Chapter 24

1113 Words
* I stop him when he tries to kiss me again, and I, put my hand on his chest and slowly push him backwards off of me. Then I stand to fix my clothes and he stands up after me.  I take a deep breath in then I blow it out. "If we are going to do this, I have some rules," I say after I take a step back from him. Then I take another big breath, and I slowly blow it out. "Okay, baby whatever you want," he says as he steps closer.  I put my hands up to stop him from getting too close. "There is to be no kissing," "No calling me baby," "No calling or texting my phone," "But what if it's an emergency and I need you?" he asks as he traces the letters on my shirt before lightly pinching my n****e. "Willis" I say weakly causing his eyes to light up and then a smirk to spread across his lips. I put my hand on his chest as he places his hands on my hips, then he pulls me closer until we touch. We stare into each others eyes then he bends down to kiss me. I moan and grip his shirt with both hands to hold myself up. "No kissing" I breath out with my head resting on his chest.  "That was the last one, " He says as he walks backwards, most likely, taking me to his room. Well that's what I thought until he walked me to the kitchen. He grabs two glasses out of the cabinet and he hands them to me. Then he grabs a bottle of wine from his fridge, as he, puts his other hand on my waist to lead me to his room. (I'm sure of it this time)  When we get to his room he opens the wine bottle and pours some for me and hands it to me, then he, pours some for himself. "Cheers,'' He says with a smirk. I nervously hold up my glass and he clinks his to mine. "To us," he says surprising me. (What about us?)  I open my mouth to say something, but he puts his hand over mine and brings the glass to my lips and I take a small sip. He drinks all of his wine, then he, grabs my glass and places both on his nightstand. "I know you said no kissing but-" he said before he softly kisses me.  When he pulls back I am laying on his bed and he is taking off his shirt. "Do you want me to help you to disrobe?" I can't help but cackle. "Disrobe," I laugh "You sound like an English gentleman from the 1700's," He smiles as he pushes down his pants and boxers. My eyes go wide and I gasp. (It's beautiful) I think to myself.  "I guess you need a little help" he says with a smirk as he pulls down my pants. I pull off my shirt and he pulls at my panties as he bites his lips. I unhook my bra and he lays down between my legs. "You don't have t-" I swear it felt like he was making up for not being able to kiss my lips by the way he made out with my kitty. (Yes I sometimes call it my kitty)  "Jess baby, I can't believe just my fingers have you like this," he says as he crawls up my body after fingering me. "Willis" I whisper a little worried as he lines up with me. "It won't hurt as bad this time baby" he says softly. "Okay" "Are you ready?" he asks as he slowly slides in. I groan loudly and hug him close to me. "You're still so tight baby," he says as I hug him tightly. He pecks my lips, and then he moves a little faster. "Are you okay?" he asks for the seventh time after he kisses my tear stained cheek. "Yes... it just... feels... so good" I whisper weakly. He keeps a steady pace and he bends down to kiss and suck on my neck. I guess he's a kisser and since I told him that kissing was a deal breaker he had to find something else to do. I moan loudly as he does something with his tongue on my neck as he sucks on it.  After the second time, he lays beside me and hugs me as he kisses the top of my head. I guess a kiss on my head isn't too bad, my husband used to do that too. (I don't even remember when he stopped or when was the last time he even did it)  "I have to go," I whisper, finally coming back to reality. I smile when I look up to find him asleep. He's so beautiful, I wish that I could caress his face and kiss his lips. (Yeah, I definitely need to leave)  "I'm leaving" I say a little louder than a whisper as I sit up all the way. He smiles and rubs his eyes before he opens them. Then he sits up and looks at me with a smirk. "I couldn't just leave because I... I don't have-" I clear my throat. I couldn't stop looking at his lips and it's his fault for breaking the rules.  "I have to go, do I just-" I shrug clueless. "I'll help you if you want to go, or we can go again," "You still have energy after all that,?" "Baby, I will go as many times as you want me to, even if, we have to take breaks in between,"  "I feel like it would hurt after so many times" "I guess it would," "Do you want to see how many times we can go before we start to feel sore?" "No thank you" That doesn't sound like much fun" I say causing him to chuckle.  "We'll work on it, you're still new to this," he says as he slides over closer to me as I try to scoot off of the bed. "Sir, I am not new to this and I am not a virgin," "I have kids to prove it, you know them," He lightly bites my shoulder, then he sucks it. I bite my lip so that I don't react, but he still smiles.   I know that it's bad to say but I think that being with Willis really is my stress reliever. Maybe that's what my life was missing friends and someone to talk to. (I guess good s*x was too) I just wish I could get it from my husband. 
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