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NILA POV. When I sprinted through the doors of the pack hospital, my heart nearly stopped. The few doctors and nurses that headed the medical facility, were bustling about furiously and with urgency, but the only thing that caught my attention… was the slow beep of the heart monitor that was hooked up to my mate. I knew that wasn’t right. She had been taken to the emergency room that was the closest and the door was left open so the staff ran to and from the room. I could see her clearly. She was so white she almost matched her platinum hair as she looked like death itself… She was hooked up to bags of blood and she had wires attached to her chest and the side of her head and had needles in her arms. Anton gasped next to me as his eyes landed on my mate too. “f**k!” He uttered aloud. That gained us a few looks but they were too busy to care. I felt frozen to the spot as I stared at the sight before me and I didn’t know if I wanted to burst out crying or break down the building. My emotions were all over the place, but suddenly, a pain pierced my heart as her heart flat lined. I screamed out in pain as I clutched at my chest, doubling over from the force of it. Tears burned my eyes as I saw the doctors try to resuscitate her, but it wasn’t working. “CLEAR!” Doctor Amber yelled into the air before a jolt of electricity got shot through my mate’s chest and for a split second, I could feel it too. There was still hope… If I could feel it then she wasn’t lost to me yet! “AGAIN!” Amber yelled as she stood with the defibrillator, ready to shock her heart into beating again. CLEAR!” Amber yelled and another jolt went through my body… I heaved in breaths of air as I started to feel dizzy… why did I feel this so strongly? I haven’t even marked her as mine, so why did I feel so connected with her? Those thoughts quickly travelled through my head before another jolt ran through it. “NILA!” Anton called to me worriedly. “Are you okay?” He asked as he took my arm to steady me as I was starting to sway on my feet. “Mate!” I uttered and he understood that I was feeling everything that was happening to my mate that was lying on the bed in front of us. “CLEAR!” Amber shouted again. Another jolt through me and I sank to my knees. I screamed out in pain as it pierced my heart and I could feel the bond starting to stretch as though starting to break. I looked up, just as doctor Amber took a step back, shaking her head at the nurses. My heart ached, but suddenly it felt like it stopped as she turned to look at me with a look of sorrow on her face. “NO!” I yelled as I shot to my feet and ran to my mate. She couldn’t be dead! I wasn’t going to accept it! Anton tried to make a grab for me but I shoved him out of my way. He shot backwards, but with the momentum that I pushed him away, I lost my balance and I stumbled into the side table that had a vase of flowers and filled with water on it. The vase tipped over just as I took my mate’s hand in mine and the water spilled out all over my mate’s chest and our combined hands. I faintly heard doctor Amber scream out in warning as the water splashed over the wiring and cables that was still live and hooked up to the power but it was already too late. A crackle of electricity filled the air before it started to shoot sparks and angry voltage shot through my body. My body convulsed painfully and I could feel the same coursing through my mate’s body. I didn’t know what shocked me more… the electric current that burned through my veins or the fact that my mate’s eyes suddenly shot open in a glowing violet fire as her body shot upright to a sitting position. Her long platinum blond hair crackled with electricity as her blazing eyes landed on mine and for a moment, time stood still. I could feel my wolf come forward and I knew my eyes were glowing as well. My bright blue staring into her violet ones. Something passed between us, strengthening the bond. That was the last thing I remembered before another jolt shot through our bodies and everything went dark. ANTON POV. I stood there in shock as everything went dark. For a moment, the only light in the room was that of Nila’s wolf eyes and her mate’s purple ones. Luckily, we werewolves could see clearly in the dark. I shot forward just as Nila went limp and I caught her before she could hit the ground. I felt tremors run through her body as I hunched to my knees, lowering her gently to the ground. When I looked up to see those purple eyes pinned on me. I felt my wolf, Stone, come forward, taking control and he did something that he has never done for any wolf before… not even for my father… he bowed his head to her in respect and… submission? What the hell? I thought as I struggled to take back control but I couldn’t. I watched through my eyes as Stone looked back at her. The colour in her eyes shifted and she bowed her head back in recognition and respect. I gasped aloud when Stone released his control back to me and I suddenly felt winded. From my kneeled position, with Nila still in my arms, I sank onto my ass as I breathed heavily. The purple in her eyes started to fade, just as the lights suddenly went on again. Now it was only her human blue eyes looking back at me. Her eyes flickered and blinked before confusion set in on her face, but she barely had time to look at her surroundings, when she passed out, falling back onto the bed. Nobody moved or made a sound. Only the beeping of the heart monitor could be heard and it seemed to echo through the building. “WHAT THE f**k JUST HAPPENED?” I demanded and I wasn’t the only one. “That is what I want to know!” A voice sounded form the doorway. My father stood there, his eyes roaming over the room and to everyone in it. His eyes lingered on the girl for a moment before he looked at me where I still sat on the ground with Nila in my lap. I gently placed Nila on the floor and got to my feet. “I- I don’t know. The one moment she was flatlining and the next… Nila lost it and I tried to stop her but, she knocked the flowers over and the water… it electrocuted both of them and then…” I spoke, mumbling sentences that I knew wasn’t making any sense at all, but I couldn’t find it in myself to continue. To admit to my father that my wolf has submitted to another wolf was embarrassing so I kept quiet. That was when I noticed that my father wasn’t alone. My mother stood slightly behind him as she looked at me worriedly. Something violet shifted in her eyes… almost knowingly before she looked to the girl on the bed. My father looked all of us over in the room again. From Doctor Amber to the nurses, to me and Nila before his eyes landed on the girl again. His eyes narrowed on her. “I want this girl under constant guard. I will be the first to be informed when she wakes up.” My father spoke and his eyes went to Amber. “Am I understood?” He demanded and the doctor nodded her head and so did the nurses. “Anton, get Nila checked out next door.” My father ordered and I nodded. I bent to pick Nila up, but my mother stood in my way when I wanted to leave. My father looked at her curiously. “Maybe we should bring in another bed for Nila to be close to her mate?” She suggested but I knew by the tone in her voice that it was a silent command. My father nodded. “Good.” My mother said as she walked into the room and the nurses immediately rushed out. No doubt going to get a bed as demanded by their luna. “Nila’s closeness will heal her faster…” My mother said as she walked around the blond girl’s bed to stand next to her. My mother studied the girl and for a moment I could swear that there was a resemblance between the two, but I knew it was impossible. “Then she will be able to tell us where she came from and how it is possible for her to be like me.” My mother continued to say before she backed away from the girl and left the room.
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