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SIERRA POV. ‘I can’t go on!’ I gasped for air as my body collapsed in on itself. I was so close to the cliff, only a few feet more. I thought as I tried to crawl towards the drop off. ‘I’m sorry, Sierra… I thought we could make it.’ Luna said. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice and I felt my body shift back into its weak human form. I laid there. Heaving for breath. The pain in my leg was burning like a ball of fire as my insides felt like it crawled with insects after my ordeal in the woods. I looked towards the edge and I took a deep breath through my nose… the water was so close that I could almost taste it on my tongue. It must have been a few seconds before I heard the clawing paws of the wolves that have finally caught up to me. I had to admit, being in the state that I was, I still managed to get ahead of them quickly but now my wolf form was spent. I gathered whatever remaining strength I had left and turned onto my side before I tried to get myself into a sitting position to try and inch closer to the cliff on my ass. I tried to cover my mouth as a pained scream left my throat as I dragged my shredded leg, but the pain was downright the worst I have ever had. Not even when I was back at the pack and forced to fight for their amusement, was I hurt this bad. The paws came closer and I tried to move again… and again… whimpering in pain as I went until I forced myself to bite through the pain and get to my feet. Hopping one step at a time as I dragged my leg after me. Almost there! "NO MORE RUNNING SIERRA!" growled the voice of my alpha. I shot around to face them, breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath. A shiver ran through my naked body as I stood there after my transformation and I glared at him and his warrior wolves that had cut off my only means of escape with a dead drop off cliff behind me... Jumping off the cliff looked to be my only way out and I preferred that to what he and his men were going to do to me once they got their hands on me. Again. Especially my sadistic mate, Zion. "I would rather die than stop running from you!" I screamed at him, my eyes flashing dangerously violet at him as my wolf begs to be let out again, but I knew she was just as exhausted as I was... I doubted that I would be able to shift again at this point. My alpha snarls at my defiance as his eyes darkened while glaring at me. “So be it!” My alpha snapped and lunged for me. My heart nearly stopped. This was it… I thought and I was about to turn and step off the cliff when, suddenly, a blurred figure shot out of the darkness. My breath hitched in my throat as the scent attacked my senses even before the figure collided with my alpha and they both went tumbling to the ground in the darkness. Everything seemed to have slowed down for a moment as the moon casted an ominous shadow over the two figures that have taken in a stand against each other after the stumble. My rescuer standing closest to me, creating an obstacle with her body against the others. “KEEP YOUR FILTHY CLAWS OFF MY MATE.” The figure warned with a menacing tone and it was like everything started to move back at normal speed again. I was frozen with shock. I just didn’t know what shocked me more… the fact that someone came out of nowhere to save me or that fact that this person claimed me to be their mate or that it was a she-wolf!? Zion snarled angrily at the young woman who stood protectively in front of me. NILA POV. I didn’t know what the hell made me do it, but when I saw that wolf lounge for our mate, I left all thought of the dangers behind as I leaped at him. I collided with him in mid-air, taking him by surprise and he went tumbling to the ground where as I managed to right my fall and land on my feet, close to my mate. I shifted back to my human form, my eyes flashing dangerously as I stood between my mate and the pack of wolves who was about to tear her apart. “KEEP YOUR FILTHY CLAWS OFF MY MATE.” I yelled warningly, my alpha blood coming though in my voice as I saw some of the wolf’s winch. The wolf I had just tackled, stared at me in disbelief as another black wolf snarled angrily at me. I might have caught them by surprise, but now I was outnumbered. Maybe I should have waited a bit for luna Lycandra to gather her warriors, but if I had, then I would have been too late. The black wolf snarled at me menacingly, his eyes darted to my mate behind me and then back to me. I growled back, daring him to do something and just as he was about to charge at me, the dark brown wolf that I tackled, snarled at him and he stopped. That must be their leader. I thought as I kept my eyes on them. I could hear my mate’s breathing come out shaky and I could sense her fear. Her blood flooded my nose and this angered me more, but before I could let the thoughts of revenge take over my mind, paws sounded in the near distance and I knew it was my pack. The wolves looked at each other, panic starting to set into their eyes as they started to step back, away from the approaching backup. The dark brown wolf snarled at me before he howled his retreat into the air and he turned and ran, the others immediately following him as they were desperate to get away. The only wolf who still stood remaining was the dark grey one. He looked to my mate again and with a last snarl, he too turned and left after the others. Another howl filled the air and I hear my mate gasp in fear. I turned to face her just as she stumbled backwards… at the edge of the cliff. “NO!” I screamed as I jumped after her.
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