Chapter 2

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Chapter 2A few steps behind Henri, Sébastien ambled into the church and nodded at the other two men who knelt before the altar. It seemed he and Henri weren’t the only team being sent on a mission. Sébastien ignored the sharp stab of jealousy. The other men weren’t merely partners, but lovers. But such things were never spoken of openly. Nor was it public knowledge of the team in which one Intermediary was a woman. She and her brother accompanied their Slayer with the brother passed off in the Intermediary role. But from his own personal experience in sparring with her, Sébastien knew Emmanuelle to be a strong and talented fighter in her own right. When Sébastien looked up at the life-size wooden carving of Christ, his arms open wide, it immediately brought their bishop to his mind. Célestin was equally welcoming and non-judgemental. As humble as he was intelligent, Célestin didn’t seek personal advancement or glory. He also treated his Slayers and their partners like members of his family, not just tools or weapons. Compared to many teams, those under Célestin’s governance were well cared for. “Ah, good. You’re here. Come through, mes enfants.” Célestin waved at Sébastien and Henri before laying his hands in benediction on the heads of the kneeling men. When they rose, they each pecked a kiss to Célestin’s weathered and wrinkled cheek before nodding to Henri and Sébastien on their way out of the church. Standing and watching them go, Célestin shook his head. “Two teams. There is darkness afoot, my children.” Following Célestin into his tiny study, Sébastien and Henri sat opposite him across the small desk. The bishop sat, clasping his hands together as he looked at each of them in turn. “I wish I did not have to send you.” Célestin sighed heavily. “But something attacks the people of Paris.” “We don’t know what we face?” Henri leaned forward, leaning his elbows on the desk and Sébastien copied him. “The suggestion is a vampire.” Célestin pursed his lips. “Suggestion? You disagree?” Sébastien leaned in closer. “We all know Paris.” Célestin waved a deeply lined hand. “A place of the masses comprised of those who have far too much and those who have nothing. Tell me. If you were a vampire and could prey almost openly on the nameless, the homeless, and the destitute, why attack those whose deaths would draw attention to you? This creature attacks the wealthy, those whose voices are heard in both the sacred and secular courts.” “So, less likely a vampire and more likely a demon.” Henri sighed. “I would have preferred a vampire.” “And I would prefer to think there is nothing more to these attacks, than a madman wreaking vengeance on the rich, but I fear that is not so.” Célestin leaned forward. “It is almost as if this creature wants us to know of its existence, wants to create the need for Slayers. The question is, why? If a creature of darkness preys so openly, you can be sure there is a deeper motive. One which, at present, we cannot see. So, I send you out not only with my normal warnings over dealing with preternaturals, but also of where you are going and under whose watchful eye you will be.” “Richelieu,” Sébastien murmured. “Yes, exactly. That is why I couldn’t send another of the teams I have available. I know you are as brothers, Richelieu will only see your camaraderie. But, you know, I also felt as if it should be you I send as soon as I got the call.” Sébastien sat a little straighter. No one mocked Célestin’s intuition. “We’ll be careful. Sébastien, you’ll need to watch what you say around that man.” Henri fixed Sébastien with a hard stare and Sébastien shuffled slightly. “I promise.” Sébastien nodded to both Henri and Célestin. There were times he spoke without thinking. Diplomacy was not his forte and he had little patience with pretentious asses or pompous fools. But Richelieu was possibly the most powerful man in the country. I will indeed need to watch what I say and do. “You’re a good man, Sébastien, if a little headstrong.” Célestin smiled, reaching across the desk to pat Sébastien’s hand. “I’ll keep him on a tight rein.” Henri slapped Sébastien’s shoulder, and Sébastien answered with a rude sound. “I want you both to take care and come back safe to our little fold.” Célestin wagged a finger at each of them in turn. “We will.” Henri nodded. “Good.” Célestin pushed an envelope and a separate slip of paper across to Henri. He tapped the slip first. “This is the name and address of a cousin of mine. He has rooms you can stay in. He can also ensure you keep in contact with me. He’s a trustworthy man. The envelope is the request Richelieu sent through for a Slayer. I’ve signed it detailing who I’ve sent in reply.” Sébastien let Henri take the papers. He’d only lose them. Henri was far more meticulous when it came to paperwork. His talent was making sure they had weapons and provisions. He was much happier with a more practical role. “Good. Well, that’s all settled then.” Célestin rose slowly and came to stand between them and Sébastien lowered his head as their bishop murmured a benediction over them. “Au revoir. Come home safe.” Rising, Sébastien followed Henri from the church. “You know, I always wanted to visit Paris. This just wasn’t the way I’d have chosen.” “Me either. The sooner we deal with the problem, the quicker we can be home. Let’s finish off our packing and be on our way. My cousin will check on the farm while we’re away.” Swinging himself up into the saddle, Sébastien patted his grey mare. If they were lucky, perhaps this creature would be easy to find as just as easy to destroy.
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