Chapter Four

1726 Words
Renesmee's P.O.V The next couple of days have been average. I had piano lessons with my dad every afternoon, so I couldn't hang out with Jacob. He had patrols in the evening, and I couldn't see him. I sometimes saw him in the morning, but he never came over that early. So, instead, I was in my bedroom reading or on my phone. While reading, my mom came into my room and saw that I looked sad. "What's the matter, Renesmee?" my mom asked, looking worried. I put my book on the nightstand. The pages kept warmth from my hands. I responded, "I'm isolated. I haven't seen Jacob for days." "I felt the same way when your dad left me before." "What did it feel like?" "Like someone has punched a hole through my chest." "Oh, I sometimes feel that way when I'm not around Jacob. It's weird, though. It's like another part of me is missing, and when I'm with him, I'm whole." My mother nodded. She asked, "How do you feel about him?" "Oh wow, hum. I get butterflies and a sense of comfort and ease around Jacob. He makes me feel at peace, and confiding in him is easy. He's my best friend," I responded. My mom nodded, and a warm, genuine smile spread. Her eyes sparkled. I looked at her with curiosity. "What?" I asked. "I used to feel that way towards him, and I can understand why you feel this way. Jacob is a wonderful guy, which scares me. You're too young to have these feelings now." I shot an irritated glare at my mom, my annoyance palpable. "Mom, I'm 14 in human years. Can't I have a life?" I said. "Not with Jacob until you are older. You can date other people, though." "Wait, what?" "You're free to date people from school." My eyes light up as I ask, "Mom, are you serious? I can date and meet new people?" "Yep, that's why we are putting you in school. So you can learn and make friends," Mom responded. I nodded. After talking to my mom, I sprinted through the trees. As I ran, I heard my footsteps and felt the calm wind on my face. I had to stop and breathe because my chest felt heavy. It's the one thing I dislike about being half-human. I stopped at the treaty line and took a moment to breathe. Jacob's P.O.V Quil, Embry, and I walked along the treaty line in the evening. Our footsteps echoed. As we walked, I thought about Renesmee. The more we hung out, the more I yearned for her. It scared me because she was still young. I didn't know how much longer I could control myself around her. I want her. It hurts. Could she be feeling the same way? "What do you reckon we'll catch today?" Embry inquired. "I don't know," I responded, ignoring their question. Thoughts about Renesmee occupied my mind. "Guess?" "A vampire." "Jacob, a vampire? You can be better than that. A bloodsucking vampire with red eyes?" I wasn't paying attention. Quil said, "Jacob doesn't care. He only thinks about Renesmee." "I know. Jacob's thoughts are irritating," Embry remarked. My thoughts of Renesmee disappeared when I glared at Embry. "All you care about is imprinting," I told him. "True," Embry fell silent, and Quil broke the silence, asking, "Why haven't you talked to her?" "I've been so busy that I haven't had time," I responded. "I bet she's lonely right now." "You think so? She's told me she has had a hectic schedule." Embry spoke, his voice filled with curiosity, and he asked me, "What is her schedule, anyway?" "In the morning, she hunts, and in the afternoon, she has piano lessons," I responded. "Oh, wow, you guys have no time together." "Ya think?" Quil detected a scent and said, "Follow me this way!" We transformed into our wolf form and ran toward the river. Renesmee's P.O.V What should I do? I couldn't cross because fear paralyzed me. I've never crossed over to Quileute Territory without Jacob by my side. You know what? I was not a coward, so I'm going to do it. I jumped over the river, using my vampire speed to reach the other side. As I did it, I landed on my feet and stood almost like a frog. I cannot believe I did it. I stood up, and I then heard growling. Oh, crap, they smelt me. What was I supposed to do? I felt a wolf behind me growling. I turned to see a chocolate-brown wolf. Then, two wolves came out behind him. The second had pale gray, black-spotted fur, and the last had deep rusty-brown fur. I recognized Jacob with his dark brown eyes. I identified Embry and Quil as the other two based on the color of their fur, setting them apart from Jacob. Jacob stared at me and then at Quil and Embry. Jacob's P.O.V What is Renesmee doing here, and what is she doing alone in our territory? It's not safe for her. She could've gotten hurt if I hadn't recognized her scent, and we could have killed her. I communicated with Embry and Quil in my mind, saying, "I can manage by myself now. You guys can go now." Embry and Quil nod with their wolf heads. "Okay." They ran off, and I changed into my human form and put on pants behind a bush. I walked out from behind the tree. I went over to Renesmee. She looked beautiful with her long, wavy, bronze-brown hair flowing down her back. Renesmee's P.O.V Jacob asked me, "Why are you here?" "I crossed the border to go to La Push," I responded. Jacob stood in front of me, his brows furrowed with worry. He held my hands and said, "Nessie, you could have gotten hurt here. I wouldn't have known you were here if I hadn't seen or smelled you." I felt guilty. I lowered my head. