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NILA POV. “NO!” I screamed as I jumped towards her and I managed to grab her just in time by the arm and pulled her back from the cliff. Her body fell onto mine and sparks ignited on my skin as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her to me, but I quickly let go, when she groaned and whimpered in pain. When I rolled her onto her back, did I see what was wrong… or at least notice the extend of her injuries. “OH GODS!” I uttered in shock as I took in her sliced leg and the bruises on her body. My brown eyes snapped up to her blue ones and I felt a pain pierce through my heart. The way that she was looking at me… she was scared! Of me! “It’s okay… you are going to be okay.” I say but she flinches when I tried to take her hand in mine. I tried again, taking her hand and I feel her trembling as I kneeled closer to her. Her scent was tainted by others and my heart thudded painfully as I put together what she must have gone through. Her hand felt cold. I lifted my hand to feel her head, but stopped with my hand in the air. “I will never hurt you… I promise.” I said and I meant every word. she didn’t speak, only whimpered in pain again from her leg. I touched her forehead with my fingers and I felt her skin cold there too. That wasn’t good. Wolves tended to run a higher temperature than humans which meant that she has lost too much blood. Fear started to claw at my heart. “I am going to get you help.” I said as I gathered her in my arms and onto my lap to share my body heat with hers. She groaned in pain and slightly felt her trying to pull away, but it was a weak attempt. Her blue eyes didn’t stare at me in fear anymore but it had a sort of defeated look in them. “It’s going to be okay.” I spoke to her as I tucked a strand of her platinum blond hair out of her face. Even though she was dirty and bloody, she was the most beautiful she-wolf that I have ever seen. I looked up as the approaching paws came to a stop a few feet from us. My alpha Max and Luna Lycandra were the first to shift as they approached me. My alpha had a furious look on his face that he pinned on me and I gulped nervously. He was pissed and I didn’t blame him. I broke pack rules when I left the pack grounds to take on wolves on the other side of our border. Alpha Max looked from me to where the rogues disappeared too and he motioned a few wolves to pursue in order to make sure they didn’t come back. Luna looked pale as she looked to the young woman that I held protectively in my arms. I felt her body go limp and my heart nearly stopped. When I looked down, I saw her eyes had closed, but she still had a pulse. A weak one. “Please, I will gladly take any punishment, but please, help her. She’s, my mate.” I begged and it was something that I didn’t do often. Luna Lycandra looked to her mate and something unreadable crossed his face as he looked at his luna. He turned back and held out his hand for something and a bag made its appearance. He pulled a blanket out of it. Someone had at least thought to bring something to cover one self and I was grateful for it. As werewolves, we were all used to see each other naked, especially after a shift, but I didn’t like the stares that my mate was getting. I quickly took the blanket my alpha held out to me and covered my mate with it. “I have mind linked someone to bring a car.” Was all he said as he stared at my mate. An emotion flittered across his face as he stared transfixed at my mate before my luna came towards us. This seemed to snap him out of it and he turned to bark orders at his wolves. Luna Lycandra had a similar look on her face as she knelt down beside me. She looked at the woman in my arms. “Luna?” I spoke to her questionably. Her eyes darted to mine and there was a purple shine in her blue eyes. “I… I’m sorry, she just reminded me of s-someone.” She spoke and the purple disappeared to show only her dark blue eyes again. My luna reached for the blanket and adjusted it to cover more of her before she reached out a hand to feel her forehead. Before I could stop it, a growl escaped my throat. Alpha Max immediately stopped barking orders and a silence descended on our little group and I felt shame fill my chest. “Luna! I… I am so sorry; I didn’t mean to…” I quickly apologised, but she shook her head. “I understand. She is your mate, but you are going to have to get yourself together, Nila. She is injured and a lot of hands are going to have to touch her in order to get her healed again.” My luna spoke sternly and I nodded. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Alpha Max stare at me but he said nothing. I released a breath when he turned back to his men. My luna looked worried when she also felt the coldness on her skin. She gave me fleeting look before she reached for the blanket that covered her leg and she revealed my mate’s injured leg. She swallowed as she studied the long s***h marks. “The bleeding seems to have stopped but I don’t see any healing yet.” My luna commented and I sniffed. Her eyes darted to mine in shock and I nodded before looking down at the face of my unconscious mate. ”I… I know.” I spoke and my voice cracked a bit. I knew what she smelled and it enraged me inside. My wolf, Holly, clawed at me to take revenge on them, but I couldn’t leave my mate in this state, but it didn’t matter… the scent of the wolf that left his seed on her was engrained in my senses now and I was certain that it was that dark grey wolf that looked like he wanted to take me on before he fled with the others. I was already forming my revenge when the roar of a car made itself known. I was relieved to see that they came with one of the big trucks, it wasn’t the fastest but it would get through this terrain better than a car would. I took better hold on my mate, careful of her injuries and I got to my feet with her in my arms. One of the men came forward to help me but I shook my head with a warning growl. The alpha dismissed the man and I walked with my mate to the car and I climbed in the back of the truck with her in my arms. I knew I was going to be in deep s**t when I get back to the pack but I couldn’t help the way I felt right now and right now, this woman in my arms was the most important thing to me and I would take any punishment for her.
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