Chapter Fourteen

2224 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V The next day, I woke up with Mason’s arm around my waist, thinking about last night and what we had done. My first s****l experience was unique but caused a lot of pain. Realizing I was still naked, I got out of bed and grabbed my shirt, underwear, and pants. I then put on my clothes and went to the bathroom, the cold tiles chilling my bare feet. When I finished, I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and looked at my reflection. I looked different, and I didn’t know why. Mason came in and hugged me. He asked, “What’s the matter?” I saw Mason in the mirror. I said, “I’m feeling different.” “You had s*x for the first time, and since you’re half-human, your skin is glowing,” I examined my reflection in the mirror and saw a noticeable difference. I nodded. “Did your parents ever talk to you about this?” Mason asked. “A little, but not everything,” I responded. “Well, now, you know.” I glanced away from the mirror to face Mason, who then spoke. “We are leaving in an hour, so get ready, and I’ll get ready also,” “Alright,” I said. I felt eager as Mason leaned in to kiss me, our lips meeting in a passionate embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him closer, and tugged on the back of his hair. He moaned against my lips and pulled away to look at me. “I could kiss you all day, but we must get ready,” he said. I nodded, and Mason’s footsteps echoed as he walked out of the bathroom to get dressed. Jacob’s P.O.V The next day, I searched for Renesmee. I looked everywhere for her, but couldn’t find her. I worried that something might happen to her. What if he did something to her? If she passed away, I do not know how I would cope. I stopped searching and went to Cullen’s house to let them know. When I went to the main house and knocked, Carlisle answered. “Hey Jacob, have you found her yet?” “No.” “I hope you find her soon.” “Me too.” “Well, I need to talk to Edward and Bella.” “Alright.” I walked inside and exited the stairs, reaching the familiar living room. As I walked in, I saw Edward and Bella sitting on the couch, their faces filled with sadness. Bella looked at me with a pained expression, then walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back. “It’s okay, Bella. I miss her too,” I reassured her. “I hope you will find her.” “Me too.” “And don’t give up, please.” “I won’t and never will. Renesmee is my imprintee, and I’ll do anything to protect her and ensure she’s safe.” “I’m glad.” “What are we going to do? We have got to find her.” “Yeah, I know, and that’s why I’m here. But I need your guys’ help.” Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie walked in, their footsteps echoing through the room. I glanced at Alice, who had a vision. Jasper asked Alice, “What is it?” “I had a vision,” Alice responded. Approaching Alice with curiosity, I locked eyes, eager for details. “What did you see?” I inquired. “The Volturi somehow has Renesmee locked up somewhere,” Alice responded. “In Italy?” “Yes.” “Let’s head to Italy to rescue my daughter, then,” Edward declared. “What if they decide to harm her?” Bella inquired. “They won’t. I mean, we won’t let them,” I responded. Carlisle and Esme walked in, their footsteps echoing throughout the room. “What Jacob said,” remarked Carlisle. “So, how do we plan to reach that place?” I inquired. “We will buy all the tickets for us,” Esme responded. “Great.” The rest of the family exited the room, leaving me alone with Bella and Edward. Bella approached me. She asked, “Jacob, what do you think the Volturi want with Renesmee?” “I don’t know, but that Mason and his mom have something to do with it.” Edward nodded. “If Renesmee is still around, I’ll keep looking,” I remarked. “Thanks, Jacob,” Bella said, expressing her gratitude. I nodded and headed out of the house to keep looking for Renesmee. Renesmee’s P.O.V We were all packed an hour later and headed to Port Angeles airport. “Where are we going in Italy?” I inquired. Mason hugged me. He responded, “Tuscany.” I nodded and asked, “Is it beautiful there? I’ve never been.” “Yes, very.” “Cool, I’m excited, but what are we doing there?” “Hum, we are... Mom, what are we doing?” Mason looked at his mom with pleading eyes. She responded, “We are going sightseeing and doing vacation activities.” “Oh, okay,” I said. As we got to the airport, I grabbed my bag, and they held theirs. Then we headed inside, got our tickets, and checked out our bags. We then got through security and headed down to our gate. “How long is the flight?” I asked, curious about the duration. Mason smirked and said, “You ask too many questions.” “I haven’t flown or been on vacation yet. What are you expecting?” I inquired. Mason felt amazed. He says, “Wow, your parents must keep you locked up in your house often.” “Yeah, I’m relieved I’m not with my family,” I said. Mason said nothing, but he nodded. We found our gate and sat down, but then Mason spoke. “It wasn’t right for you to leave your family like that.” “I had to. My parents are ruining my life.” I explained. “They’re trying to protect you.” I rolled my eyes. I said, “You’re so much like Jacob. It’s annoying.” “Let me guess; he said the same thing,” Mason said. “I nodded,” I said, “It was about my dad.” Mason agreed, saying, “He’s right. Jacob is doing the right thing.” Despite thinking he was on my family’s side, I recognized he was doing what was right. Mason was trying to protect me. I said nothing else but nodded. We waited for twenty