Chapter 22

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* The next morning I waited for my husband to leave, then I, laid out a blanket on the front porch. I sit down to do the breathing exercises that Willis taught me. No, I didn't make his breakfast and I'm going to play his game and I am waiting for him to say something to me first this time. (Yes I'm being childish, but so is he) I was always told by my aunt, that men who take care of their moms will treat you well. (I'm still waiting for that to happen) He doesn't treat me badly, but it's just not what I had in mind when I signed up for this marriage. (I'll make sure that Xane is not like this) He can still be a mama's boy without going overboard. I can't even blame his mom because she probably doesn't know that he's this way, or that we have problems. There is no way that I can bring myself to complain to her about her adult son. I guess all marriages have problems, which is why so many married people are in therapy. I'll ask Willis for advice since he's a therapist. Maybe he can give me some tips, who knows, I may be the problem. I text him to meet me and the kids at the park at a certain time and I make a note to myself to cook first.   Of course the kids are happy to go, so they help me pack our lunch. I chose lunchtime to go, so that, I don't take him from his work. As of now I am not a paying client, and I'm pretty sure he isn't in need of my money from what I know about him so far.   Since Jace isn't here Xane's not in any rush to play basketball, so I, get him to watch Luci while I go around a few times. Then I can talk to Willis as we watch Luci play and he can play with his other friends. I packed yogurt in case she asks for ice cream. (It's my way of tricking her into eating something more healthier)  After my last lap, I see Willis talking to Xane and his friends and I cringe, then I relax. I guess they can't get into to too much trouble at the park. I'm not talking about Willis. I'm talking about Xane and his friend Antoine. They are pranksters when they get together, but it's mostly only with me. "Mom, please say I can go," says Xane before I can even open my mouth to greet everyone. "Hi guys," I say as I ignore him and look at everyone else briefly glancing at Willis, but when I do my pelvis tingles. I guess my body recognizes him as 'The bringer of pleasure'. "Where do you want to go,?" I ask, curious to know if Willis has something to do with this. "Antoine wants me to go with him and a couple of other friends to see Con Comic," I think about the trouble that they can get into. "Please ma," he says with a little pout causing everyone to laugh. I tell him he can go, if he keeps his room cleaned for a week without me telling him to do it, and he, also has to finish his school work for the week. Willis laughs as we do our secret handshake to seal the deal.  "Wait, you did get behind on your reading and math last week," I say as I raise an eyebrow and point to him. "Come on Ma," I pretend to think. "Please," he says as he tickles me. "Stop!" I say as I laugh and try to grab his hands.  He tickles me to the ground and I tell his friends to help me. Brandon and Willis pull him off of me, but then he grabs my foot causing me to laugh and kick the other one, while trying to pull it away from him. "Okay you can go!" I laugh. "Yes!" he says as he hugs me. "I'm sorry ma," he says as he stands and helps me up along with Willis.  "Yeah after you tackled me," I say as I dust my butt off. "I didn't tackle you," "I just really want to go ma," he laughs. "Humph!" I say as I turn pretending to be mad as I fold my arms. "That was definitely not a tackle," says Willis with a smirk. "Well we don't all look like line backers Sir," I say shyly with my own smirk.  "Ha, she told you!" says Antoine. "Ma you better leave him alone, he could pick you up and bench press you," laughs Xane. Willis smiles at the idea. "Yeah pick her up,'' says Jaxon. "No you guys are not using me for your experiments," I say as I hold my hands up. "I'll get her later guys," he says as he looks into my eyes, and I, think of the many ways to murder him. (I hope none of Xane's friends know what flirting is)  "When she's not expecting me, I'll spin her around on my finger like a basketball," They laugh and I'm embarrassed at the chuckle that Xane lets out, he falls on the ground rolling. I just know he's imagining me spinning on Willis's finger. He has a very vivid imagination, just like his mom.  "Xane sweetie he's not that funny" "Well I guess he looks a little funny," I joke as I wink at him. "Man she got you again!" I do a little victory dance, then I make a muscle causing him to laugh. I play like this with my husband too, so it's not flirting, I'm just being me. After the boys go off to play basketball, I tell him that I need advice as a friend, and he, seems more than eager to help. I wonder if he will be as eager when I tell him it has to do with my marriage. "Since you are my friend and you've been helping me with controlling my... everything" "I want to know if you can you give me some advice on how to make my marriage go more smoothly?"  At first he doesn't say anything. He looks to be thinking. "Okay, I'll see what I can do" he says as he grabs one of my hands. "Thank you" I say relieved. I know it seems weird to get advice from the person you cheated with, but we both agreed that it was a mistake and we won't be doing it again.  "So we'll meet here every Wednesday at lunchtime," "Yeah, that's fine and if you need more days that's fine too," "I'm not going to use you, if you want you can charge me," "I'm doing this as a friend and all I want is to get to know you and for you to be happy," he says as he looks into my eyes.  "Thank you Willis" I say as I lean over to hug him. He squeezes me and he kisses the top of my head. He blows out a breath and then he pulls back. "I think we should probably do this away from the children in case you need to cry," "You're right," "I didn't think about that," "I guess I can leave them with my neighbor" "I'm sure Xane can handle it," "It's not like you'll be gone all day, and even, if you were they'd still be fine,"  "I guess I'm a little over protective" "My mom used to leave me at home alone when I was 11," "Okay" "But you still can't text me, I will continue to text you," I say to make sure he understands. (I may tell my husband later) Who knows maybe he'll agree to come later, even though, I don't know if Willis will agree to it. I mean he's my friend but he doesn't know my husband. (You know what, that's a terrible idea, maybe Willis could just recommend someone if it comes to that)   He blows out another breath and massages his temples. Maybe he needs a therapist of his own. "If you need someone to talk to remember I'm here" "Okay, thanks," "Can you come see me tomorrow?" "At what time?" I ask avoiding his eyes. "You tell me," he says as he pulls at my fingers.  "Maybe I can come by early after my husband leaves" "Okay that'll be great,'' he says almost cutting me off. "I'll tell Xane tonight so that he can be prepared to watch his sister" "They'll be fine Jess," I smile and nod feeling nervous. I'm thinking about myself. (I'm going back to the scene of the crime)    
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