Chapter |9|

2349 Words
C A I T L I N ‘ S P. O. V Knox finally pulls over after I whack the back of his seat for the twentieth time. I watch him clench his jaw in the mirror, probably not used to the amount of restraint he’s shown me. I’ve seen him punch another guy out stone cold just for chewing too loudly. Maybe he’s a changed man now? But I doubt it, people can shed their past scales, yet it doesn’t mean they’re suddenly a new person. He switches off the ignition, unbuckling his seatbelt as he turns around. “Why the f**k do you have to be so difficult?” I scoff at his audacity. “Says the gorilla who just carried me off mid dance and kissed me as some creepy mark of territory. You can’t just barge into my life and suddenly feel entitled to doing whatever the hell you want. I’ve spent a long time building this,” “Building what Caitlin? You’re a stripper that’s paid to f**k desperate idiots just to pay off your drug debt. This isn’t a life! Especially not a life for a woman like you, God…” The truth cuts deep, reminding of every other reason why I can’t go back with him. “Look, I bought you for the next few weeks or however long you need to stay. It protects you from having to work as an escort but Geneva still needs you to dance for him. We shouldn’t piss him off, or give him a reason to pull away, but I swear to you that once you’re far away from him, I’ll put a bullet in his skull for what he’s made you do.” A hopeless small laugh leaves my dry throat, tears crest in my eyes but barely spill over. “It’s not that easy. He isn’t just a small-time pimp or drug dealer, and I know that Aaron has resources but…” “It doesn’t just need to be Aaron. I can kill him. All it takes is a shot.” I think of Sapphire, Leah, of all the other girls inside that would be lost without him. It’s sad, but it’s true. Geneva gives them purpose, a way to pay off the debt but without that, they’ll just fall into the same circles of taking drugs until eventually it kills them. “How did you buy me? I know my going rate, and I know you can’t afford it.” My brother might be a multi millionaire but Knox is far from it. He always refused to take a pay rise, sticking to the same salary as everyone else. “I’ll figure it out, don’t worry about it.” Reaching into his jacket, I watch as he peels the wrapper off the sweet before placing it in his mouth. “Is it only about protecting me from other d***s?” “And to stop you from running.” When I don’t speak, he releases a muffled laugh. “You don’t think I knew you would?” The plan was to finish paying off my debt quickly, which meant sucking a lot more c***s. Not ideal but desperate times called for desperate measures. Weirdly, Knox purchasing me would have knocked it down by a lot, maybe even tied it off for me. “And the kiss?” I hate the way my body reacts to him. Arousal is practically seeping from my pores, pupils dilated as I watch his Adam’s apple throb as he swallows down the red sweet. I’ve always found him attractive, but now it’s something entirely carnal. He makes me desire s*x, desire him. It’s a strange and foreign feeling that I’m not used to, and I can only dread how living with him would only fuel that impulse. “So those bastards leave you alone. If they know that you’re mine for now, then they’ll be less likely to try stuff on.” I move closer to him, perching my ass on the centre console. It causes the thin shirt he threw at me to wear, to rise up, exposing more of my thigh. My lips rise as his eyes are inevitability drawn to it. Like every guy, s*x is the way to control him. Knox Carter lost all control the moment he bought me. I can see it now, it wasn’t part of his plan, not that I believe he’s much of an organised guy, but still, he has no idea what to do from here. Taking a risk, I push him further, letting my hands drift up his arms, forcing myself not to look awed by the muscle he packs beneath his beefy jacket. I reach his neck, his jaw, and gently cup his cheeks, forcing our eyes to meet. Fucking me would break all friendship ties to Aaron. He couldn’t bring me back home, Aaron would kill him. The added plus would be sating the irrepressible desire I feel towards him. “What are you doing?” He murmurs, the thick Scottish in his accent enticing me further. “Caitlin don’t…” “I saw how you were watching me, looking at me. You don’t just want to protect me, you want to claim me, and what better time to do that than right now.” I spread my thigh a little, grabbing his hand and pulling it under my dress. My body shudders when the cold of his fingers press against my heat. A breathy moan expels from my lips, as they slip under the scrappy lace, grazing my clit with the finest pressure. I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him in closer. His forehead falls against my chest, our heavy breaths filling the daunting silence that exists between us. His fingers stroke me up and down, but stay on the outside, ignoring my clit that aches for his touch. It’s tortuous but I suck every ounce of pleasure that I can from it all. “Knox,” A whimper leaves my throat, desperate for more, but he pulls away from me. “s**t, f**k we can’t…” My cheeks are flushed, chest heaving, thighs sticky. I know it’s moral conscience that’s dragging him away from me, but f**k, right now I’d kill if only to have Knox Carter’s c**k buried deep inside of me. “It’s okay,” I try to reach out but he moves away, opening the car door to let the bite of the wind in. My thighs snap shut at the sudden rush, and I retreat into the back, mortified at how desperate I just became. “I’ll be a minute.” He slams the door shut, and I watch from inside as he storms off into the night. *** Awkward is the best way to describe the twenty minute drive to my apartment. I barely spare him a glance as I shove my key into the rusting lock. I’m praying for it