A New Day

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Chapter 9 A New Day   “Are you sure?” I asked him.   “I’m sure as can be.” He answered.   I looked up into his face.   He had been there for me the past couple of weeks. We had started our friendship off with hate and look at us now.   I was sure I was in love with him…but I couldn’t tell him that. And wasn’t I too young to be in love? What was the right age anyway?   But he was handsome and sweet and caring.   He had dropped everything to come walk around Bergmont campus until I was ready to go talk to Dean Ivan.   That had to mean something right? Or was it all in my head and he was just being a friend?   I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his.   I guess it didn’t matter. I was just glad that he was here with me right now.   “What do you think will happen?” I asked him.   “I think you will be his top choice. Who else could he possibly pick?”   I laughed. “Everyone I know is at least as smart as me or smarter.” I replied.   “You only think that because you’re a nice person. But marks are only part of it. You have a connection with others, that’s why you have a group of friends who all stick together despite being completely different and smart in their own way. You hold them together. Besides, I was in your position two years ago and I’m telling you you’re the only choice.” He said with a smirk.   I shook my head at him. “Oh right! You got it two years ago, how could I forget!” I said sarcastically.   “Ha, you’re so funny Ivy.” He responded in the same tone.   We continued walking around. The campus was huge, it could take you over an hour to get to the other side, not to mention the section of the school that lower and closer to the town below the mountain.   I tightened my grip on his arm. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach…like everything was about to change, but I couldn’t feel the excitement.   As we walked into the administration building and down the hall, I tried to clear my head of all the negative thoughts. This was my time, I had worked so hard to get to this position and I wouldn’t let my mind wander off, not now.   “You ready?” He asked, turning to face me once we were outside Dean Ivan’s room.   I nodded before letting go of his arm. “As ready as I can be.”   I stood on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for walking around in the cold with me.”   He smiled, “It was my pleasure. I’ll wait here for you?”   I shook my head. “It’s going to be a while, no matter which way it goes, you should go back to your dorm and I’ll text you.”   This time he nodded but before I could move past him, he pulled me closer, bent down and gave me a kiss on my cheek. As he pulled away, I felt my cheeks heat up. Without looking at him I turned and walked into the room in front of me.   “Bella? Noah? What are you doing here?” I asked in shock when I entered.   What were my siblings doing here?   “Ivy we need to talk.” Bella said stepping forward.   “What’s going on?” I asked nervously.   Their eyes were red and they both had this dreary look on their faces.   “It’s about dad.” Noah said, walking up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  “And that was when my world shattered for the first time.” I told April.   I looked at my new friend and she had a tear in her eye.   “Oh Ivy!”   “Aww April don’t cry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” I said, reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder.   “It’s my fault I should have asked!” April said, shedding another tear.   I shook my head. “The one thing I’ve learned in the last couple of months is that talk about something sad helps you. I can’t say that anyone could ever get over something like this but the hope is that one day it’ll shrink enough that it fits inside your heart, in a special place.”   “You should be a writer. You have a way with words.” April said with a smile.   “I don’t think so.”   “I do. Your so talented!”   “I like reading books, not writing them.” I replied back.   “You’ll come around!” April answered.   I slowly nodded my head.   April was strange…very strange.   “So, what about this mystery guy? Who was he?” She asked.   I thought back to him and smiled again. “The one I missed my chance with.” I answered honestly.   “Ooo really?” April asked excitedly.   I laughed. “Nope! I was joking. He was just a friend that I lost touch with a long time ago.”   “Oh”   “And anyway, you wanted to hear my story because you didn’t want to talk about yours. Are you ready now? You looked really stressed earlier April! I just want to know if I can help with whatever is bothering you.”   April shook her head. “It’s nothing. I was just in a mood. It’s nothing to worry about.”   I didn’t believe her for a second but thought pushing would be a bad idea. She had told me something bad had happened but now she didn’t want to acknowledge it at all.   She didn’t want to talk about it.   I guess that was okay.   Instead, April had wanted hear stories about Bergmont and life at a boarding school. So, I told her a few stories and then out of no where I was explaining what had happened to me in the past 6 months.   “Anyway, where’s Bella gone?” she asked, trying to change the subject.   “Bella has night classes.” I answered.   “I can’t believe she left everything behind and moved here with you so you both could stay together.” April exclaimed.   I nodded in agreement, “I know what you mean. Bella had everything in Paris.. She was less than a year out from finishing and she had an internship waiting for her at one of the best architecture firms in Paris. But Noah left and joined the navy and Bella couldn’t keep me with her in the dorms and we could afford to live in Paris. So, when the family lawyer told us about grandma’s house in Chicago, Bella decided it was the best move for us.”   “Bella is an amazing sister!” April yelled out and then pulled me into a hug. “I know you left behind a lot but I’m so glad you’re here.”   I hugged April back. “Thank you.”   “So, tell me about you? Any crushes?” I asked.   April gave me a look that said it all.   “There is someone but I’ll introduce you to him when he’s back at school next week.” She answered.   I nodded. “Sounds good.”   “Can I ask you a question?”   I nodded at April. “Ya sure.”   “Why are you so worried about Lilliana? From the stories you’ve been telling me about Bergmont and your friends, you sound fearless.” April asked.   I thought about it for a moment.   Life here wasn’t like it was there and I don’t think anyone could really understand that unless they lived it.   