Smiles, Puppies and Fun Times

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Chapter 10 Smiles, Puppies, and Fun Times (Ivy’s POV) I had spent the day actually having fun. At least the first half had been a blast. The four of us walked to our homeroom together, the girls chatting animatedly while Jayce walked silently beside me. I caught a side glance of him, but quickly looked away, my heart racing. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he was spending time with me of all people. It felt surreal, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was just a matter of time before he returned to his more popular friends—maybe even to Lilliana. Even though she could be a total b***h, it was hard to deny that Lilliana was stunning. Tall, lean, and fit, she had perfect hair that flowed like silk and piercing blue eyes that could draw anyone in. I glanced down at myself, self-conscious. Sure, we all had uniforms to wear, which I was used to by now. But standing next to Lilliana made my insecurities flare up. At 5 feet 2 inches, I felt tiny compared to her height, which I guessed was closer to 5 feet 8 or 9 inches. And then there was Jayce—he had to be at least 5 feet 11. I couldn’t help but think he looked better standing next to her, and the thought gnawed at me. I silently shook my head, frustrated. What the hell? Why did it matter who he looked good next to? I was not interested in a guy I had just met. Nope. “You know you’re very easy to read,” Jayce said suddenly, breaking my thoughts. “What?” I asked, startled. He turned and looked down at me as we entered Mr. Lathar’s classroom. “It’s clear as day on your face. You’re having an internal debate. Is it about me? It’s about Lilliana, isn’t it?” he asked, a teasing grin on his lips. Before I could respond, he continued. “It is. I know she can be intimidating. It’s the intensity… well, it’s just how she is. But I’ve talked to her, and she promised not to bother you again.” I smiled at Jayce, feeling a warmth spread in my chest. He seemed genuinely concerned, which just proved how nice he was. “I believe you,” I said with a grateful smile. He nodded, the corners of his mouth turning upward. “Good.” Mr. Lathar walked into the classroom, and we turned to face the front, ready to start our day of learning. When class finally ended, we stepped out into the hallway. “Guys, we have a free period!” April exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement. Since it was Thursday, we had a free period before lunch, which meant we could enjoy an extended break. “What should we do?” she asked, eyes sparkling. “I was going to go to the library and study,” I told them, my usual studious self surfacing. “No way!” April exclaimed, clearly appalled at the idea. “I have an idea if you girls are down?” Jayce chimed in, a mischievous smile dancing across his face. “I’m out; I have to go study,” Ophelia said, trying to sidestep the enthusiasm around her. But before she could walk away, April stood in front of her, arms crossed defiantly. “No way, Lia! You’re always studying! Come on, let’s go have some fun!” Ophelia hesitated, glancing between April and me, and ultimately relented. We all knew April wouldn’t stop pestering her until she agreed. “What do you have in mind, exactly?” I asked, my curiosity piqued. “You’ll have to come along to find out,” Jayce replied, still smiling as he gestured for us to follow him. I knew I should have said no and just walked away, heading to the library like I had planned. But something about Jayce’s enthusiasm made it hard to refuse. So, with a reluctant nod, I followed behind them. The four of us piled into Jayce’s truck, excitement buzzing in the air as we drove off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jayce brought us to a puppy café that also offered yoga classes! This was insane! I found myself sitting on the floor, surrounded by a chaotic yet delightful swirl of puppies. They were mostly piled on top of me, squirming and licking my face, and I couldn’t stop laughing. I picked up a small golden lab, and he enthusiastically licked my cheeks, his little paws dancing around my hair. “OMG! I want them all!” I heard April cry from across the room. I looked up to see her lying flat on her back, a gaggle of puppies climbing all over her as they licked her face. She looked utterly in heaven. Meanwhile, Ophelia was tucked away in a corner, petting a tiny puppy in her arms while chatting with a guy who worked there. The flirty banter between them was unmistakable, and I couldn’t help but smile at how carefree they both looked. I felt a familiar presence behind me and turned to see Jayce sitting