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SIERRA POV. I whimpered as tears fell from my eyes and prayed for help. ‘Luna, I’m sorry.’ I apologised to my wolf. If I wasn’t so scared then there could have been a chance that we could have gotten away. ‘It’s not your fault Sierra.’ Luna replied back and I held onto her presence as a life line. She was truly my only friend in this world. ‘We still have a chance.’ She said weakly and hope grew in my chest. ‘What do you mean?’ I asked as I watched my alpha, the man that raised me, step closer to me. He still had that disgusted snarl on his face when I called him dad. ‘There is water nearby… if I can get us to it, then we might just have a chance to get away from them.’ She said and I sniffed the air now too. She was right. I couldn’t smell it before because of the blood and my fear that overwhelmed me before but I do smell it now. Fresh water. ‘We also have to reject Zion, it’s our only chance to get free of him.’ Luna said and I agreed. I was just more worried on how we were going to get away with my injured leg. ‘But, my leg…’ I spoke worriedly as my father started to bend towards me with an outstretched clawed hand. “We have no choice, Sierra… NOW!’ she yelled the word in my head and I gave over control to her again. My father’s eyes widened in shock just as he grabbed for my arm and I lashed out a clawed hand myself towards him. He tried to block the blow and I groaned in pain when one of his long-clawed nails caught the side of my face but I got some satisfaction when my own claws slashed at his shoulder. I was aiming for his throat but with the struggle I got his shoulder instead. My father roared in pain and anger and stumbled backwards. I pinned my purple eyes onto Zion who stood taken aback and I growled at him before the words left my mouth. “I, Sierra Gilbert, reject you, Zion Murdock as my mate.” I said and it was like a fresh breath hit my chest as I watched my words make him crumple to his knees as he clutched at his chest. He whimpered in pain and sank to the ground as my part of the bond broke. I knew he would never accept the rejection but at least I would be free of this constant feeling of him. I took this distraction as my chance and that was when Luna took over and shifted. I screamed in pain at the shift that our exhausted and injured body was forced to go through, but it was either to take our chance now than never escaping his hands again. My white fur brightening up the darkness between the trees and I bolted… NILA POV. “Are you alright?” Lucy spoke up next to me. I looked at my best friend, the alpha’s daughter and shook my head. “Something is not right.” I said as I started to unfasten the boxing gloves on my hands. “What do you mean?” She asked as she started to look around. We were outside in the designated training area. There were numerous wolves out training tonight. I preferred to train at night, it felt more peaceful. It was mostly just friendly sparring and keeping in shape but sometimes we had real fights just to keep us on our toes. Our alpha of the Dark Moon Pack demanded it. He didn’t accept anything less than perfect from his warriors. If you didn’t cut it as a warrior you were sent to the kitchens or maintenance or to the hospital. Where ever your skills suited best. I was a warrior and a good one too. I am the bastard child of some alpha that I never got to know the name of because my mother died at birth. Luckily for me, Alpha Max found my mother just as she was about to give birth and he made a promise to her to care for me just like so many other orphan bastards that got shunned for their parents’ mistakes. I looked towards the rows of trees that formed a border around our large pack and for some reason, something pulled at me to go. “I – I don’t know.” I said as I placed the gloves on one of the tables and without realising it, started to walk towards the trees. “Hey! Wow, wow, wow!” Lucy said as she jumped in front of me. “Where are you going?” She asked and her eyes widened as she saw something behind me and I turned. “Mum!” Lucy exclaimed and put on a smile. I looked into the face of my luna. Lycandra Raider of the Dark Moon pack. Her long black hair and dark blue eyes looked at us in suspicion. “And where are the both of you off to?” She asked and Lucy laughed nervously as she twirled one of her dark brown locks in between her fingers. “Well… you see, mum… we were just taking a break.” She said and smiled sweetly at her mother and the luna raised an eyebrow at her. “Didn’t you just have a break?” The luna asks and Lucy stands there gaping like a fish but for some reason I didn’t care. Something pulled at me again and I turned to face the forest again. ‘Holly? Do you feel that?’ I asked my wolf. I have felt her restless presence over the last few weeks, and she couldn’t tell me why because she didn’t know herself. ‘Something is coming.’ Holly said and I frowned towards the trees. ‘It is closer and it is pulling me towards it.’ She said and a sense of dread dropped into my stomach that I physically had to clutch my stomach. “Nila?” My luna called to me and Lucy slapped me on the arm to gain my attention. “Hmm?” I said as I looked back around. The luna was looking at me strangely when her eyes darted towards the trees where I was looking just a moment ago. “What is it?” She asks. I wipe a strand of my short black hair out of my face and looked at her uncertainty with my brown eyes. “I don’t know my luna.” I spoke and looked back to the direction that pulled me. “There’s something… I’m not sure but I have this feeling that something is not right.” I said and my luna came to stand next to me. by now a small crowd had noticed my strange behaviour and to the luna’s aura that had suddenly changed. “That something is pulling me, but there is a sense of danger too. My wolf feels it too.” I said and I took a few steps forward. Just then, I got a phantom ache in my upper leg and I groaned in pain. It wasn’t so bad but it was unexpected and I rubbed at the place where it throbbed. “Are you okay?” Lucy asks but I couldn’t answer her. My breath hitched and it suddenly felt hard to breathe as my throat burned and I sunk to one knee just as another pain hit my abdomen. “f**k!” I heard my luna curse before her arm went around my shoulders. “Someone, get me a healer!” She demanded but I shook my head in the negative. “You are clearly in pain, Nila. We have to get you checked out immediately.” She said worriedly and I shook my head again when my wolf Holly whimpered inside my head and she scratched and pushed to be let out. “No, the pain is not mine!” I said and I could feel a lot of eyes on me. Just then a warrior burst out from within the tree in front of us. He was out of breath and as white as a sheet. He looked to all of us standing there and I forced myself back onto my feet with the help of my luna and Lucy. “What is it?” My luna demanded and now everyone on the training field was on alert. “Luna?” He said in surprise and looked back and then at the luna again. “But, but you… they…” he stumbled as he looked like he had just seen a ghost. “What is it?” I spoke up and the warrior whose name was Dalton, snapped out of his shock. “Rogues… close to the border!” He said and a lot of growls echoed around the training group. Some even transforming, getting ready for a fight. “I thought they were chasing you!” He said with wide eyes and but this feeling of dread was pulling me stronger and I started towards the forest. “What are you talking about?” My luna asked and just as I walked past Dalton, he spoke. “They are chasing a white wolf. She looks to be injured.” He said and that was when I knew what this feeling was. “NILA, WAIT!” My Luna screamed after me before she too took off after me with others in tow. I knew it was wrong of me to run off without the consent of my superior but I was willing to face the consequences after I saved my mate. Holly agreed and I let her take over, transforming while in mid run and in the next instant my paws hit the ground as my black and white wolf darted through the trees.
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