How was I supposed to explain it in words.   “It’s not so much that I’m scared of her…I have other reasons.”   “Which are?”   I took a deep breath. “Bergmont is home. The people there, especially my friends, they have helped me through so much and we’ve practically grew up together, we’ve known each other since we were 8. Your right. I’m not scared of Lilliana but I also don’t feel a connection to this place. I feel like an outsider- you’ve been great April- but just feel like it’s worth it to say anything to her. I have a bigger goal in mind.” I answered honestly.   April tilted her head at me. “What’s that?”   “I want to go back. I need to find a way. If I can go back, then Bella can quickly finish school and go back to Paris.”   “Oh”   “It’s not because I don’t like it here. You, Ophelia, and Jayce have been great! And I’m glad I made a friend like you but I can’t help but feel this way.”   “Maybe things will change the longer you stay?” She asked quietly.   “They could, but they wont for Bella and I can’t let her sacrifice her life for me, it’s not fair.” I answered.   April thought about it for a moment and then nodded too. “It’s sad but your right and I’ll help you!”   I smiled at my friend who gets excited over everything.   “Come on, I’ll sleep over since Bella will be out late and we can look up some ideas! And I’ll call Ophelia, too.” She said getting up and walking up the stairs.   I laughed and followed behind her.   I guess I was having a sleepover.   I quickly texted Bella about it and then continued walking behind April, back to my room..   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   (Next Morning) Last night Ophelia and April stayed over and we had a blast. I hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. The girls were so nice. They made me feel a bit more connected to this place, even my room. They helped me unpack a few more boxes and reorganize the room too. It felt more comfortable now. I learned that Ophelia was born and raised Chicagoan. She listed all these places she wanted to show me and we made plans for almost every weekend in the next month. All that was fun but I was still struggling with this whole Jayce and Lilliana dilemma. As we drove to school in Ophelia’s car I thought about what I should do and I still thought that staying away from Jayce was the best answer. Lilliana didn’t seem like she was worth fighting and it wasn’t like I was trying to take Jayce away from her. He was helping me out. We reached the student parking lot and I rejoined my friends in the real world. As we walked towards the main building I listened to their conversation. “Come on he is so cute!” April shouted at Ophelia. “Ya if your into that sort of…look.” She answered. “Come on, the look is mysterious and intriguing!” “Only if you want to be murdered by him on your first date.” Ophelia shrugged. I tilted my head at that comment. I had no idea who they were talking about. “Oh please, I would never date Mat Conan.” April responded. I had no idea who that was. While the girls talked my eyes wandered around. I saw Lilliana from the corner of my eye and turned my head away. I didn’t want her to think about me at all. “Hey girls.” “Hey Jayce” I hear April say. I turn my head in the other direction and there was Jayce…again. Either I was completely out of touch with the world or he was really good at surprising me. I took a few steps forward and stood by Ophelia. Jayce looked at me and smiled. “Hey Ivy” I gave him a little wave. “Hey Jayce.” “Ladies I’m going to steal your friend again.” He told them. Before I could say anything April grabbed Ophelia’s hand and practically ran away. Jayce took a few steps closer to me and gave me another one of his signature smiles. “So…have you thought about what I said yesterday?” He asked. “What did you say?” I asked, my mind refusing to work when he was so close to me. “That Lilliana wont be any trouble and we can continue to be friends.” He answered. “We’re friends?” I asked. “Of course, we are!” He said, turning and swinging an arm around my shoulder. I gave him a nod. I wasn’t sure about this but I couldn’t deny that Jayce was a nice guy and someone this nice didn’t deserve to be avoided and pushed away because of an old girlfriend. But I could feel Lilliana’s eyes on the back of my neck. I could imagine the look on her face too. “Come Ivy, I can feel you think. I promise Lilliana wont be a bother.” I sighed and nodded again. We caught up to April and Ophelia who were smirking like they knew a secret. Jayce pulled his arm away and we continued walking down the hall. What was wrong with me? I was deciding one thing when I wasn’t near him and then another when I was.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    (Bella)   “I don’t understand”   “What is there not to?”   “I was under the impression that if I was able to move Ivy into a school that would continue her scholarship and education at the same level, she would still have access to the money that was put aside for attending university.”   “I’m sorry but that is not true, as I’ve already explained.” The advisor said for the second time. “I have the papers right here though. This money was kept aside from everything that my father had lost. So how can you say that we can’t access this money? It’s not like I want to use it, I just want my sister to have access to the funds she’s going to need to finish at Langston Park and then at whatever University she chooses.” I pleaded with the man.   “Ms. Matthews. We aren’t doubting that that was true at some point but as of some time ago, your father had cashed out these accounts as well. I’m sorry but what remained in these account was pulled out to cover the loan and bankruptcy. If the account had been secured under your sister’s name we wouldn’t have had these issues.”   I scoffed in frustration.   But got up and walked out of the office and out the door.   Our father had managed to screw us over one final time.   How the hell was I going to get Ivy through all this?   She was smart, extremely smart. She had a bright future ahead of her.   She wouldn’t have a problem getting into any university she wanted and could get a full ride.   But Langston Park, they had given her a partial scholarship…and I had lied to her about it.   I had to cover her school costs, my night classes, the house bills and put food on the table.   I felt sick.   I needed to figure out a plan.   I had no choice.   
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