Chapter |16|

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C A I T L I N ' S P. O. V "Jesus Christ, that f*****g hurts." "I'm so sorry." I profess for the one hundredth time, holding a stack of bloody tissues against his nose. "I don't think it's broken though." Rhys tries to laugh but it's cut short as he winces, "Who the hell is that guy? What the hell is going on? Why did you lie to me about your name?" "I know you've got a lot of questions, and I can answer most of them but right now, we're in a very time sensitive situation. So here it is. He's my brother's friend who wants to bring me back home after I left four years ago. He's a little rough around the edges, and primitive in nature so sorry about that. My old boss was keeping me captive in a cage, literally, so to save me Knox had a bomb that blew up the strip club I worked at. We're currently suspects in that, but we need to get to New York because only my brother can help us out with that, since if we get caught I'll probably get charged with prostitution...among other things." "s**t, and I thought my life was exciting at times." Laughing, I remove the tissues, throwing them in the bin. "Oh and Lilliana was an alias. I changed my name so my brother couldn't find me, but Caitlin, that's my real name. The name I'd like you to use." "f**k, did you brother hurt you or something?" "No, no, I ran away. I was stupid, an addict and I did some bad s**t I didn't want him to know about. Going back home is a good thing, it's what I need, but I understand completely if you don't want to help us. Just drive away and forget about us please." He leans back, nose still bloody and bruises, yet he's wearing that same charmed smile as he did on the night we met. The one that makes me trust him, yet I still don't know what he's thinking. "So if I do this, I'll be harbouring fugitives?" "Technically, suspects, but yeah." "Hm, not exactly what I thought I'd be doing with my Saturday evening." "Really?" Grinning, I hug him and peck his cheek. "Thank you so much and I promise he won't hit you again." Rhys rolls his eyes with a smile, climbing into the car. Begrudgingly, I head over to Knox and the shitty beemer. "Rhys is still willing to let us stay at his even though you aped out on him." "f**k, I'm sorry. I swear Caitlin I am, I just lost it." "I know, but I'm not the one with the swollen ass nose. Apologise to him and play nice." Reaching into the car, he grabs the duffel bag of guns and throws the keys out into the desert. "You kissed him." Scoffing, I turn away and storm towards the car. He catches up easily, hand enclosed around his wrist. "It was a f*****g peck. A thank you for helping us out, and you Mr Carter have no reason to get jealous." *** "Holy s**t, this is your place?" Compared to the Romano mansion, this is highly modernised. The entire place is white without a speck of dust in sight and there's a smart home hub in the centre console that greets Rhys as he walks in. "That's Ava, she's like Siri but more personalised to meet my needs and such. If you get lost or can't find something just call out her name and ask." "Do you have staff or something?" I doubt Rhys can clean this place himself. "Just a maid who comes twice a week, but I'll tell her to leave it for this week. I cook for myself, so just tell me what you guys want and I'll run out to grab the groceries." "f**k, this tech is something else." Knox murmurs, probing at the console. "What kind of cars you got? Well, apart from the Tesla." "You into cars?" Knox shrugs, "Yeah, well motors mostly." "s**t, well I've started some auto work on this vintage motorcycle and could use some help with it." Rhys grins back, his smile slightly wonky with his swollen nose. "Hey, sorry to interrupt the male bonding time but you should really put some ice on that." His smile doesn't falter, as he turns to look at Knox. "I've got coolers in the garage." "Beer?" Rhys nods, which brings about something in Knox I don't think I've seen yet. Excitement. Scoffing lightly, I head for the stairs. "You don't wanna come with us?" Rhys calls out. "No thanks, enjoy your date. I'm gonna have a shower. Ava, where is the guest bedroom?" "Third and fourth doors on the right. Would you like temperature control suggestions for your shower?" "Uhh no I'm good." "Go to the third. I've laid out some clothes that don't fit me, hopefully they'll be okay." I flash him a thumbs up as I make way into the room. It smells like patchouli and cinnamon. Even as I shower, the scent clings thickly to the air, as steam fills the room. My skin feels so much softer when I step out. Almost buttery soft. I look into the mirror, barely recognising my face without makeup or at least smudged mascara. My blonde hair is slicked back, sopping wet, dusting my waist. I never realised how long it was before. Sapphire would always insist on braiding my hair when it was wet, letting it spring into curls overnight to save myself the hassle in the morning. I notice a pair of scissors, tucked inside one of the many drawers. Clutching them, I can barely hear the sound of them snapping open and close as I cut at my hair. The blonde falls away in thick pieces, littering the floor. Already I feel lighter, awake. A laugh springs from my throat as the uneven strands hit my back and then my shoulders. I throw the scissors in the sink, letting the towel fall with them. My hands reach up to clutch the jagged ends. I smooth it over my shoulders, embracing the foreignness of the way it dusts my