1482 Words
NILA POV. Anton walked inside the office, closing the door behind him with a grim look on his face. Just like his father, he had on a pair of shorts and no shirt, but unlike his father who had shoulder length black hair, Anton preferred his hair short. “And?” My alpha asked as he hurriedly got up from his desk. “I’m sorry father, they got away.” He said and sighed disappointedly at himself. “We couldn’t catch up to them. Their scent ended at the edge of a little town on the other side of the woods where a diner is situated.” He spoke and Alpha Max pursed his lips before nodding. “But there’s more.” Anton said and his eyes darted to me, then to his mother, then back to his father. “What is it?” Alpha asked as he walked around his desk and came to stand next to his luna. “As we tracked them through the woods… we stumbled onto a place where their seemed to have been a struggle.” He said and he looked a little pale in the cheeks. “There was blood, and lots of it and from the scent of it that I briefly got a whiff of at the cliff… it belongs to the girl.” He said and my heart beat loudly in my chest. “That must be where they attacked my mate.” I said and I had to clear my throat to loosen the tightness caused by my emotions. “She had already lost a lot of blood by the time I got to the cliff and I saw no pools of blood anywhere there.” I spoke and my luna nodded. Alpha Max was looking at his son. “What else?” He asked and Anton swallowed. “There were also signs of…” Anton started to speak but his eyes immediately darted to me. I had a guess to what he was going to say. “I know Anton. I could smell it on her as soon as I took her in my arms.” I said and Anton looked at me with sadness. “They raped her after they ambushed her?! After they nearly cut off her leg?” My luna said shocked, her hand shot to her mouth. “No, not they… Him” I said and my alpha and luna looked at me. “The large grey one.” I said and hate and anger stirred in my chest and lots of thoughts shot through my head to what I was going to do once I get my claws on him. “Grey?” My alpha asked. “Then who was the brown wolf? He looked bigger than the others.” He said, but I only shrugged my shoulders. “He must be their alpha, but the scent of the seed belongs to the grey wolf.” I said with a feint growl in my voice. There was a moments silence before Anton spoke again. “There’s more.” He said and it gained all our attentions again. “We continued to follow the scent back to the diner.” He spoke. “On our way we found shredded clothes with a set of keys nearby and at the diner we found a little banged up car with clothing in it with the girl’s… with your mate’s scent in it.” He spoke and I stood up. A car? Maybe I could find out something about her from it because I doubted, she was going to be awake so soon again. “Dalton is driving it back now so that there won’t be any questions asked when the human law enforcement shows up.” He spoke. “Human law enforcement?” My alpha asked and Anton nodded and swallowed audibly. “The diner…” He started and this time he looked a little green at the cheeks. “It was a slaughter.” Anton said and my luna gasped in shock. “It must have been after closing time because the place was empty except for one person.” He said. “They tore him apart and it looked like they started to eat him.” Anton said and his voice shook. alpha Max growled faintly in his throat. “f*****g ANIMALS!” My alpha yelled and I felt his anger and disgust. “I hope you didn’t touch anything and got out of there before someone saw you!” My alpha demanded and Anton nodded. “As soon as we came upon the body we left. Dalton took the car and we hurried back into the woods. There were no cars on the road at the time.” Anton said and his father nodded. “Good. The last thing we need is the humans to become more suspicious of us than they already were.” He said and I knew to what he referred to. Since the Dark Moon pack relocated after the attack on Blue Moon, we have been on the top of the suspicion list. Rogues came through on a regular basis but they have never sought out trouble with us. That was why alpha Max was so strict on not leaving pack grounds to confront rogues. “Inform everyone to be on their best behaviour. It won’t be long before the sheriff comes snooping around again.” He said and Anton nodded. I already have, father.” He said. Alpha nodded his approval before turning to face me. “I will speak to you tomorrow about your punishment, but right now your mate needs you.” He said and I nodded gratefully. “You both can leave.” Alpha said, dismissing both of us and I couldn’t leave fast enough as I was out of the office even before Anton could reach for the door. “Hold up, Nila!” Anton yelled after me and fell into a run next to me as we speed walked through the pack house. “Are you okay?” He asked as we passed a few nosy wolves that was still hanging around for information. I snapped a growl at them and they quickly disappeared to their rooms. “I will be as soon as I can get back to my mate.” I said and Anton nodded. “You should have mind linked me. I would have gone with you in an instant.” He chastised and he had a brief hurt look on his face. I shook my head. “There wasn’t time.” Was all I said and he huffed a agitated breath at me. “If you are going to be my future beta, then you have to learn to be more trusting of me, just like I trust you.” He said and I stopped in my tracks and stared at him with wide eyes. We had made it outside and the pack hospital was in my sights but I was shocked by what he had just said. “What?” I asked. “My beta.” He said and he smirked at me smugly. “But why? I mean there are plenty of other guys who practically fall over themselves to try and win favour with you for the beta position and you want to give it to me? I said incredulously. “You know that I have alpha blood too, right?” I asked and he rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah, the few times you handed my ass to me in a fight, stated that fact very obviously.” He retorted in good humour. “And it is because you don’t want the position that I am choosing you for it.” He said and I frowned in confusion. He barked a laugh at the look on my face and I felt like punching him. He must have sensed it because he took a step back from me knowingly. “Nila, we have known each other our entire lives and I consider you one of my best friends. I can’t think of anyone else who would be fitting as my beat, then you.” He said and my heart thudded emotionally. Anton was like a brother to me and he would make a great alpha to Dark Moon. “Fine, but I am not dressing you in the mornings or putting you in bed at night, understood!” I said and he barked out another laugh as he grabbed me around the neck in a hug. “Agreed, now…” He said as he let me go and turned serious again. “Let’s go check on your mate.” He said and we both started to sprint for the hospital. I just wish I was more prepared to what I saw when I walked through the doors.
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