously? We’re not having s*x, I don’t care if I am a hired p**********n, you can get that idea out of your head straight away.” “I’m not planning to f**k you, love. It’s to sweep the tiny pieces into the bin.” I demonstrate, amused as she scowls even harder. “Trust me, there’s no way you grinding up on me is going to happen ever again.” A light scoff airs from her throat, “Me grinding on you? The only reason that happened was because you wanted me too. You want to f**k me, I was just doing my job.” Then she leans in, so close that I can smell the sweet cinnamon of her perfume that lingers in my nostrils. “And from the way your c**k was hard and pushing against my p***y, I’m guessing I did a good job.” Something compels me to reach out and push a strand of thick blonde hair out of her eyes. “One thrust up and I had you moaning sweetheart, had your heart racing, cheeks flushed and crying.” Her body jerks away, forcing me to catch her before she falls into the glass. “Careful, sweetheart.” Snatching her arm away, she seethes, “Don’t call me that or this time I really will stab you.” “Not much of a threat considering I hold all the power here, love. One word from me and Geneva knows the truth and you’re coming home. Do you know the kind of s**t that will happen if Aaron knows that I haven’t even called him yet? That I’ve spent the past twenty something minutes talking to his missing sister, instead of dragging back to New York? Back home?” “Knox, I just need you to leave. Leave me alone to my own life, to deal with my own choices. Just forget about it, about me.” “I can’t Caitlin. I’m sorry.” This screws me up more than anything and usually nothing does. Killing a man, selling arms and drugs, crushing a guy’s knee caps, but this I feel torn up about. Guilty even. “A couple of weeks, if you really have to take me back home then… a couple of weeks. Give me that at least.” “Okay.” Even she’s surprised, by her eyes light up, lips softening into a smile that already eases the heavy weight inside of me. “I’ll tell Geneva that you gave me a good dance, you’re just tidying up.” She grabs my arm, “Say I gave you a b*****b and you sucked on my t**s. It’s the speciality, he’ll get suspicious if all you wanted was a lap dance.” I suppress my urge to kill the bastard, flashing her a smile. “Okay, I’ll see you later. Don’t even think about running.” Shutting the door behind me, I reach for my pocket, finding a string of messages from Aaron letting me know to call him when I’m done. Sighing, I let my head hit the wall. f**k, I’m already regretting this. ________________________________ A/N: What do you think Knox will do next?? Will he tell Aaron?
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