collar bone now instead of my ribs. It doesn't just feel like my hair is gone, but Lilliana too. I'm throwing her away, locking up in the past to prepare for the future. A single tear trails down my cheek, splashing onto my breast. I stare at myself as my hands slip away from my hair and onto my breasts. I grasp them, a soft gasp leaving my throat at the feeling. I can't even remember the last time I touched myself. Suppose I became so used to everyone else touching me that the thought of myself doing it didn't really seem like an option anymore. I was tired of it, and now I'm realising what a f*****g mistake denying myself pleasure really was. Knox unlocked in me, he showed me what was possible again in that alley. Now I'm taking it back for myself. My fingers dance lightly down my stomach, gently cupping my p***y. Circling my clit, I grasp the edge of the sink with one hand, trailing my fingers up and down to create heat. I see Knox as I do this, I feel him, pressing me against the sink. His height, his raw masculinity. The way it makes me so small but empowers me to rise up with this great man. It's his fingers inside of me, curling and stroking my inner walls until they flutter. It's his breath that I can feel on my neck, his hand on my waist, pulling me back against him. I can hear his voice, "Sweetheart, you want to be a good girl for me? Then c*m, that's it baby, c*m all over my fingers. Good girl." Moaning, I let the o****m ride through my body, my head tipping back as my p***y clenches frantically. "Knox, Knox," I breathe out, still trapped in the fantasy. My body slumps forward against the sink. The touch of cool marble is what brings me back, forcing my eyes open. I'm met with my own reflection, my cheeks flushed, eyes hooded and slightly glazed, lips parted as quick breaths inhale and exhale rapidly. "s**t," My head whacks against the cabinet as a knock pounds against the door. "Caitlin! Hey, just wanted to check you're okay? Caitlin," He's probably terrified that I'm in here cutting myself or taking whatever pills I can find. Given the circumstances those seem the logical options. I scramble for a gown, "One minute!" Then realise my fingers are still sticky with my own c*m. "s**t," I turn back towards the sink, but pause. I'm not a scared little girl anymore with a childhood crush on my brother's hot Scottish friend. Knox needs to know I'm more than that, I always have been. This seems like a bad decision but weirdly, there's nothing but adrenaline racing through my body as I let the gown slip off. My feet silently pad towards the door. I close my eyes for a moment, before clicking it open. "Caitlin I...holy shit." I watch as he takes me in. Eyes devouring up my body, every flaw and scar exposed for him to see. Finally he reaches my eyes. I watch his throat bob as he struggles for words. "You're naked...your hair...Caitlin why?" I step closer, "Why did I cut my hair? Or why am I naked?" "Both." His voice is so deep and cut that it vibrates through my body, intensifying the desire I have for him. "I cut my hair because it needed to go. Too many painful reminders and I guess change is good, right? I used to fear it so much but it's quite cathartic if you think about it, and the naked part, well that's mostly due to the fact I just had a shower." A pause. "Do you like my hair?" His lips lift slightly, and I feel my entire body stiffen as he reaches out a hand towards it. The way his fingers sink into it, massaging my head, reminds me of Saph so much, but his fingers are padded with texture, with a roughness that defines him. "It's beautiful. You look beautiful." My feet move closer on their own until I can feel the heat of his body. My voice comes out in a soft whisper, "I'm not just naked because I was in the shower." He laughs softly, "I figured sweetheart." I press my fingers against his lips, and watch as he inhales deeply, groaning into my hand. His tongue peeks out, lapping up my juices, and sucking them clean. I have to clench my thighs together just to stop myself from cumming, but it falls away when he sinks to his knees before me. My stomach flutters inside as his lips press firmly against my bare skin. "I don't think there's anything sweeter than your p***y. If I could taste it everyday, I'd never have another craving for a cig again. I'll be cured." "So do it. Have me everyday, take me any way you want, just say you'll let me be yours and you'll be mine." Desperation leaches from my voice but I don't care anymore. I need Knox, despise what the world thinks, I know this is right. I know this is real. I feel him stiffen up, and pull away from me. His touch leaves my skin cold and vulnerable. Even his eyes have masked away the desire for me I know is chained up inside of him. He sighs, shaking his head. "This makes it harder, Caitlin. We both know what comes next. I'll either die or be sent away, but I don't see a future where we can make this work." "I can talk to Aaron, convince him, I know I can just-" "Don't. I never should have let it get this far." He just leaves me there, and walks away. The cold sets in now, pricking goosebumps all over my skin and causing my muscles to shiver. No tears leak this time. I guess part of me knew to expect the worst, expect the heartbreak and the agony that comes with it. Scarily so, I just feel numb. Alone and cold and empty. ________________________________ A/N: What do you think of Rhys? God, I'm just ready for some smut now
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