down beside me. One of the puppies waddled over, dropping down in front of him, clearly waiting to be petted and picked up. I turned my gaze to Jayce as he looked down at the little guy. He gave him a quick scratch behind the ears before withdrawing his hand. The puppy, undeterred, edged closer and dropped his head on Jayce’s leg, begging for attention. “You should stop being scared and just pick him up,” I said without thinking. “I’m not scared,” he countered, a hint of defensiveness in his voice. “Really? We’ve been here for 20 minutes, and you haven’t touched a single puppy,” I pointed out, raising an eyebrow. “That doesn’t mean I’m scared,” he insisted. “Prove it! Pick up the little guy; he’s still staring at you,” I urged, glancing back down at the fluffy black ball of energy. With an exaggerated grunt, Jayce finally picked up the puppy, cradling him awkwardly in his arms. “Now what?” he asked, feigning exasperation. I tilted my head, amused. “What do you mean ‘now what’? You’re holding one of the cutest puppies ever! Pet him and talk to him.” “What? I’m not talking to it; it’s not like it will understand me,” Jayce said, shaking his head in disbelief. “They’re a lot smarter than you’re giving them credit for,” I replied, smirking. “I know dogs are smart; I’m just saying that puppies aren’t,” he insisted, the puppy wriggling in his arms. “I think you’re wrong, but it’s okay. It makes sense,” I said, shrugging playfully. “What do you mean it’s okay?” he asked, clearly confused by my response. “Nothing at all. You’re a smart guy. You know everything,” I said, standing up with the golden lab still cradled in my arms. I had to admit, I wanted to keep this little guy forever. He was just too cute, and I could use a buddy. But I also knew better—I didn’t have the resources or the time to care for a puppy right now. Still, I would savor every moment I had with him while I could. As I walked away, I heard Jayce talking to his puppy, his voice low and thoughtful. “I’m so confused, man. What do you think she meant by that? I am a smart guy; I know I am,” he said, looking down at the pup with a frown. I couldn’t help but smile to myself, choosing not to turn around. Instead, I walked over to April and sat down next to her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Jayce’s POV) She was beautiful when she smiled. Ivy was gorgeous no matter what, but there was something about her when she laughed that lit up her whole face. There was a sadness that engulfed her, but when she let it go, she shone bright, and everyone around her could see it. Watching her laugh and play with those puppies was mesmerizing. I looked at the time and realized we had to leave in the next ten minutes if we were going to make it back to school on time. But I didn’t want to be the one to tell her we had to go. I glanced at April and Ophelia; they were having a great time too. I decided to give them another five minutes before breaking the news. It was better that way—getting Ivy back to school at the end of lunch was exactly the point. I needed to ensure Lilliana didn’t say anything else to her. Lilliana was definitely making everything harder for me. I needed to find a way out of the mess I was digging myself into. I had a feeling that things could go really wrong if I didn’t tread carefully. I needed to talk to Lily and Leo. Ivy was special and different from anyone I had ever met. I couldn’t let my idiocy hurt her or jeopardize my chances with her. I was starting to understand what my mom meant when she said Ivy was important. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Bella’s POV) “Anna, I really need this job. Do you think I have a chance of getting it?” “I’m sure you do. Even while you were in university in Paris, you were one of the best we had seen. I wish you could have stayed and completed your studies from there; you would still have your internship waiting for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this right now,” Anna said, her eyes filled with compassion. I placed my hand on top of hers, grateful for her support. “I know, and thank you for believing in me. But I will be fine; I just need to land that job, and everything will fall into place.” “Ivy is very lucky to have a sister like you,” Anna said, smiling. “She would do it for me too. In fact, she wants to get a part-time job to help, but her studies are more important, and I have to keep reminding her to focus on that,” I replied, a sense of protectiveness flooding through me. “She’s a smart kid,” Anna observed. “That she is,” I agreed, my heart swelling with pride for my sister.
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