Chapter |17|

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K N O X ' S P. O. V "So, you got a girlfriend or something?" I keep my head down as I use the wrench to tighten the bolts on the wheel. Rhys laughs in the background, "Why? You interested in me or something?" "f**k off," I grumble, downing my beer. I throw the empty can into the bin, and reach for the screwdriver. "Relax man, I know you're just trying to find out my intentions regarding a certain blonde." "She wasn't always blonde, naturally she's a brunette." "Huh, never would have guessed. Blonde looks good on her." I try to imagine the woman she is now with dark hair. I can't. Caitlin is so different from the girl Aaron used to know. Honestly, I'm scared of how he'll react towards her. Scared he'll f**k up by saying some s**t he'll end up regretting later. I know I'll be dead to him. I'm already prepared for that but how he feels towards Caitlin...shit no one can predict that. "So what's up with you two anyway?" Ignoring him, I secure the wheel into place. "Look I know we didn't get off to the best start but I'd like to think we're friends now at least. It's been a week since you guys started hiding from the law in my house. A f*****g week. Tomorrow we need to move on, start the drive back to New York. Rhys offered to let us use his private jet, but I think Caitlin wants more time before the big reunion. My informant let me know that Nevada police has slowed down the search to find us, especially since it was just a strip club that was blown up. No-one really gives a s**t about that but I can't ignore the other threat that still lies out there. I should have put a bullet in Geneva's head. Even if he is hobbling around with that freakish face, it's not punishment when he could still hurt Caitlin. I thought the cops would have arrested him, sentenced him to life but of course, the bad guy gets away. Okay maybe I'm also a bad guy, but Geneva is evil. Pure f*****g evil. "Nothing. She told you straight up. I'm just trying to get her back home." I nod in thanks as he hands me another beer. "What and all the longing gazes and empty touches and sad smiles are just nothing? Man, I knew there was something about that girl when I first met her. Then she told me the truth, well half truth, and I should have ran like hell but instead I asked her on a date. Unfortunately, even with my charm, money and good looks, she didn't want me and I'm guessing that's because somebody else was already on her mind." "Don't know what you're talking about." "Oh come on! You seriously don't think I know she was meeting you on our first date. I followed her out after five minutes of sitting alone and saw you two making out, your hand up her dress." What the f**k? I throw down the tool, and stand up, leaning back against the wall. He matches my stance, but remains amused like it's all just some big joke. "You were watching us like some creeping f*****g perv?" "Of course not, I left after I saw that. I contemplated just getting in my car and driving the hell out of there.." "So why didn't you? Any other sane mother fucker would have done that, hell why are you helping us out now?" Shrugging, he lifts the beer can to his mouth. "I was curious what she would do, and I saw the way you looked at her, the way she looked at you. It was like magical f*****g love. Never experienced that so I thought maybe Caitlin could fall for a guy like me, someone who could offer everything you did plus a lot more. Turns out I couldn't, but she proves to be a good friend, also I'm guessing this will earn me a lot of favours with Romano enterprises. I could use some investors in a housing development." "s**t," I splutter out, almost in awe of the guy. "You know who she is?" "She practically told me, and Knox Carter is well known on the internet as Aaron Romano's right hand man." "I'm sure he'll love to work with you, as long as we don't get caught." Rhys smirks, "And what happens to you when the infamous CEO of the multi million dollar company finds out that you're f*****g his little runaway sister?" "First of all, joint CEO." Kiara is the real brains behind the operations, Aaron handles the muscle. "And I'm not f*****g her." "I think what I saw in the alley begs to differ." "It isn't like that. It was a one time thing." "Huh," The way he shrugs and nonchalantly sips his beer is starting to piss me off. I snap, "What?" "Guess I'm thinking about my options now. Caitlin is single, we're friends but there's still attraction there." I don't like where this is f*****g going. My body tenses up, as I cross my arms over my chest. "Chill Knox, I'm not gonna f**k your girl. Actually she isn't yours anyways, so she's fair play." "No she's not, so don't even f*****g attempt it. Don't think Aaron won't cut out your heart, pretty boy, and then dissolve your company." "Subtle threats for a guy who I thought didn't care about her." "Not in that way." He laughs, almost disappointedly. "I thought you were better than that Knox. That girl is hurting, she needs someone, anyone and I can't be that person. I'm guessing you were the one who shut