Chapter 7. Of all days, why today?

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"First of all," Hamilton began, "John is a good man, but I know you would be angry with him for not responding to your calls ever since yesterday. I instructed not to speak to you until I was done talking to you about yesterday. He is terrified about losing this job." "I see. His actions were based on the instructions from the upper hand, so there is no problem. I too was even worried about losing him in the hotel because of his strange actions since yesterday." "I guess my plea has been accepted?" "As it never happened." "Let me call him in. He has been waiting in the hall." Hamilton stands up and leaves the office. Soon afterwards, he returned with John. "Good morning sir. Sir, please, I'm sorry for…" John stammered as he did not know the choice of words to use. "It's okay. You don't need to apologize for anything. I already got the explanation I need and it has justified your actions. You can get back to work." "Thank…. Thank you very much sir." He appreciated both Mason and Hamilton. He did not know what Hamilton said to Mason but he knew that Hamilton had fulfilled his promise to him. It was so fast. Mason did not even portray any sign which could tell that what he had done was offending him. Well, all the credit had to go to Hamilton, and he must appreciate him separately and in private. After John had left them alone in the office, Mason said, "Talking about your new friend. Tell me about him or her?" "First, it's a she. We ran over a young girl about twelve years of age and that has been where we have been since yesterday. She is already getting better. I said I will tell you about it myself. Her name is Rica." At hearing this story, Mason was marveled. His eyes were widely looking at Hamilton as narrated his story. He had seen the news earlier but he didn't know Hamilton and John were the ones involved. "Have you seen the parents of the child? I saw it being displayed this morning at the station." "I haven't seen them. But Mason said her mother came around shortly after the news was aired. She'll be back later and I'll have to be there so as to meet her." "Thank goodness." Mason exhaled in relief. "Good thing the cops were not involved, because I'm sure her mother must have searched earnestly for her throughout the whole of yesterday." "That was exactly why I made haste to see that the news was broadcast for her parents or relatives to find her. And they already have. I shall soon be leaving for the hospital again but in the meantime I'll just get some rest." Hamilton stands up and leaves Mason to continue with his work. ***** Edythe hurriedly rans into the environment of Clawson Space LTD. It was the second company where she worked as a cleaner. She was coming from the first one which she received a sack letter immediately she entered. She was running and praying at the same time. She did not want what had happened in the first place to repeat itself here in the Clawson Space. Although she did not blame the management of the other company. She knew that she had brought it all on herself by not responding to their calls. At least, she would have picked up when they called and explained the situation to them. That way, they would have understood and the sack later which she received wouldn't have been prepared before her arrival. "Where have you been, Edythe?" One of her colleagues asked immediately she entered the building. "Is the manager around?" She replied as she was physically shaking with fright. "No he's not around?" "Ah! Thank heavens," she inhaled and exhaled heavily, as she was not ready to give the response to the question she was asked. Her colleague continued before she could say another word. "But the boss is around. And he has been asking after you." "What!" Edythe didn't know when she screamed so loud. It was a very big shock to her. Her boss was not regularly at work. And even if he came, it was usually during noon between one to two, which he would not even stay more than an hour. At most, he only spent an hour and thirty minutes. 'of all days, why today?' she thought in heart. The lady who gave the information noticed the trouble she was going through within her, so she did not know how to calm her down. They had been given an order which must be passed to Edythe onces she arrives. "He said you should see him whenever you arrive." Edythe hesitated in taking the steps to her boss' office. She just stood ideal as she thought of what to do or say to her boss. Discovering that Edythe was not ready to make a move, Ann advised. "Just go and see him first instead of staying here. Explain things to him. I'm sure he'll understand and not take some harsh action." Ann is right, the more she delayed, the more things might end up not well. So Edythe made the sign of the cross as a form of prayer before moving to the office. She knocked twice on the door, before hearing the voice of her boss, Mr Austin, say from the inside. "Come in." Then she slowly walked into the office. She was still scared of what the outcome would be, but she just had to try her luck. "Good morning sir. You asked to see me." Austin looked at her and then at the wall clock, "It's already past morning hours. I hope you have a very good reason for coming by this time? Else…." He reserved his comment and waited for Edythe to say what she had in mind, because while he spoke, he observed her and knew she had something to say. "Umm…." She stammered not knowing whether to tell the truth, or cook up something that might save her and her job or even keep quiet. "I am sure you have something to say concerning your being late? Let me hear what it is before I take further action. And I'm sure you know exactly what I mean?" "Yes sir. I do." "Then you better start talking." He was not looking friendly at this point. His eyes clearly told that he had concluded on what and what not to do even before asking. But still, he wanted an explanation so as to make it seem like he had given Edythe a chance.
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