Chapter 3

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Chapter 3The journey to Paris was uneventful, for which Sébastien was grateful. Better to conserve energy for when they were in the city. They were likely to need it for more important battles than a few brigands on the road. “I’m glad Célestin’s cousin doesn’t live right in the centre of Paris.” Henri urged his horse closer to Sébastien. “I’ve a feeling that Richelieu will want to keep a close watch on how we do. At least this way we won’t be constantly under his nose.” “Don’t bet on it. I hear he has spies everywhere.” Sébastien wrinkled his nose. “Just so long as he doesn’t want any of his own men trying to work with us.” “Zut! God forbid. We need freedom to work as a Slayer team. Not have to worry about someone who’d be a distraction and a danger as much to us as to himself.” “Do we have much farther to go? I’d like to get off my horse and stretch, but if we’re close enough I’d rather just get to the place.” Henri reined in his horse and studied a map. “No. Not that much longer.” He smacked his lips. “A cup of wine would go down well, too.” “It would at that, mon frère.” Thoughts of a refreshing drink were enough to lift Sébastien’s spirits. Especially when he knew they were almost at their destination. “Allons-y!” Urging his horse to a canter, Henri continued forward. Visions of wine and food in his mind, Sébastien followed closely behind. * * * * To Sébastien’s delight, Henri estimate was almost perfect. An hour later he was leading his horse behind Henri along narrow streets as they approached the address. Sébastien grinned to see an old inn with a stable attached. A young man came running out to greet them and both Sébastien and Henri handed over their reins. Sébastien slapped his mare’s flank affectionately. “They’ve come a long way. Take good care of them.” “I will, monsieur,” the youth shouted back as he led the horses away. “He loves horses.” An elderly man shuffled out from the inn. “Welcome. My name is Mathieu. My cousin Célestin got word to me to expect you. Your horses can remain stabled here and I have a room for you. Célestin said you normally share.” Mathieu glanced from Sébastien to Henri. “Makes sense to keep costs to a minimum.” Henri nodded. “Sébastien and I have shared a bed in far less accommodating places than this.” “Unfortunately, I have a couple of other guests, so I cannot spare the extra room. You’re at the top. There’s only your room up there, and, should it be needed, there is a skylight onto the roof. The houses are so crowded here, a rooftop escape would be easier than trying to run through the streets. Not that I wish for such a necessity.” “Nor I,” Sébastien murmured. “We’ve been looking forward to freshening up and getting some food before going to see the cardinal.” Henri rubbed his hands. “Can we eat here?” “No. But there is a hostelry nearby. A friend runs it. He’ll give you a good meal and you won’t be charged too highly for it. But be warned, it’ll be basic.” Mathieu wagged a crooked finger and Henri laughed out loud. “I can see the resemblance between you and Célestin. A family trait perhaps. Is it a walkable distance?” “Oh, yes indeed.” Mathieu nodded. “My grandson will take care of your horses. Now to get to the hostelry…” Taking a moment to familiarise himself with the area Sébastien let Mathieu give directions to Henri. As the Slayer, Henri always felt the need to be in charge. Not that it bothered Sébastien. While eyes were on the big, loud Slayer, they weren’t on him. Often to their advantage. A shiver chilled its way down Sébastien’s spine. Looking right and left, Sébastien saw nothing, but he’d swear he was being watched. The hairs on the nape of his neck prickled, rising whenever danger was present, and yet he could see nothing and no one. “Come on, Sébastien. Some good food and a little wine will set us up nicely for dealing with the cardinal.” Henri rubbed his hands, grinning widely. “How about we deal with the cardinal first thing in the morning? It’ll soon be dusk. He doesn’t know we’re here, after all.” Henri pursed his lips as he considered the idea and Sébastien decided to increase the stakes. “Some good food, a few drinks, a good night’s sleep. I’d rather we faced the cardinal with fresh minds and bodies.” “You’re right. After all, what’s one night?” Henri nodded. “Let’s go. My stomach is complaining.” A loud rumble sounded, and Henri rubbed his belly. “Lead on.” Sébastien laughed and sketched an elaborate bow before falling into step with his partner.
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