s**t down between you two, and I get it, Aaron would kill you if he knew but..." "I'm already dead. I've known where Caitlin was for months and I never told him because she didn't want me too. I kept it a secret, I broke a vow I made to be loyal, so I'm a dead man." "Dude, then why hell aren't you upstairs professing your damn love and ripping her clothes off? You're already dead right? So might as well make the most of your time together. Regrets are tricky, Knox, you don't want to die with them." Shit. I'm falling for it. I'm giving in to this guy's advice, of all f*****g people. I finish the cold beer off, and throw it into the bin. Clapping his shoulder as I make my way out, I turn to him with a grin. "I'll make sure you'll get my Suzuki Hayabusa in my will." He laughs, raising his beer up and shoves me out of there. It makes sense. Rhys' stupid logic makes sense. Also, I really want to do this. Not just because I want to f**k her, which I guess is another reason to see this through. I want more from Caitlin. More than just a simple cheap f**k. I've never wanted that from anybody else before. I've never felt such electricity rush through my body from a simple touch, from watching her unravel before me or simply just observing her. Caitlin is more to me than she thinks, and whatever happens to us when we get back to New York doesn't matter, because right now, she needs to know that. "Sweetheart," I knock on the wooden door with more force than needed. It's the adrenaline racing through my body, the build up before reality comes crashing down on us both. "Open us please, sweetheart." "What?" She wearing one of Rhy's button downs - that fact I ignore - but s**t, she looks sexy as hell in it. The hem dusts her upper thigh, with only two buttons concealing her naked body from my raptures. I remember it so vividly last time. Her body was imprinted to mind, believing it would be the last time I would see such beauty again. I try to place the curves, every tiny dent and the small scars - reminders of the past. "What the hell are you doing Knox? It's like nine in the morning and I-" I break her off with a kiss. It's blinding, all consuming and cements how f*****g right this is. I pull back before her tongue can meet mine. She groans, trying to lean in again for more. I press my finger against her lips, "Sweetheart, don't speak right now. Just let me talk." Those cute brows furrow in, but she nods softly. I let my finger trail off her lips, against her cheeks until I can sink my hand into her hair. I'm still not used to the cut, it's beautiful all the same but in a way it shapes her to look younger, innocent. I feel the shame creeping in again, infiltrating the desire to give in. "I don't know what this is. I think I've felt it for a while now, but I was scared of letting in. Of admitting it to myself because then it would become real. I'm not good at this s**t, talking about feelings and professing it. All I know is that I care for your Caitlin, but it's different from the kind of loyalty I have towards Aaron or Kiara, it's something natural, it was just there, and it's easy. I don't need to think about it, not when you make me feel so intensely." "Knox, you don't want this. I gave myself to you before and you said no, you pushed me away." "I was a f*****g i***t for hurting you like that. I guess it was easier to use Aaron as an excuse than admit I'm terrified of this." "And what is this?" My feet shuffle closer, hands cupping her cheeks on either side. That an invisible pull draws us in again, locking out the rest of the world. "I have no f*****g idea, love, but I don't want to stop exploring it. Not now, not ever." Caitlin rises up on her toes, catching me off guard with a kiss. I deepen it, massaging her tongue with mine, sinking us further into the bubble we've created. We're moving backwards. I shove the door shut, wrapping one hand around her throat as we hit the bed. She sinks down first, shirt pushed up to expose the flat plains of her stomach. My kisses travel down, grazing against her jaw then her neck, scattered across her breasts that rise and fall with each heavy breath she omits. "Please," Her hips arch up as I release each button, exposing more of her creamy skin. My lips press against her navel, nose dusting her bellybutton. "Please what sweetheart?" Snaking a hand up, I cup her cheek, relishing in the feeling of her turning towards it, seeking comfort from my touch. "Please make me feel good again." I push my thumb into her mouth. "You can do better than that baby," A moan ripples through her body, and I haven't even touched her yet. "Please make me c*m so hard I see f*****g stars, Knox." "Better." I grin, tracing my tongue down towards her p***y. A growl releases from my throat when I reach the plaid boxers that loosely hand around her waist. "You are never wearing another man's boxers sweetheart. Promise me that." My thumb slips from her mouth, "You're also wearing the same man's boxers." True. I can't argue with that logic. "Does my baby not want to c*m?" I cup her through the thin material, massaging her clit. Like