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SIERRA POV. I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t. My head pounded loudly in my ears. The only thing that I was aware of, was the tingles that ran across my body. It was the kind I have learned to associate with pain and hate, but for some reason it felt different this time. Sounds echoed in my ears but nothing that I could understand. It drifted in and out just as I felt myself drift in and out of consciousness. I was only slightly aware that we were moving. I could feel the sway of the car as it drove and the voices came from the people who were in it. Gentle fingers brushed stray hair from my face and I forced my eyes to open. Hazel brown eyes stared back into my dark blue ones and a warmth started to spread in my chest, warming my cold body. Those eyes momentarily widened with shock before a happy relief set into them. Happy? I wondered. Why would she be happy to look at me? I wondered. She stroked my face again; tingles trailed her fingers and I feel my body jolt with shock as the memory of the confrontation came back to me. I gasped and I tried to pull away but the sudden pain that came crashing back over my body hit me all at once and I folded in on myself as cried out in pain. Strong arms circled around me and even though I wanted to push away, the warm embrace was actually soothing the pain so I just gave in to it. “Hold on…” I heard a female voice near my ear and my breath hitched in my throat. It sounded so angelic and gentle. “We are almost there.” The woman said and I felt myself relax into her arms. “I’ll take care of you, I promise.” That was the last of what I heard before I felt myself drifting into darkness again. NILA POV. ‘What just happened, Holly?’ I asked my wolf but I could feel her uncertainty just as I could feel my own. ‘I’m not sure. Something terrible must have happened to her, Nila… our mate is terrified!’ she said and she sounded hurt. I knew how she felt but anger stirred in my chest as I had a very good idea who could have hurt her… that dark grey wolf… the one whose scent is currently all over my mate. We were on our way back to Dark Moon Pack, me holding my mate in my lap and as I wiped another strand of hair from her face, she opened her eyes. I was so relieved. I feared that there was a chance that she would never wake up again. I could see that she was a bit out of it, so when I trailed my fingers across the side of her face again as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, I didn’t expect her to react with fear as the sparks ignited on my fingertips. I instinctively held her tighter to me when she cringed in pain and I felt her resist a little before she relaxed in my hold and passed out again. I looked up in the driver’s direction. “What is taking so long?” I growled out agitatedly. “I’m trying to get us there as fast as possible without flipping the truck, Nila! Or would you like to drive?” Came the snappy reply and I growled at him. Luna Lycandra put a hand onto my arm, gaining my attention. She decided to ride with us while the others ran back in wolf form again. “She’s going to be alright, Nila.” She said, trying to sound reassuring but I knew that my mate had lost a lot of blood and that the chances were getting slimmer by the minute. “The chance of recovery is greater with one’s mate at their side and she was lucky enough to have found hers tonight when she needed her.” My luna said and I had to agree with her there. The Moon Goddess has really shone her luck on my mate on this night… except for the whole attack on her but for me being able to save her. “We’re here.” The driver said and the bumpy ride smoothed out as we turned onto a road and the speed increased. I breathed a sigh of relief. “I have already mind linked Amber to be ready, she’ll take good care of her, Nila.” My luna said and I nodded. “Thank you.” I said. “I would have preferred Missy, but Amber is a good doctor.” I said and a fleeting look of sadness crossed her face and I regretted my words. “Me too, Nila, but she belongs with the Blue Moon Pack.” She said and I nodded. I momentarily forgot that the Blue Moon Pack and all its occupants were a sore subject. We were once a unified pack. Two packs merged into one. It has never been done before nor have there ever been a stronger pack… until we were attacked unexpectedly. That was eighteen years ago and I was only seven years old. So many lives were lost that night and it greatly affected my alpha and luna. The truck came to a screeching halt, shaking me out of my thoughts. The back opened and doctor Amber was already there with two others helpers with a bed and ready to wheel her into the emergency side of the hospital. I growled when the one man wanted to take my mate. Lycandra put her hand onto my shoulder and pinned a glare on me. “To save her, you are going to have to let them take her.” She said. I didn’t like that Idea one bit, but I knew she was right. I forced myself to release my hold on my mate. Holly whined in the back of my head, not wanting to let her go as well. Quickly, but as gentle as possible, the put her down onto the bed and they ran with her into the hospital. I was about to jump out of the truck to go after them when my luna pulled me back. My mate wants to see you in his office.” She said. I wanted to ignore it, but I nodded and sat back down. The car started to move again, towards the pack house. I stared at the hospital as the building got smaller and smaller until we stopped in front of the pack house. “Here.” My luna handed me some clothes. I completely forgot that I was still naked. Luna Lycandra had already donned on clothes in the ride back to the pack, but that was the last thing on my mind. “Thank you.” I said and pulled the oversize shirt over my head and pulled on the shorts. Almost all the lights were on in the packhouse at this late hour. Wolves were nosing about, looking at me and our luna curiously, hoping to hear what exactly happened. I ignored them as I walked beside my luna. As we neared the office door, my nerves were starting to make itself known. I was out of line and I knew it. So many things could have gone wrong and I was just glad that it didn’t, otherwise that would have been on me too. Luna entered the office first and she closed the door behind me. Alpha Max stood at his desk. He had shorts on and was bare chested. He sat down and motioned for me to sit. “What the hell happened?” He said. His voice was steady but I could hear the anger in them. “Alpha, I’m sorry. I know what I did was wrong and it goes against pack laws, but I just had too. I felt her. She was hurt and in danger and if I hadn’t shown up when I did…” I said and I couldn’t even bring myself to think of what would have happened if I was late. “What do you mean you felt her? The mate bond has never communicated between mates before contact.” He said and I nodded. “I know and I can’t explain it. I would certainly have remembered if I had met her before but I haven’t.” I said and my alpha leaned back in his chair. “It was like I was supposed to find her… the pull… it was so strong. I could feel her pain and her fear… I couldn’t just let her die.” I said and the alpha looked at me. his eyes briefly darting to his mate before landing on me again. He sighed. I could feel his underlying anger at me, but he held it in check. “Your punishment will be decided in the morning.” He said and his mate shifted in her seat. “Max.” Luna Lycandra addressed her mate. “Under the circumstances, perhaps we could pardon her this time?” She asked. “It was her mate after all.” Luna Lycandra said and I felt grateful that she tried to stick up for me but I knew better. “Whatever the reason, she still broke pack law and punishment is owed.” He spoke before adding. “She put a lot of wolves at risk with her just taking off like that… she put your life in danger by you going after her!” he said and some of that anger seeped through. “Going after her was my choice!” Luna countered but he shook his head. Before he could retort, a knock sounded on his office door before it slid open and a younger copy of my alpha walked in. My heart thudded at the grim look on his face. This wasn’t good news.
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