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LYCANDRA POV. I walked out of that medical room as fast as I could. The tears burned the corners of my eyes as the image of the girl on the bed brought back memories of a similar little face that I lost so many years ago… FLASHBACK. “s**t! Anton… RUN!” Max’s beta growled as he tried to make a run for it, but it was too late. “MAX! LUCY!” I screamed as the water came rushing in from the direction that he ran into to go find our eldest daughter. Holding my new born daughter tightly with one arm, I made a grab for my son with the other but at that moment the floor gave way and I felt ourselves being sucked down into the water underneath the tunnel. FLASHBACK ENDS A loud sob brought me back from that painful memory and I clutched at my heart. That day was supposed to be a happy day as I went into labour with our daughter on that fateful day. I remember that Tracy and I were talking about how fortunate our sons were to not have to know what we have gone through. Max had just finished up a meeting with my brothers and we were about to head inside when an unknown howl pierced the air… everything happened so fast after that… Missy told me that it was the shock of the attack that sent me into labour. I wiped the tears from my face and I took a shaky breath, trying to push back the memories. Even Sage whimpered at the back of my mind at the memories that surfaced. Even after all these years, the pain of loss still felt so unbelievably raw to me. “Andra?” Max called to me and I turned my head away from him as I sniffled. I didn’t like him to see me like this. I knew he wasn’t one who handled emotional situations well and that he too was greatly affected by our daughter’s loss that day. Strong arms wrapped around my waist as I felt my back against his hard chest. He was still only dressed in a pair of shorts whilst I was still in an over sized shirt and a short. Neither one of us had time to get dressed when the power went out and for some reason, something pulled at me to go to the hospital. My wolf, Sage, jumped forward and propelled me to the hospital. There was something about the girl that pushed at all those painful memories that I tried so hard to supress. I should have known that there would have been a possibility that there would be others like me… according to the texts that my mother and I tracked down, the Moon Goddess had three daughters so this girl could be a descendant from any one of them… but why now though? I wondered before I thought it a stupid question. If my ancient wolf could be awakened then others could have been as well. I said to myself. “I will be fine.” I said and leaned my head back against his chest as I looked out onto the river in front of me. I didn’t even realise how far I have walked until now. This river was almost at the border that separated our lands from the humans. “No, you are not.” Max said and rested his chin at the side of my head whilst he held me. “I can feel your distress through our bond.” He said and I sighed. “It’s the girl, isn’t it?” He asked. I nodded before turning in his arms. “She reminds me so much of the daughter that we lost.” I spoke and I could see the hurt reflect in his eyes. “She would have been around the same age as this girl.” I said and laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat was strong under my ear and I inhaled a lungful of air that was filled with his scent. “Yes, she would have been.” Max said and I could hear his voice strain with emotion but he did his best to keep his voice steady. “There was nothing you could have done to save her, Andra.” He spoke and the tears fell over my face as I tried to fight back a sob. “But I should have been there…” He started to speak and I shushed him. “Please don’t start this again.” I said as I lifted my tear-stained face from his chest. “If you had stayed with us then we would have lost our eldest daughter, Max.” I spoke. “There was nothing either of us could have done, the current was too strong…” I said before I closed my eyes again as the pain tore at my heart. “She was so small, Max” I broke down in his arms and I feel my legs give way under me. Max held me as he sank down to his knees with me. Max didn’t utter a word as I sobbed against his chest. I could feel his pain match my own and even though we knew it that there was nothing we could have done… we still felt a tinge of guilt over losing our daughter at Blue Moon. I didn’t know how long we sat there. Neither of us said a word. Having him so close always made me feel better and it calmed Sage down. She felt the loss of our pup even more than I did. After that night, Sage barely spoke about it and I was concerned about her cropping up her feelings. It was dangerous for our kind. One never knew when it became too much and then explode in a fit of rage… I have tried to speak to her but I have never gotten a reply out of her. I knew I had to talk to someone about this. Someone like Missy and my mom, but after that night… nothing was the same. My little girl was not the only one we lost… Soon after we packed up what we could and we, the Dark Moon pack left. I pulled back from Max’s arms to look at him. “We should get back.” I said and he nodded his agreement. Everything was dark at the house. The grounds were quiet and so were all the little cabins that surrounded the pack house. I we walked the grounds towards the house, I admired once again at what we managed to rebuild for ourselves. Everyone needed the fresh start, not just us and we made it. Entering the house, we went directly to our room which was on the bottom floor. I preferred it that way. “I’m going to take a shower.” I said once we entered the room and walked into our adjoining bathroom. The hot water flowed over my skin, washing away the dried tears that was on my cheeks and the dirt from my body from the nights chase. The door creaked open and a smile tucked at the corner of my mouth. A few seconds later, strong hands took hold of my waist, pulling me against the same hard chest that I had just been crying on. “I can shower by myself you know.” I said jokingly and my breath hitched when I felt his lips on my mark. “I know but it is much more fun to do it for you.” He said as he bit down on my skin but not hard enough to break the skin. Need pulsed between my lower lips and I leaned back against Max as his hands came up to cup my breasts. A minute ago, I felt so tired but now my body felt alive and begged to feel his hard length inside of me. I knew what he was doing… he knew that I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I was upset, no matter how tired I was and this was his solution to it. Not that I complained. I could feel it. His c**k pressed into my back and a moan escaped my throat when he pinched both my n*****s. “Max!” I moaned out his name as my need became stronger. I reached behind me to try and take his length in my hands, but he released my breasts to stay my hands. I whimpered at the loss of his ministrations on my breasts, but an exciting thrill jolted to my p***y when he pushed me forward, wedging me in between his body and the tiled wall. He took hands and put them against the wall next to my head. I felt him bend his knees, making his hard c**k slide down my back and as cheeks before coming to nest between my legs, but not entering just yet. I moaned when I felt him pushing against my entrance and I bucked my hips back against his, trying to get him to slide into me but he merely chuckled in my ear with his hot breath. “Max!” I moaned his name again but it ended in a loud moan as he swiftly entered me with one thrust. I felt my breasts slide against the smooth tiles as he thrusted into me from behind, our hight difference making me slide up and down. His thrusts were slow and deep. I loved it but I could feel my need to release become urgent as a pleasurable tightness begged to be let go. He must have heard my moans coming out faster because he started to pick up the pace with his thrusts and a small cry of pleasure escaped my throat when gave it to me hard. I could feel his breath on my neck and a feint growl in my ears he tried to remain in control. His wolf, Rulf, sometimes liked to come out and play too and just thinking about that sent me over the edge. My orgasm pulsed through my body as a scream of pleasure echoed in the bathroom followed by a relieved grunt from Max when he shoved his c**k into me again and I could immediately feel his length pulsate inside of me as he coated my inner walls with his seed. We both stood there, catching our breath. Max was the first to move, pulling out of me as he turned me around to face him. “I love you. Whatever is coming… we will face it together.” He said and I his brown eyes looked into mine as he cupped my face with one hand. “I know. I love you too.” I said before he lowered his head to kiss me.
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