expected, she writhes, trying to seek more. "Yes I do, I do so bad. I promise I'll never wear another man's clothing again." "I don't know if I believe you." I apply more pressure, watching tears spring to her eyes. "I will, I swear to you please," Reaching back, I grab the pocket knife I always carry with me. I fight to ignore the mafia insignia of the Romanos, and flick it open. A quick flick down cuts the material easily, baring her p***y to me. I press my nose against her flesh, the ripe smell of cherries hitting me hard. How the f**k does she do that? "I've missed you so much." I murmur, pressing a kiss against her clit. "Me or my p***y?" I pinch her hip lightly as she laughs. "Don't be a smartass," My tongue sinks into her heat, melting her laugh into moans that only act as fuel for me to drive her harder. I replace my tongue with two fingers, slow movements that build into fast thrusts. Her breaths quicken as my tongue latches around her clit, biting gently and then soothing the nub with soft strokes. "Knox yes, don't stop." Running my hand up her body, I squeeze her tit harshly inciting an awed gasp, and stuff a finger into her mouth. She sucks on it so energetically like it's my c**k, bobbing her head up and down, her eyes falling shut. I can feel her tightening around my fingers as I push another inside of her. Her moan become gargled, and strained, her ass lifting off the bed. Yanking my fingers out of her, I push her body up from behind both knees forcing them down besides her head. My face buries inside her p***y, slurping up all those sweet juices that leak out of her as the o****m takes hold. Her hand grasps my hair, short nails digging into my skull like she's trying to keep me there forever. I rip her hand away, sitting up before her body and sink three fingers into that p***y. "Knox!" She cries, head arching with her back. I watch intently as she is transformed like a flower that's been trapped in the Sahara desert for four years, finally having a taste of water. Now she's blossoming, becoming something entirely different. "That's it sweetheart, ride it out baby. That's it," I only pull out when her body is completely slumped down, and fall back besides her. My arm wraps around her small body, curling her into me. We fall into a softened silence, only the sound of the birds outside singing filling the room. "How is this the second time we've done this and you're still fully dressed?" I laugh against her head, pressing a kiss onto her temple. "Nah, you don't want to see my ugly ass. Yours is so much better trust me," I cup one cheek, fingertips grazing over her soft skin. I pause when I feel something textured, a burn almost. Craning my neck, I notice the tiny scar above her ass. "Was this from the explosion?" I hate that she got f*****g hurt in that. Her ankle has just started to feel better after Rhys brought lots of medication and bandages for her to use. "No it's not." She pauses, lips pressed thinly. "It was Geneva. He did it to all the girls, a mark of his ownership but it's easy to hide with a thong and a bit of makeup." That fucker. I should have killed him when I had the chance but now I want to add branding to the lsit of tortue I'm going to inflict on the bastard when I catch him again. She presses her palm against my rough cheek. "Hey, really I'm good. It was a long time ago." Pulling me down for another kiss, I shut my eyes, wanting to imprint this moment to memory so it lasts a lifetime. It feels so soft and light. So easy without anyone else. When it's just us, this works beautifully. I clutch her wrist, pressing it against my neck. "Does any part of you feel like this is wrong?" "Wrong because of my brother?" "No...I mean yeah but for other reasons." "Like what?" The very topic we've haven't touched upon yet. The one I've been trying to ignore but I know when we get back to New York, it's bound to come up. "Our ages." She sighs, "That's what's bothering you? Knox, haven't you heard the saying age is just a number." "Doesn't eradicate the fact that I'm 35 and you're 22. That I knew you when you were a kid and it feels...shameful. f**k, I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin this." "You haven't. Look, it's not like you were always around when I was a kid. You simply knew of me, and yes, I had a small crush on you growing up but nothing ever happened between us. I'm a woman now, 22, and perfectly capable of making my own decisions. Besides, I've f****d guys way older than you—" I press my hand firmly against her mouth. "Please don't sweetheart." I wish I could eradicate all of that. Save her from the pain of the past she was forced to endure, but I can't. All I can do is protect her from now, and help her heal from those scars. "Sorry," She smiles, cuddling me tighter. I've never done this before, never wanted too, but as I hug her back, I know I've never felt such peace like this. "One step at a time," She murmurs. "We'll get through it." ________________________________ A/N: Knox is finally giving in now, yay!! Honest thoughts on their gap?
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