Chapter 9

1090 Words
* When we get home, I ask my husband if he would like to go with me to the lounge on Saturday. (I knew he was going to say no but I was hoping he would want to come) I haven't told Willis about my husband or that I even have one and I don't know why. I usually always tell men up front before they can even talk to me. (It doesn't always deter them, but, at least I tell them) I guess Sir Willis took me off guard with the crash and meeting him everywhere I go. (This town is definitely too small) It's a good thing I don't hate anyone. Imagine having to see them on every turn. I text my son on his phone and tell him to come into the living room so that we can get his dad. Then I sit next to my husband and he keeps scrolling through his phone, so, I pretend to be interested in the videos that he's watching which is only of a mechanic fixing something. (His truck must need some work) I text my son again when he doesn't come, then I, go to his room to get him. "Get in here," I whisper yell causing him to laugh. I sit back down next to my husband and look over his shoulder as Xane sits on the other side. He smiles at me then he looks at Xane, but it's too late and he knows it. He laughs as we tickle him and surprisingly Luci joins us in torturing her dad. We give him a break, so that, he can catch his breath and then we go at it again. He's done this to me too, but my tickle spot is the bottom of my feet. Xane has also helped him to torture me. It has been a while, we really need to start doing stuff as a family again. After we're done torturing him, Xane goes back to his room, which doesn't surprise me. I don't blame him, he's growing up and video games and his friends are very important at this time in his life. I'm just happy he still lets me in and he tells me all of his secrets, and he, even asks me for advice. As I take my husband his food, I call my son to eat too. He tries to go back to his room to eat but my husband stops him. I let him eat his lunch there sometimes and he snacks in there too. I guess he leaves his plates in there sometimes, so my husband probably wants to tell him to remember to take them to the kitchen. "You eat here in the living room or in the kitchen," (I can tell by the way he said it he's in some type of mood) He made me promise not to butt in if he is getting on to him or our daughter, but I feel like he over exaggerates most of the time. I don't like to argue or get upset, but I guess he comes home from work in a bad attitude because some jerk on his job pissed him off. I have told him that he can't take his anger out on us, because, we had nothing to do with it. I've even joked about going to his work and beating the culprits up so he'll leave us alone, and, I've especially told him not to take his anger out on Xane. He can say what he want's to me, I'll just ignore him, but Xane is growing into a young man and he knows how to take up for himself. I would hate for them to have a real argument, because, as sweet as Xane is he's not a pushover. He's a good kid, just forgetful sometimes and he likes to have fun like all teens his age. I do ground him when he doesn't do his homework or doesn't clean his room after telling him for a while. But I hardly ever have to do that, probably twice a year. I haven't had to do it now that he is older but he has always taken his punishments. He used to try to get me to lift his restrictions, only after serving a day or two. (Sometimes I would let him off) (Okay most times) He gives a look but he sits down and eats. I look at my husband and shake my head in disapproval. I keep my word and I don't say anything, but, I am definitely going to tell him later how I feel. (Yet again) After my son washes his plate and goes to his room I talk with my husband. "He is old enough to eat in his room, and it's not like we have family conversations at the table like most families," "It doesn't matter he'll make a mess," "He is old enough to clean it up," I laugh. "Do whatever you want, you never listen to me anyways," "I try but you get mad over the... stupidest things" "So I'm stupid,?" "No!" I say quickly. "It's just that it seems the most insignificant things anger you honey," "Just breath and let it go," "Life is too short to be getting angry over trivial things and our time could be spent doing other things" "We need to do more things as a family again," He shrugs. A sign that he has given in and he gets my point. (At least that's what I assume) Next, we talk about what we can do as a family to make us closer. And even though he is against most of my ideas, we find some things we can both agree on. (Mostly things he like) I go to my son's room after me and his dad finish talking. Then I tell him to be respectful of his dad no matter how angry he gets. (Either of them) I let him know that I just ignore his dad, and I, tell him to do the same. I then explain (once again) that he is stressed. I also remind him that his dad never had a father figure growing up, so he, doesn't know how to do some things. I give him a kiss goodnight and I go to bed. I read until I am asleep, but before I doze off, I think of a way to help my son and my husband to get as close as they used to be.
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