to simply open, but of course, it’s jammed. Again. Sighing, I jam my foot against the bottom, pushing hard with my shoulder. “Come on you piece of shit.” I shove at it again and again but it refuses to budge. “Let me,” Knox moves me aside, and grunt as he smashes into it with his shoulder. The wood finally gives in, opening up to the rest of my crappy apartment. “You live here?” “Yep.” I throw my purse on the kitchen counter, and dive straight for the fridge. “Let me eat and shower then I’ll pack a bag.” His fingers graze over the dusty couch. We bought it off the flea market, and it's a piece of s**t that does not fit in with anything else, but weirdly my favourite thing about the place. “Do you have any sports channels?” “No, sorry. We steal the neighbour's Netflix account occasionally but he changed the password again.” I think I missed the payment on the tv anyways, but I omit that. Knox is already looking at me like I’m some wounded puppy that needs to be saved. I hate pity, more so from him. Saph bounces into the room, airing the tension, but her smile dies when she catches sight of Knox. “Caitlin?” Normally she would be happy to greet a guest, not that we ever have any, but I know she recognises him from the club. I grab my heated leftover pizza from the microwave and take her hand as I pull her into my room. “It’s not what you think.” “He isn’t one of your clients?” “He’s more like a friend.” Barely, but it springs a smile on her face again. “I thought I was your only friend.” She teases. “Well now I have another. Look, I have to stay with him for a while, but I promise you that soon we’ll leave okay. We’ll get far away from Geneva and the club and we’ll be free.” “And your new friend is going to help us?” “Actually he’s an old friend and weirdly, I trust him. He’ll help us, but don’t tell anyone, and don’t give it away that we have a past. As far as Geneva is concerned, he’s just another client that’s paying for my services.” She pulls a face, “He’s not going to make you sleep with him in return is he?” “What? Of course not.” “It’s just weird. He just wants to help?” I don’t know how to explain that it is Knox’s deep seated loyalty to my big brother that fuels his need to protect me without delving into the complexity of my past. I can’t let Sapphire get tangled up in all that, but I also know she struggles to trust men. In her lifetime all they’ve done is either hurt her or leave her. Placing the pizza on my bed, I wrap my arms around her protectively. “Hey, I know it’s difficult but we can trust him. He’s one of the good ones.” Knox Carter for all his faults is a good guy. That’s why I don’t want to get too close. I tend to corrupt others, especially white knights like him. A knock on my bedroom door has us pulling away from each other. I know Knox is curious, watching with that unscrupulous gaze. He nods, “Transfer went through, it’s all done.” “Hi, I’m Sapphire.” She bounds towards him with her all encompassing cheery smile. Knox is staring at her like she’s bound to explode with glitter. “Knox Carter.” Her head tips to the side with a sly smile. “My my, aren’t you handsome, and Scottish too. Caity really bagged the jackpot with you.” “Saph,” I warn, but she ignores me, letting her hands run up and down his torso. “I can feel a six pack, maybe even an eight under here. Different from the dad bods and fat guts we’re expected to normally entertain.” Knox raises his brow, but doesn’t speak. His nerves grow as she slips her hands towards his belt. “It’s not everyday I get a chance to f**k a Scottish hottie, why don’t let me keep you entertained whilst Caity gets ready.” “Okay enough,” I grab her hands, pulling her back. Saph pouts playfully, “Aw, not fair you get to have all the fun.” I roll my eyes. “What part of we’re friends do you not understand?” Her gaze turns devious. “But we’re friends and on occasion you let me wander my hands wherever they…” I shove her out, fighting a smile at her laughter as I slam the door. Knox is still watching, leaning back against the dresser. My pizza is somehow in his hands and he takes a monster bite out of it. “Hey,” I snatch it back from him, stuffing the little piece that remains into my mouth. “Relax, I’ll buy you a fresh one.” “Really, and with what money?” Leaning in close, I’m sure he can smell the pizza on my breath but he smiles, pushing back a piece of my hair. “Let me worry about that sweetheart. So, what’s the deal with you two?” “What do you mean?” His grip on my shoulder tightens as I reach for a tissue. “Are you together? Are you f*****g?” I almost snort out a laugh until I notice he’s serious. The hold he has on me gets tighter like a vice. Is he…jealous? “What? No, she was just screwing around.” When he doesn’t lighten up, I take his hand and squeeze it. Somehow it brings him back, out of his mind, and here with me in this moment. “Why do you care? Surely it’s better for me to be with Saph than some random guy. She’s kind, beautiful and great with her tongue.” “I thought you said you haven’t—” I burst out laughing, holding onto his shoulder. “Jeez Carter, learn to take a joke.” That half smile comes back to his face but it’s matched with lighter eyes. He almost seems happy, a rare expression for him. “I know why you want to stay. You’re protecting her, right?” With that revelation, reality dawns upon me. The guilt and fear and despair comes back, reminding me of my past sins that lead me here. “I need to get changed and pack a bag. You should wait outside,” I take off the shirt and throw it at him. “Unless you want a free show.” Turning around, I reach back to unclip my bra, hearing the door click shut before it can hit the floor. ________________________________ A/N: So Knox and Caitlin are getting closer…? Thoughts on Saph?
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