minutes. Then, the announcer said it was time to board the plane to Florence, Italy. We gave our tickets to the lady at the desk and boarded the plane. Jacob’s P.O.V I searched for Renesmee, then returned home. When I entered my house, I saw Billy and Charlie. They were watching a soccer game on the couch. As I walked past the sofa, Charlie saw me. He said, “Hey, Jacob.” “Hey, Charlie,” “Have you heard from Renesmee? I’m worried about her.” “No, not yet. I went out searching for Renesmee, though, and no sign of her.” “Well, I hope you find my granddaughter.” “Yeah, me too.” Hungry, I went to the kitchen and searched the fridge for food. Embry and Quil walked in. “Hey Jacob, how’s it going? Have you found her yet?” Quil inquired. “No, but I know her destination.” “Where?” “To Volterra, Italy.” “Isn’t the Volturi at that location?” “Yep.” “The Volturi are after Renesmee again?” “Yeah, but we don’t know why.” “Well, we should help.” “No, it’s not safe for all of us, and besides, I’m Alpha, and she’s my imprintee, so it’s better if I go alone with the Cullens.” “Okay, but call us if you need anything,” Embry offered. “Alright,” I said. Embry and Quil left. Their footsteps echoed on the empty street. I ate and went to bed. Renesmee’s P.O.V We were on the plane for ten hours. I slept half the time on Mason’s shoulder. “Mason, how much longer until we land? I’m feeling plane sick,” I complained. “Twelve more hours.” I groaned. “This flight is so long,” I complained. “It’s quite a distance. The flight attendants offer food if needed,” Mason mentioned. “Okay, can I have something now? Because I’m feeling sick and like I’m getting weak.” “Are you hungry or thirsty?” “Both; if I don’t eat something soon, eat someone’s head off.” Mason laughed and said, “Okay, I’ll get the flight attendant.” Mason rose and walked down the aisle to talk to the flight attendant. I reclined my chair back and looked at the view before me. I then felt nauseous, so I ran to the restroom and closed the door. Once inside, I went to the toilet and opened the lid. I pulled my hair back and threw up in the bathroom. After throwing up, I flushed the toilet and leaned against the wall. I thought for a minute. Was it even possible to get sick? I know I am half-human, but I have never gotten ill. Is it because of the plane’s movement? Yet, a thought emerged when I directed my attention to my stomach. I can’t be pregnant. It’s impossible, but pregnancy can make me starve, which makes me unsure. My stomach growled, and I felt a burning feeling in my throat. I walked out of the bathroom, trying to control myself as I walked past humans and sat down. Mason and the flight attendant came by with a food cart. Mason sat down next to me and whispered in my ear. “Are you okay? I saw you run to the bathroom?” “Well, I puked a second ago,” I responded. Mason looked at me, concerned. “But I’m okay. I need food.” I said. The flight attendant smiled and said, “That’s why I’m here.” I looked at her and felt an intense pain in my throat. I wanted to drink her blood. I lost control and tried to attack her, but Mason grabbed my arm and stopped me. He whispered, “Don’t do it. You’ll kill her.” Despite my efforts to calm down, the intensity of my thirst only increased. I took deep breaths to calm down as Mason grabbed my hand and held it tight to help me focus on not killing her. I asked, “What do you have?” “Well, on this plane, we serve meals, so we have hamburgers and hot dogs...” the flight attendant responded. “I’ll take the hamburger and water, please,” I responded. “Okay,” I opened my tray holder, and she set the food and drinks before me. “Enjoy.” The flight attendant said. “Thanks,” I said. She walked away, and I scarfed down my food. After I finished, Mason looked surprised. He said, “You were right. You were hungry.” Although my hunger had lessened, I still craved blood. I wiped my face with the napkin in frustration. Jacob’s P.O.V The next day, I got ready and packed. I told my dad I would not return for two days because I needed to help find Renesmee. I headed out on my motorcycle and drove to Cullen’s. I arrived and saw the Cullens loading the car. I walked up to them. Bella looked at me and smiled. She said, “I’m glad you’re coming, Jacob. We need you.” “Thanks, Bella.” “We should head out. Can’t miss our flight,” Carlisle urged. “Alright.” Bella and I said. I got in Bella and Edward’s car, and the rest of the family drove alone. We went through security at the airport, reached our gate, and waited to board. While waiting, my phone buzzed, and someone I didn’t know called. I picked up, hoping it could be Renesmee. “Renesmee, is that you?” I asked. The voice I heard wasn’t Renesmee’s. The voice belonged to that bloodsucker. How did he get my number? He spoke, but it sounded like he was talking to someone else. I listened to what they were saying. “I can’t believe we’re here and in Italy, mom,” Mason said. “Me too; now we have to get to Volterra, and then we can give her away so that we can go back home to our town,” Scarlett said. I cannot believe it. Mason and Scarlett crafted the plan to enable them to return home. I hung up the phone and looked at Bella and Edward, who looked concerned. “They are using her to return to their hometown,” I said. “That’s terrible,” Bella said. “We need to save her no matter what, even if it means sacrificing,” Edward insisted. After twenty minutes, we went to the plane, gave them our tickets, and boarded for Florence, Italy.
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