Chapter 6. You're a genius!

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As they approached the RockSolid hotel, John began panicking. Ever since the incident the other previous day, he had not seen his boss nor had he told him what happened nor even spoken with him. Hamilton was the one who had spoken with Mason but he did not tell him what had happened. Hamilton had promised to talk about it when they met in person and John was sure that there would be a penalty even though Hamilton had assured him that everything would be fine. Hamilton was not his boss and there was no way he could tell exactly what Mason would do. John knew that he was a close friend of Mason due to the way they spoke on the phone but it does not warrant him to decide what Mason would do. Even though it might or would reduce the penalty, surely there has to be some discipline so that he would be more careful next time. Hamilton noticed John's panic as they stepped out of the car. He was shaking and Hamilton could tell what the problem was. "I've told you to stay calm, everything will be fine. Just trust me." John wanted to ask a series of questions but he had to hold them onto himself. If he asked those questions, he knew for sure that it might rise to an augmented, or even worse. Hamilton might not want to do whatever he had in mind to ensure that his job was retained. He knew that he had made a couple of mistakes. First, he refused to pick up Mason's calls. He did not return any of those calls nor did he return to work the previous day. Now that he is finally arriving at work, he even came late. It was past eleven that morning which was very late for him. Anyway, he did all that according to Hamilton's instructions and assurance. But now that he is here at the hotel, he is beginning to feel so much guilt and does not know how to face Mason, his boss. His fate sure was now in the hands of Hamilton who asked him to stay calm and trust him. As they were walking up to the office of Mason, John's anxiety grew the more, so Hamilton said to him. "It's okay, you don't have to come with me to see your boss. Just return to your office and carry on with your duties." This sure was too much, and John did not see it to be proper so he had to decline obeying that instruction. "I'm sorry sir. I know you really want to help but at least, let me present myself to my boss before retiring to my office." "Your boss could get uncontrollably mad upon seeing you so it's best if I speak to him first to ease his temper. Maybe afterwards he will send for you." Then John read the reason in what Hamilton said but he still refused to go to his office, instead he agreed to wait in the hall while they discussed his matter. Aside from that, John was beginning to suspect something tracky in the assurance and confidence of Hamilton about his boss not doing anything to him. But he had no concrete idea of what it could be. Hamilton knocked on the door of Mason's office and then walked in after a voice told him to come in. "Ah, you are here already?" Mason stands up from his swivel chair to pay respect to Hamilton. "Come on, have your seat. This is your office for Christ sake." "But it is your hotel." Mason reminded him as he took his back. Hamilton also took the seat opposite Mason. "Please, my friend, I know you want to give me all the honor I deceive but please, it should be minimized. I don't want people calling that for now. The time will come when they should know who owns this place." "Okay Hamilton, I'll try my best." Mason promised. "So, where do we start?" "Umm…." Mason began shuffling the multitude of files which were on the desk as he selected a few documents and kept them separately. While he did this, Hamilton watched him with a strange look. When he could no longer bear the over seriousness of Mason, he had to ask. "Mason, what do you think you are doing?" Then Mason ceased his search and fixed his gaze at his friend as he did not get the full meaning of his question. "What do you mean?" "I asked a simple question and you suddenly became serious with your files?" "I thought you wanted to see some documents relating to the hotel?" "No. That's not what I mean. I mean where do we start in finding her?" "Oh! That has been handled. After the grand opening of the hotel this weekend, those who got the job will be called to resume work and you will get to meet her. But like I said, I'm not sure she's the one. The last name is different." "Let me see her first before we conclude. Also, I am not sure I can wait until Monday. Maybe, I should give her a call asking after where we can meet." Hamilton said. He was tired of waiting. After all these years there is finally news about his lost love so he could not bear waiting any longer. "Can I bring in my suggestion here?" Mason asked, looking very serious like he had a better idea. Hamilton nodded. "I think you should wait till Monday. This is already Thursday, just a few more days to go. I know you badly want to find her, but what if it turns out that the person you called was not the Edythe you knew. It would look embarrassing. And also, what makes you think you can give someone you're not sure of a call and she would instantly agree to see you in person?" The counsel of Mason was really a wise and good one. He was right. "In that case, what do we do so it would look like an accident and we all can go our separate ways if it doesn't turn out well?" "Exactly what I said earlier. Once she begins work, I'll lead you to her and if she's not the one, you just pass by. It's as simple as that." "You're a genius!" Hamilton was overwhelmed with that beautiful idea. "I'll just have to wait a few more days just as I've been waiting all these years. At least, I have a new friend who I could spend some time with while I wait." He did not know when those last words came out of his mouth. Seeing the joyful mood of Hamilton as he spoke of his new friend, Mason knew that there was something special in this friend which he spoke of. Hamilton had never talked about someone that way before. "This new friend must be special?" "Oh! I forgot to tell you?" "About what?"
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