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's fine. Let me know if you want to return," Jacob offered. I nodded. "Well, I should take you home. I need to get back to patrol." Jacob said. I frowned at Jacob, showing my disapproval. "I'd rather stay with you than go home," I insisted. "You can't right now. How about I take you to my house or Emily's?" "Okay." We stepped into the forest, feeling the soft moss. Walking on, we reached Emily and Sam's home. Looking at Jacob, anxiety twisted inside me. "Jacob, I've never been to Emily's or met her," I explained. "I know. At least you get to meet Emily and the guys." I nod. As we were about to walk toward the house, two shirtless guys emerged. They stopped in front of us. "Hey Renesmee, hey Jacob," Jared greeted with a smile. "Hey." We both said. "Jacob, should you be on patrol with your pack?" Paul inquired. "Yeah, I saw Renesmee when she crossed the border, so I'm bringing her to Emily's house while I return to patrol." Paul agreed by nodding. I pulled Jacob's arm, eager to go inside. "Let's go. I don't want to go alone," I expressed. "Alright, see you later, guys," Jacob waved goodbye. We entered and found Emily eating at the table. With curiosity, she asked, "Who is this?" "This is Renesmee, the one I've been talking to you about," Jacob responded. "Oh, hey, it is so nice to meet you. Come sit down; I have extra food if you want some." "Okay, thanks," I said. As Emily got up, I glanced at Jacob. "Are you talking about me?" I inquired. Jacob looked nervous and scratched his head, responding, "Uh, yeah..." Emily laughed and grabbed the food she cooked in response to him. I smiled, approached Jacob, and hugged him. "That's so sweet," I responded. Jacob, feeling embarrassed, didn't speak but hugged me back. After a minute, I pulled away and sat down at the table. "Well, I had better go. I'll see you later, Nessie," Jacob said. "Alright," Jacob left. Emily placed the food on the table. She smirked and asked, "What's it like being Jacob's imprintee?" I tried the chicken—it was tender and juicy and tasted amazing. Then I admitted, "I'm not sure. We're friends, but I've had strange feelings for him." "I know how it feels. Sam imprinted on me," Emily said. "That's cool. How long have you guys been together?" "Five years now. We got married three years ago." "Oh, congrats." "Yeah, and now we want kids." "I bet." I grabbed my drink, felt the cool condensation on the glass, and took a refreshing sip of water. "So, let's talk about you. Did Jacob show interest?" Emily inquired. I coughed for a split second, almost choking on my water and setting my cup down. Emily looked at me with concern and asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," I responded. "So has he?" "Has he what?" "Has he made a move on you?" "Huh, kinda. Jacob told me how he feels." "Kind of? What do you mean, kind of?" "Well, he tried to kiss me a couple of days ago, but I stopped him." "What, why? Don't you like him back?" "I do, but we can't." "Why not?" "My parents are paranoid. They won't let me be with him until I'm eighteen in human years." "Wait, how old are you?" "I'm four, but fourteen in human years." "Oh, I forgot, you're a half-vampire." "Yeah." A second of silence passed before Emily spoke up. "So, you stop aging at eight, right?" "Yeah," I responded. "Then wait and live your life. Date a few guys, and if things happen between you, it means it's meant to be." I nodded. I ate, and then my phone rang. I grabbed it from my pocket. My mom was calling me on the screen. I walked outside and stood on the porch as I answered the call. I said, "Hello." "Sweetie, where are you?" Mom asked. "I'm at Emily's," I responded. "Oh, tell her I said hi." "Will do." "Do you want me to get you?" "No, I'm fine." "Okay, call me when you need me, and be home by seven or eight." "Alright." "Bye, sweetie." "Bye." I hung up the phone, walked back inside, and helped Emily with the dishes.
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